Hi guys, hopefully my following post won't be considered off-topic and annoy anyone. I just felt that I owed everyone and explanation and an apology for my recent behavior
First of all, I'd really like to apologize for all my snarky remarks, and especially this post:
I was an asshole and totally deserved whatever backlash this post got me. Some people consider me one of the "big givers" and a role model for other members. I believe that no one's contribution to the community should be measured by the quality and the quantity of the game's he's given and I can't express how sorry I am for offending people and especially new members. Personally I've given away all these games out of generosity, without wanting to elevate my status above other members. Even though I didn't mean to shit on anyone's giveaway, I can see why some folks got mad at me. The blacklist threat and my whole post were extremely silly (I didn't really block anyone). I just felt that some people were exploiting some free game promotions (mainly the PCGamer/Bundlestars one) to qualify for some generous giveaways that were running at the time (Especially Shadownet's who I consider a good friend and his giveaway was unique and amazingly generous, even though I didn't enter). In my opinion this is dishonest and insulting to both the giver and the other members and destroys any sense on trust and friendship that this community is built upon, but in the end I wasn't really in position to judge or call out anyone. Giveaways are a small part of SteamGaf and no one should fight over them.
And to further justify my recent behavior, I'd like to share something with you all, even though I don't like talking about my personal life with internet strangers. One of my best childhood friends had been battling cancer for the past year. Unfortunately he passed away recently which made me very depressed this whole time. Thought that maybe participating in a forum about one of my favorite hobbies and talking with people I like that know nothing about my personal issues would help me forget and do me good. This wasn't the case and I was a victim of frequent personal attacks that seem to be happening a lot lately on this thread. A line was crossed when one of the people who were antagonizing me created a fake account on Steam and added me to bombard me with very heavy insults and threats (I don't have any proof, but I know very well who it was). I don't know what I did to deserve such behavior towards me, but I want to believe that I didn't cause so much trouble. If the fact that I cheated a few bucks from Playfire is bothering some people so much, they are welcome to add me on Steam and politely discuss what I did and why I did it. There's no reason for them to keep bringing this up on thread and force me to defend myself each time. In a past thread, I said that I would stay out of any future playfire/GMG talk but this didn't stop them. If you don't respect me at least respect the other members that might be bothered by it
I've been having discussions with a few members from here lately (I also received a lot of PMs, I read them all, you guys are awesome

) and everyone seems to agree that SteamGAF is a funny place at the moment. Don't know what's the reason behind that, but for now I'd rather keep a low profile and mostly lurk. I will still participate in discussions but I won't be so active. Hopefully when everything gets back to normal and I am at a better emotional state I will be posting, participating (and giving away) more
That's all and sorry for the long post