DLC incoming. You bet it.#WhensBaiken
I'll take that Ramenthal and Elphelt though.
DLC incoming. You bet it.#WhensBaiken
I'll take that Ramenthal and Elphelt though.
Ray just did one of the sickest combos I've ever seen.
DLC incoming. You bet it.
Does his ghost super have any uses?
I don't think I've seen a single Bedman use it so far.
BTW, here's my daughter Cecilia Jade, born September 9th. She keeps bugging me about getting the full version of Smash right away but doesn't yet understand the concept of international release dates.
RIP singaporn
So what I gathered from Smash impressions:
Combo possibilities increased. Really interested to see what sort of madness can happen in a 2 v 2 matchup.
Speed is faster than brawler but slower than melee.
Less floaty.
Netcode is really good. Namco on a roll with this.
Looks gorgeous on 3DS. Though, I can't tell that from watching streams/videos.
Game shaping up real nice. Hoping the balance is really good and it has a healthy competitive scene until the next Smash game.
So many new characters too that I want to experiment with.
arent most of the "combos" escapable tho?
If I wasn't fucked up I would have hit you up on this. Blehhhh. Oh well xDYo i have a yatagarasu beta key if anyone wants it. pm me
Dead or Alive is a male stimulator simulator.
Dead or Alive is a male stimulator simulator.
Because Big E really stands for big erection and he is the biggest supporter of DOA.
ghost super is kind of gimped at the moment ;/
if bedman takes a hit it goes away AND it has a hitbox AND it is super slow
that said i have seen tsubu and Lox use it sometimes with ....unreliable success? its just too much tension on a gamble tho. I can see it having uses against lame chars like axl maybe if they are fullscreen. Its definitely something that may be worth labbing in the future but I personally would just rather save my meter for deja vu YRC mixups (the reason u play the character), making mistakes safe or dead angling.
One setup for it that I saw that was interesting was activating after a hard knockdown ending combo with a Task B icon set. do a string that is maximum length that uses the deja vu B twice in a string and it takes up a good bit of time allowing the fog to get KIND OF close....but idk something u need to experiment with for sure
All i can say is I will stick to gaming threads and keep my opinions to myself. I think its kind of pointless to have a forum where people aren't allowed to have opinions but :/ gaf gonna gaf
Dead or Alive is a male stimulator simulator.
Dead or Alive is a male stimulator simulator.
Because Big E really stands for big erection and he is the biggest supporter of DOA.
TTT2 Sugamo Cup live now.
Also the event is supposed to have Harada share more Tekken 7 details (could just be concept art or more exciting things). Don't know exact time of when that will be, though.
This Chipp.
I just happened to find a Bedman vs Ramlethal ArcRevo match here. Bedman seems to have some good pressure with that deja vu move (the shadow clone things?). I haven't played the game of course but just from watching videos it seems like whoever locks down the other person first wins since it seems that both characters rely a lot on setting up their specials.
That's unfortunate that the ghost super seems to be situational. Wouldn't his clock super act as a reversal though? It looks like the kind of move that would have some invincibility.
Because Big E really stands for big erection and he is the biggest supporter of DOA.
I am still skeptical about the netcode. Remember when Vanilla Marvel launched? Mark and Sp00ky said the netcode was great, and that it felt like offline play. Folks don't know lag until they are familiar with lagless play. It is just too early to judge, I say.So what I gathered from Smash impressions:
Combo possibilities increased. Really interested to see what sort of madness can happen in a 2 v 2 matchup.
Speed is faster than brawler but slower than melee.
Less floaty.
Netcode is really good. Namco on a roll with this.
Looks gorgeous on 3DS. Though, I can't tell that from watching streams/videos.
Game shaping up real nice. Hoping the balance is really good and it has a healthy competitive scene until the next Smash game.
So many new characters too that I want to experiment with.
I am still skeptical about the netcode. Remember when Vanilla Marvel launched? Mark and Sp00ky said the netcode was great, and that it felt like offline play. Folks don't know lag until they are familiar with lagless play. It is just too early to judge, I say.
That's also true. We'll still have to wait and see, I suppose. Plus, 3DS version's netcode doesn't apply to Wii U version (I would assume).
At the very least, the game should be playable online unlike the previous Brawl entry.
Brawl had online?