Umm yeah not many out there.
Attack of the Fanboy 8/10
Gamekult 8/10
Playstation Universe 8/10
3DJuegos 7.5
IGN 8.0
Attack of the Fanboy 8/10 just about any remaster or re-release you have to ask yourself if this game needed to be remade. Dishonored didn’t feel like a game that was held back by old hardware. The unique art style made up for any shortcomings in resolution. That said, Dishonored on the PlayStation 4 looks a lot sharper than its predecessor. And for anyone that doesn’t have a gaming PC, Dishonored: Definitive Edition is the best way to experience it. Visuals are notably cleaner in this version of the game, but it doesn’t necessarily feel like it’s pressing the new hardware to its absolute limits. The significant changes in Dishonored: Definitive Edition really feel like they amount to a bump in resolution and that’s about it. Like the graphics, the gameplay in Dishonored wasn’t lacking and the Definitive version isn’t either. Frame rates look like they’re locked in at 30 fps for the console re-release, so there’s not a significant jump there either. But there are a couple of little things about the game that has changed on the PS4 version. Like the use of the Dualshock 4 to whisper sweet nothings out of the controller’s speaker when using an item in the game.
Gamekult 8/10
Playstation Universe 8/10, apart from packaging everything up in a nice bow it offers nothing but a graphical touch up. It’s a port rather than a remaster and sadly that means it doesn’t run any better than it did before (still 30fps if you care for such things). Then there are the loading times, oh my, the loading times are aggravating. At times they seem longer than before and in any case they are always far too long for what the game is. The other gripe is a less problematic one in my case (though I’ve heard other have it worse) in that there have been minor glitches and a couple of occasions where screen-tearing occurred, but they seemed like inconsequential isolated incidents in terms of the overall playtime, but that may change from user-to-user so pay heed. So basically if you own all this on previous gen consoles or PC then forget about grabbing this for now unless you absolutely must have a current generation compendium of it or your old copy gets murdered or something. It doesn’t stop it being a fantastic game, but the lack of improvements where it could have so easily been improved make this less than essential for all but the newcomers and the die-hards.
3DJuegos 7.5
IGN 8.0
Dishonored was a little behind the curve on lighting, lip syncing, some of its texture work and a few other bits and pieces in 2012 and this release does nothing to rectify any of that. Nor does it deliver 60 frames per second gameplay, which is a huge missed opportunity. The Definitive Edition’s load times are also a lot longer than on last gen console and PC. art
+Open gameplay
+Distinct world
– Load times
– No new improvements