Dark Arisen is indisputably in Dark Souls' thrall. But this tribute is both thoughtful and creative, building upon Miyazaki's work with some individuality rather than merely mimicking its - arguably unrepeatable - wonders. Dragon's Dogma is yet to find its true identity, but this expansion is evidence of one of Capcom's more capable remaining internal teams - as well as of a series that clearly has long-term ambitions which seem likely to blossom in time.
-Simon Parkin, Eurogamer
You might have heard Dragon's Dogma compared to Shadow of the Colossus, the The Elder Scrolls series, the Monster Hunter games, or even Dark Souls. But while this open-world role-playing adventure has some superficial similarities to these games and others, it can't really be described through such comparisons. Dragon's Dogma is stubborn and defiant, wonderful and infuriating in the way it does its own thing without regard for whether or not it was the right thing to do. That defiant attitude will have you cursing the game and rolling your eyes at the frustrations, yet you will be enchanted. When a game plays by a set of rules this unique, there is always a surprise lurking around the bend, or ready to strike from above.
-Kevin VanOrd, Gamespot
Capcom conjured up great expectations on Dragon's Dogma, getting the expertise of staff members who worked on the company's more successful franchises such as Resident Evil and Devil May Cry, and the result has gone a long way towards realising those expectations. An excellent battle system featuring some thrilling boss fights and varied quests that encourage exploration help provide a great foundation to a very enjoyable experience with widespread appeal. While it's not all perfect on the first try, Dragon's Dogma gets enough right to make it a very welcome addition to the genre.
The player takes on the role of the Arisen, a fully customisable character whose heart was literally stolen when a dragon attacked a coastal village in the Duchy of Gransys. Miraculously surviving this organ theft, the Arisen is challenged by the dragon to retrieve the missing heart. It quickly becomes apparent that this is a cycle oft repeated in this world, as many former Arisen populate Gransys. Even the tutorial character is one of the main character's predecessors.
The Arisen is accompanied in his journey by the pawns; otherworldly, unaging beings from the Rift whose sole purpose is to assist the Arisen. Pawns are one of the game's highlights, working as additional party members, keeping the player informed of good tactics for the current battle, and providing helpful advice for the quests the Arisen is on. Where the solo and quiet travelling in other open-world games can sometimes make for a lonely experience, Dragon's Dogma's pawns help bring a more friendly and accessible atmosphere to the adventure. As quests become more protracted towards the end of the game, the pawns' limited vocabulary does start to wear thin. However, their teamwork in battles, helpfulness for quests, and the enjoyable sensation of travelling with comrades easily outweighs any repetition.
-Alex Fuller, RPG Gamer
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- http://blog.metaclassofnil.com/?page_id=582
- Select Edit Settings - Configure SMAA, DOF, and/or Downsampling from here
- From Edit Settings, select profile, choose DDA
- Add 'enablePostprocessing true' and 'addProcessingPass deband.fx' lines to the DDA profile (Don't include the apostrophe symbol)
- Select Edit Keybinds - Configure toggle hud, take hudless screenshot, toggle settings, etc
HBAO+ (causes some issues, use ENB AO instead)
- Nvidia Inspector
- Next to driver version, select the ‘Profile Settings’ button
- Select create new profile button, find Dragon’s Dogma executable
- Select ‘Ambient Occlusion compatibility’ insert code: 0x00000013
- Set ‘Ambient Occlusion Setting’ to Quality
- Set ‘Ambient Occlusion Usage’ to Enabled
- HBAO+ breaks in-game AA
- Set ‘Antialiasing - Mode’ to Override any application setting
- Set ‘Antialiasing - Setting to Application-controlled/Off
- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling’ to Disabled
- Set ‘Toggle FXAA’ to On

Beginner's FAQ:
Thanks to Morrigan Stark for writing this guide!
Disclaimer: unless otherwise noted, these tips were written with the console versions of the game in mind. It not impossible (but unlikely) that changes to the PC version make some of this information obsolete.
Q: Which vocation is the best? Should I stick with one, or experiment with many?
