I think I know what you mean but I would have said the opposite - GTA V rarely reuses any assets so no two areas - hell, no two buildings - look exactly alike. To me that makes it feel like everything is more natural, as opposed to being hand-placed. IYSWIM.
Cool, yeah we're saying exactly the same thing in that case.You're not in disagreement with me
In fact we're saying the exact same thing.
I said "Hand-placed" not as in "artificial".
I said "Hand placed" as in, the map wasn't built with an editor and copy-paste of the same few models, arranged in slightly different ways (which is what most games do).
There was no automation in the process of building GTAV's world, or at least it isn't apparent anywhere.
Every square inch of the map was modeled individually, no two spots look the same, or even alike. The game never breaks the immersion by giving away it was made with tools.
This sets GTAV apart from any other open world.
it's true, as others have said, that there's not a lot that can be done with the map.
But the feeling of being there, developing a sense of directions thanks to every place being recognisable, every area having a distinctive feel, the world feeling so organic and natural is by far the best thing about GTAV IMHO.
Pretty simple question I think. What game's map size do you feel is the perfect size and provides a great amount of content within that map for people to experience? Basically if you were going to introduce someone to an open world game for the first time, what do you feel is a perfect example to show them?
inFamous series. Maybe it's because of how the mechanics mesh with the open world, but there's a lot to explore and mess around in without ever feeling like "oh, I have to go all the way over THERE?"
I like you.
I never played the older games, but this reminded me that I loved exploring the world of Might & Magic X. I can easily believe that in its heyday, Might & Magic featured some of the best open worlds out there.
Goddamn you making me have to play this
GTA5 comes to mind. They're the kings of open world games that feel alive. The amount of things to discover and details in this game are insane.