DeadGzuz said:
Wow, I was way off, lol.
.368m/8m ~ 4.60%
.599/23.5m ~ 2.55%
When you put it that way, it doesn't seem nearly as murderous, but still... stuff like this makes me
inFamous was amazing. The story was exactly what I would have wanted (granted, not everyone would like the comic book style understandably), the gameplay was sweet, and was just constant fun.
Prototype looked visually lousy, and felt more repetitive than inFamous (or at the very least, felt more bland as you played it more and more).
Attach rates really do say something. Even if Prototype was X360 exclusive, it still would have sold more than inFamous did on the PS3. Sure, if you calculate the percentage of console owners that brought whatever game, inFamous would top Prototype, but most people won't see it that way.