A: Both your Arisen and main Pawn are encouraged to experiment with all the available Vocations. Each Vocation has useful passive abilities that can be used by other Vocations, and experimenting with them will allow you to find those more suited to your preferred playstyle. Note: you can only change vocation at the Inn in the city of Grand Soren, which is accessed relatively early in the game.
Q: What about min-maxing stats? Is it true that the current vocation affects stat growth?
A: It is technically true, but min-maxing is really, really not worth it. The gains to your damage boost are minimal compared to what you gain by gear improvement, the methods for min-maxing are frustrating and obtuse, and it is far more fun to simply not worry about it and freely experiment with all the Vocations instead.
Q: What's this I hear about a mandatory Romance system?
A: Unfortunately it is true. The game has a partially hidden and frustrating Romance system called "Affinity", which you cannot opt out of (meaning that your Arisen will have a forced love interest and [mild vague spoilers]
the NPC with the highest Affinity will become your "Beloved", regardless of NPC age or gender, resulting in a potentially anticlimatic and goofy cut scene later in the main story
Q: Is there any way to check an NPC's Affinity, or guarantee Maximum Affinity towards an NPC? I don't want my Arisen to get all lovey-dovey with an underage girl or that ugly old man!
A: Fortunately, yes. [Mild spoilers]
A late-game item called the "Arisen's Bond", when gifted to any NPC, will max out their Affinity. So long as you don't max out Affinity with anyone else after that, the NPC who received the Bond will be your Arisen's official love interest.
Q: Do I really need to do all those Escort notice board side-quests?
A: No. Only do them if you really care about the offered reward (they're usually crap), want to increase your Affinity with the NPC you escort, or just feel like it. Note that some early Escort missions will take you to places on the world map you might be underpowered or underprepared for, so watch out.
Q: Can NPCs die permanently?
A: No, they automatically respawn after seven in-game days. However, if they die during an Escort Quest, the quest cannot be retaken even if the NPC will eventually respawn.
Q: What is the point of no-return for NG+?
A: Keeping this free of story spoilers, but tagged just in case since this is related to end-game:
As soon as you turn in the 20 Wakestones the main story quest requires (you'll know the one right away), you will be past the point of no return.
Q: What is Hard Mode?
A: Hard Mode doubles damage dealt to the Arisen (not Pawns) by the enemy, and doubles the stamina required for special attacks. It also doubles the gold, XP and Rift Crystals you gain, so while the early game will be far more difficult, those bonus rewards can be spent on good gear earlier than on Normal and eventually even out somewhat. Hard Mode is more tedious than really hard; it is up to you to decide if it's worth it. Finishing a late game story quest after having played in Hard Mode since the beginning will give you the rare Abyssinal Outfit. For more information about Hard Mode, check this Wikia page.
Q: Why are my pawn(s)'s AI so dumb?
A: They probably have an ill-fitting inclination for their Vocation (see below).
Q: What are Pawn inclinations? Which are the best inclinations and how do I change them?
A: Inclinations influence Pawn AI. Their initial inclinations are determined by the short questionnaire during Pawn creation (but they can be changed later via different mechanics, some of which are direct, some of which are frustratingly indirect and even unintentional). Inclinations are very important to Pawn effectiveness, and the best inclinations can vary depending on the Pawn Vocation, but explaining all the details is outside the scope of this FAQ. Visit these Wikia pages for more information. However, all new players should know that the Guardian inclination is to be avoided no matter the Vocation; it is the least effective, but sadly, the most common.
Q: What is the recommended level to tackle Bitterblack Isle?
A: Though it is available right at the beginning, BBI (originally an expansion) actually features late-game content with the highest difficulty of the whole game. New players should wait until they are very near the end of the game. Level matters less than gear, but 50-70 seems to be a bare minimum for new players. 80+ is probably preferable.
Q: Can I alter my Arisen or main Pawn's appearance in-game?
A: Yes! You can eventually do a complete overhaul (like gender change), even.
Other Tips for Beginners:
- Rest at the Inn often. It has a number of benefits beyond just healing your party, such as updating your Pawn's knowledge base if it has been "rented" by other players.
- Carry a lantern with oil at all times. You never know when you'll need it. Give lanterns to your pawns as well.
