Not sure if I'm alone in this but they neednto sort the voice of the small robot thing that's always around us. It is weird.

Not sure if I'm alone in this but they neednto sort the voice of the small robot thing that's always around us. It is weird.
I'm sure there will be something that happens on launch day that will inspire something marvelous.
You know this is actually a good question for everyone on this thread, which game do you think will get you as hyped or more than you were for Destiny?
In my case, it's Persona 5, in Chamber's case it's Arkham Knight. What about the rest of you DGAF?
Good advice.
During the Beta I would jump to orbit, enjoy the music, and stretch and drink water every few hours. That stuff really helps, and as a person who wears glasses it helps your eyes too.
I'm excited to see how long it takes until you can simply play this game without server issues. A month? More?
I watched the charac creatsh video and decided:
Hunter exo lady
Titan awoken lady
Warlock human breh
I would be an Exo but since I play Warlock I can't mentally make it seem right that a robot would have legit magic and not just lasers. Humans are boring and their customizations options suck so I went Awoken and made one that looks great but he can't dance to save his life.Yup. The dance alone is worth it.
Just added you. NovacaneJM
if we can learn new dances, the race war will end before it begins
The first GIF. Ahhahahahahha. So it's this guy.
It's been said on every page basically, but holy shit. Over 200 pages and this game isn't even out yet.
Am I the only one not worried about this? I feel like Activision and Bungie have enough experience launching mega popular online shooters. I expect any server issues to be sorted pretty quickly.
It's weird how I'm not playing anything on my 360, yet I have the Destiny Beta open just to listen to the start screen music.
I may have a problem.
Just letting you know right now, I'm incredibly weird.
Another /r/DestinyTheGame post: Don't let the Darkness win, make sure to take breaks and stay active!
found this post after i just moved a sofa in front of my TV and bought a bucket of junk. >.>
I know exaxtly what you mean. Ever since someone told me that an Exo Warlock is basically General Grevious from Star Wars I've wanted to change to an Awoken, but there's no way in hell I'm sacrificing that badass robot dance.I would be an Exo but since I play Warlock I can't mentally make it seem right that a robot would have legit magic and not just lasers. Humans are boring and their customizations options suck so I went Awoken and made one that looks great but he can't dance to save his life.
Yeah. PSN is going to burn.
God help us all.
Added you, and thanks for adding me Kane![]()
For those of you getting this on PS4
PSN: Tstrider
My PSN is SeventhRecon , by the way. Will be playing on PS3, eventually PS4.
If you lack on PVE companions PS4: coilerdh
Omg where's that eyepatch one from
I would be an Exo but since I play Warlock I can't mentally make it seem right that a robot would have legit magic and not just lasers. Humans are boring and their customizations options suck so I went Awoken and made one that looks great but he can't dance to save his life.
You people are crazy, I leave for 1h 30m and there's 8 pages!![]()
Yeah. PSN is going to burn.
God help us all.
As far as drinks go I have a couple 12 packs of Dr. pepper ready to go.
See I would be doing the same thing, but I found a rip of it online, so I don't have to now.
I'm glad I won't get home until about 9:30 that night. The PSN issues from the PS4 launch were mostly sorted by the time I get home so I hope that this will have stabilized a bit by then. I feel bad for anyone who took Tuesday off though, they probably should have at least gone for Wednesday.
Can't stop the hype!
slowly but surely.
Is there private Matchmaking for Destiny? I hope so, because if not, there will be no Clanwars or competetive scene![]()
Is there private Matchmaking for Destiny? I hope so, because if not, there will be no Clanwars or competetive scene![]()
I'm trying to remain optimistic, but I'm more worried about PSN than Bungie's servers.
I thought Destiny was running off of Bungie and/or Activision's servers mostly?
Gunslinger wins out. There is an upgrade that lets you have two throwing knives. There is also a helmet that lets you have four golden gun rounds.
2 + 4 = Gunslinger is the only way to go.
After focusing on Titan and dabbling with Warlock in the beta, I was sure I'd go Warlock as primary. Now after seeing all these Titan gifs, I just don't know anymore!
The first GIF. Ahhahahahahha. So it's this guy.
Never watched game of thrones in me life. Is this how he usually speaks or is it just for thr game?