Because I dont have any time left this month for impressions, I'll resort to ratings for the games I played and power through some last week impressions. If you want more detailed impressions on a game you havent played or are curious why I rated it low/high, let me know and I'll write them up.
Echo of the Wilds 10/10 - Survival game with a great art style mixed with a mysterious story and a rewarding progression. Super lovely, has a demo and I'll buy the full game later. I really need to find the time to make a video on it. Every Voting list this month that doesnt have this game on it in one form or the other means that you didnt play the game, not that it wasnt good enough to be on your list

Icarus Proudbottom Weekly Typing 10/10 - Pretty much perfect for a story focussed typing game .
BroForce 9/10 - Didnt think I'd ever like a game that is aimed at "Bros", but here I am.
LEVEL 22, Gary's Misadventures 8/10 - Neat stealth game with quite difficult secrets to find.
The Fourth Wall 8/10 - This one got me by surprise, puzzle platformer that I thought was pretty standard at first but the way they use the mechanics together with the level design is actually quite...interesting.
Regions 8/10 - Lovely puzzle game. I want this on my phone.
UFHO2 - Cute puzzle strategy game, oozes with style and charme.
Mighty Tactical Shooter 7/10 - Love the concept, but the execution is a bit lacking. Its just not very nice to play atm. Cool concept to tinker around with, though.
Life Goes On 7/10 - Like the concept, but it seems a tad expensive. Its also kind of repetetive to go through the levels a million times until you can finally clear it.
Airships 7/10 - Lots of potential, love the building part, but needs more building elements.
Orbitalis 7/10 - Works well, challenging.
Beneath the City 7/10 - Charming game, good puzzle mechanics and challenging levels. Tad simple though.
Radium 7/10 - Good action platformer working with "magnetism".
Narcissus 7/10 - Surprisingly challening concept for an endless runner.
Slip 6/10 - Ikaruga Jump&Run. I like this concept. Unfortunately, the jumping physics feel "off" and I couldnt quite bring myself to enjoy it so far. Might retry that one again though as its otherwise a pretty good game.
The Sun and Moon 6/10 - Interesting concept for a platformer and the level design makes it rather hard to navigate. The novelty effect wore off rather quickly.
Cross Code 6/10 - Actually really like this one, but as a prototype it only has like 10-15 minutes of content. If it had more levels, it would be among the best games this month for me. Works very well.
Vox 6/10 - Cute game, but still needs more content.
Lamp and Vamp 5/10 - Good Strategy game, but a copy of multiple other similar games on iOS/Android. Unpolished for a PC "release".
Another Star 5/10 - Cute RPG, but mostly collecting "loot" as currency instead of actual loot feels a bit cheap.
MuSquare 5/10 - Seems pretty standard for an collect/escape game, with some minor twists to the gameplay formula, but not all that outstanding.
RagTag 5/10 - Another roguelike, but the gameplay mechanics dont seem very well thought out atm.
Indie Action 5/10 - Not very polished.
Ronin 4/10 - Gunpoint clone and worse at everything.
No More Bullets 4/10 - Not fun to play.
Dark Deception 4/10 - 3D Pacman, didnt see much of the horror effect though, so maybe my experience wasnt what its supposed to be.
Croixleur Sigma 4/10 - Super generic.
Power Grounds 3/10 - Simple and uninteresting roguelike.
Because This Is Literally The Best We Could Come Up With: Retribution 2/10 - A powerup that shoots cheese is original, I'll give them that.
Still need to try CyberHeist with a friend of mine and Sandbox (Anyone got impressions on those?). And yeah, Echo of the Wilds is easily my favourite this month. The style is refreshingly interesting and its just really well made overall. If you havent checked out the game yet, you really, really should.