That's modded. The "medic" attachment say's "do not use" in the game....Not mine, posted somewhere else, but lol.
That's modded. The "medic" attachment say's "do not use" in the game....Not mine, posted somewhere else, but lol.
Can you complete the Questline ofAND theThe Railroadin one playthrough?Brotherhood of Steel
Piper really doesn't like it.
The alien blaster in this game is pretty underwhelming. It does less damage than one of my upgraded laser pistols. And the blaster itself has no damage upgrades. So.... what's the point?
Can you complete the Questline ofAND theThe Railroadin one playthrough?Brotherhood of Steel
The alien blaster in this game is pretty underwhelming. It does less damage than one of my upgraded laser pistols. And the blaster itself has no damage upgrades. So.... what's the point?
Yeah, I didn't kill him either. I'm on the way to raid the chem plant currently, once I have unencumbered myself.Piper really doesn't like it.
#dead.Deacon didn't give a fuck.
Fuck you Paul, you want money and you didn't do shit, get rekt.
Apart from leaving his son with a cheating alcoholic mother as a solo parent?
Probably not.
Piper really doesn't like it.
Deacon didn't give a fuck.
Fuck you Paul, you want money and you didn't do shit, get rekt.
Valentine didn't seem to give a fuck.Is it smart to take a companion on the glowing sea mission?
Is it smart to take a companion on the glowing sea mission?
I sent my Professor Goodfeels to the Hestors Consumer Robotics for servicing via the terminal. Are you sure he isn't just waiting in this area?
Yeah, I didn't kill him either. I'm on the way to raid the chem plant currently, once I have unencumbered myself.
Jesus, spent the last ~10 hours, 5.000 caps and four skill points to get those shops for the settlements because someone here said those have some of the best weapons in the game. Now it's only random shit weapons you can find everywhere and not even one legendary weapon or armor piece.
This whole settlement/sims shit is so pointless. They should have spent the time and money on better sidequests and locations.
Jesus, spent the last ~10 hours, 5.000 caps and four skill points to get those shops for the settlements because someone here said those have some of the best weapons in the game. Now it's only random shit weapons you can find everywhere and not even one legendary weapon or armor piece.
This whole settlement/sims shit is so pointless. They should have spent the time and money on better sidequests and locations.
Well I don't have that option on the terminal. He might be there..but how do we get them back? I don't have the option to send him via terminal for repoairs.
Damn. I'd have killed her too, cheating slutThe wife confronted me in Diamond city.
Have you seen Paul.
He's been missing and I have no idea where he is.
Paul's dead.
Whaaaaaat, how did he die.
That doesn't matter.
Great stuff.
I can't remember that the options where... the first one was "Just Be", the second was to change the robots personality, I selected the third and a message flashed up in the top-left that he was sent to Hestors for repairs. Goodfeels just up and left.
I haven't gone looking for him yet there so I can't confirm. (small npc spoilers)
You need special NPCs for your shop so you can get the rare items.
they are all secretly super mutants dont worry
In a Bethesda game? Yes. At least do a hard save every hour. I go overboard, usually doing one before entering buildings/starting new missions.
Wowww I can't believe how much better my old ass PC (2500k and 7850HD) runs this than my PS4. So much so that I restarted 13 hours in.
Looks a bit better and runs MUCH better at a mix of Med/High. Steady 60 indoors is unbelievable coming from the shitshow I was seeing in dungeons specifically.
Wasn't planning on bothering with the PC version but now I'm loving it.
Edit: also, loads/saves/Pip Boy are near instant, cheating tho, coming off SSD
its an easter egg. the "whats the point" question is popping alot in regards to the game and it honestly makes me a little sad. War might never change but videogame players sure did :/
Wowww I can't believe how much better my old ass PC (2500k and 7850HD) runs this than my PS4. So much so that I restarted 13 hours in.
Looks a bit better and runs MUCH better at a mix of Med/High. Steady 60 indoors is unbelievable coming from the shitshow I was seeing in dungeons specifically.
Wasn't planning on bothering with the PC version but now I'm loving it.
Edit: also, loads/saves/Pip Boy are near instant, cheating tho, coming off SSD
I did wonder why Piper didn't react at all after been dosed with massive amounts of radiation.....synth confirmed![]()
You get some mods on it?
I really like that they added a mod that has the pipboy light cast shadows on stuff.
Also the sweetfx tweaks you can do seriously make the game look more awesome.
I did wonder why Piper didn't react at all after been dosed with massive amounts of radiation.....synth confirmed![]()
I like living on the edge.....don't you guys find confusing having so many saves? Anyway i should listen to you and every hour.
All I did so far was mess with settings, get mods set up and get a few small UI fixes. Wary to mess with graphics at all because I'd much rather have the FPS. Didn't have a ton of time though, I'll probably do a bit more.
wtf? I can't wrap my head around this. Why would you assume that you get that gear without actual verifying first with someone?
Stop blaming the game for your mistakes. It's an optional part of the game and you're mad because you dumped time into it? lol
Jesus, spent the last ~10 hours, 5.000 caps and four skill points to get those shops for the settlements because someone here said those have some of the best weapons in the game. Now it's only random shit weapons you can find everywhere and not even one legendary weapon or armor piece.
This whole settlement/sims shit is so pointless. They should have spent the time and money on better sidequests and locations.
Highlight a settler in Workshop mode and hit the button for Supply Line and connect the settlements. It'll rename that Settler into Provisioner and it gives them a Brahmin.
You won't see the same items in the Workshop benches but mats WILL be shared (across connected Settlements) when building.
Man that drug deal quest is totally bugged out with all the possible repercussions. The guy you're robbing wants me to pay him 2k caps and shows up as a misc quest. But then the dad of the rich kid also wants you to kill that same guy if you lie and tell him he was the one responsible for his death. So I went and killed him, but I still have the "pay 2k caps" in my log and will until the end of time.
Wow! I actually put the vault tec guy in my general store too. Haven't found any of the others. I'll have to upgrade his shop to the highest tier though. (small npc spoilers)
You need special NPCs for your shop so you can get the rare items.
They should be there, checkare the magazine racks, bobblehead cases etc available from the start to build or are they special mag recipes?
are the magazine racks, bobblehead cases etc available from the start to build or are they special mag recipes?
Perception Bobblehead is tied to the very first mission where you meet the minutmen.Working on bobbleheads, avoiding story/faction quests for now, if I head into bunker hill will I get thrown into a story/faction quest earlier than I'm suppose too.
Going after the Charisma Bobblehead, didnt expect it would be such a chore. Found the place but I can't get in, apparently I need to go to bunkerhill? But then I see there's some story crap there. Ugh.
Bobblehead stand is there in the menu, can't for the life of me find the magazine racks tho.
I think I may have hit the point where the game loses me. I'm (guessing) pretty far in to the point where I have to build. I already hated the building portion of the game, but now being forced to do so to progress, with several components that I don't have and don't want to have to hunt for, no thanks. :/the teleporter and a bunch of other crap with it to make it all work
thats halfway and you just need to do it for that one quet, if that makes you not want to play the game...well ok then