What is this crap?
I don't care what you guys say about Kane, GGG is a damn good guy. He's taking part in a program raising awareness about domestic violence.
Yeah but they knew how to book stuff better.Attitude era had just as much, if not more, stupidity as anything done today.
There is a lot to be ho-hum about in pro wrestling right now. The excitement I once felt for it just isn't there anymore because of how milketoast the WWE has become. Yeah, there are some great indy promotions and other things to watch, but the WWE is like the NHL, MLB, NBA etc. It should have the cream of the crop in regards to entertainment, but they can barely muster a storyline that grabs my attention.
It speaks volumes when their best moments, such as Bryan winning the title or Orton getting cut open during his face turn, are the results of total flukes.
lol finkel
Uguuuuu. Updated Flash and immediately got crushed with malware and shit. God damn it.
Yeah but they knew how to book stuff better.
I think most of that stems from the CEO wanting his company to be an entertainment company rather than a sports company.
Vince wants to make movies, TV shows, and produce other media content rather than the product he helped grow.
His wife's political career and other issues(Benoit, Eddie, steroids, blading eliminated due to aids/hep c concerns) all put a damper on the popularti of the industry and the network crippled their PPV business. With that change came a dependence on their stars from the past and right now the relationship the company has with cena is leading to the product being booring. Hogan went heel with the WCW because people were booing him, his contract with turner was so expensive, and his acting career was dead with Thunder in Paradise. Cena doesn't have that right now. He markets himself to the main fanbase the WWE has been targeting for years now and now that the adult audience ran off to the NFL and UFC they have to depend on families and younger views. The company is dependent on him so much that they don't want to develop their younger guys more.
What in the fuck my PC is HAMMERED with shit. Fucking Adobe. What in the fuck
Well the Lion's den match b/w Owen and Shamrock was actually pretty enjoyable.
May it never be used again
how'd you feel about Oddities/Kaientai tho
The only thing Flash tries to tie in is Norton and I always uncheck it. I haven't had a problem with spy/malware in like 10 years. But updating Flash REKT my shit.
i honestly just skipped ahead
HHH/Rock makes me sad at how the IC title is treated these days
why is this one so funny to me god damn
WhyRyback k had a good 3 weeks
Ryback k had a good 3 weeks
i'm fucking dying
You know what's good? WM2000
I can't wait til Zach sees it.