- Water extinguishes equipped lantern. You can turn it back on in the menu, or use a hotkey (recommended).
- Food consumables and flower items are time sensitive. Unused food curatives eventually become ripe or sour, which actually boost your HP or Stamina gains (yes, moldy carrots are better than fresh carrots -- don't ask). But if you wait too long, they become Rotten (or Wilted for flowers), and poisonous to consume. Some rotted foods can be scavenged for things like oil; the rest should be discarded. Note: items do not degrade while in storage.
- Time-sensitive items can be carried in Airtight Flasks to prevent them from degrading and keeping them in a permanently fresh state.
- Body size matters (somewhat)! The larger your Arisen or Pawn, the more they can carry, but also, the more Stamina they consume.
- There is an inventory/carry limit. Your movement slows down the more you carry. That's OK though, your Pawns can carry most of the junk. The Acquisitor inclination can help with that.
- Avoid using the "Come!" and "Help me!" Pawn commands unless you know what you are doing. These commands can alter your Pawn's inclinations to undesirable effects.
- Keep all monster parts/drops; they can be used for crafting and gear upgrades.
- Most items can be duplicated in-game (for gold, price varies per item), even rare crafting items, at the Black Cat shop in Gran Soren. Some items can be perfectly duplicated; others will be explicitly marked as forgeries.
- Items duplicated at the Black Cat can be a useful alternative over farming a monster for an annoying drop if you have at least one copy of the item, or to turn in a quest item. Note, however, that forgeries can be turned in for quests, but possibly with unexpected side-effects.
- Goblins are weak to ice and fire both.
- Wolves hunt in packs!
Capcom FAQ
Q) Will I be able to manually remap buttons when using a gamepad?
A) Yes and No. For XInput-compatible controllers (it'll display as Xbox 360 controller in-game), there are six presets you can choose from. For DirectInput-based controllers such as DualShock 4 gamepad, you can manually reassign individual buttons as you see fit.
Q) Will there be a preload? What time exactly is the game launching
A) Pre-load is scheduled to begin later in the evening on Friday, Jan. 8th PST. Game will launch and unlock worldwide on Jan. 15th (Fri) at 9:00AM PST.
Q) How do I access the Bitterblack Isle ("BBI") expansion content?
A) You must complete the early quest at the Encampment, create your main pawn, and then return to Cassardis at night time. Follow the purple marker on the mini-map to the dock area and talk to Olra. Be warned that BBI is considered post-game content. Players are advised to beat the main story before visiting BBI.
Q) How many hairstyles are available in the PC version?
A) There are 62 total. PC version includes all previously released hairstyles, including the DLC add-on that was released on the console. There are also 42 facial hair styles to choose from.
Q) Will the game run on my laptop?
A) While the game does not officially support laptops, the game should run well on modern laptop systems equipped with a dedicated graphics chip. We’ve played DDDA on late model laptops such as the Alienware 14/15/17 which came equipped with GTX 960M, 970M, and 980M, and they appear to run well at 1080p/60fps (960M may require some adjustment to LOD/draw distance settings to achieve a solid 60fps). wbacon has briefly played DDDA on a 3.5 years old ASUS Ultrabook laptop with a Core i7 + GT 650M chip where ‘Medium’ settings seems to be the sweet spot for running the game at 1080p with a reasonably stable 30fps (or 720p/60 with ‘Low’ settings). Laptops without a dedicated graphics chip will have to further pare down graphics and resolution settings to get the game to run at a playable frame rate. Anecdotally speaking, the game seems to run okay on the aforementioned ASUS laptop when forced to run on Intel HD3000(correction - rechecking the CPU specs, the integrated GPU was actually an HD4000 series processor) Integrated Graphics at 720p, 30fps cap, and all other graphics settings set to low. Compatibility and performance will vary depending on other factors so there’s no guarantee; at the end of the day, you’re on your own when it comes to laptops. Capcom does not warrant nor officially provide technical support for PCs that doesn’t meet the official system requirement. If you’re still unsure, search the forums or ask other forum members who may have already tried the game on a similarly spec’d laptop.
Q) Does the game still have letterboxing?
A) PC version now features full screen rendering without letterboxing on standard 16:9 aspect ratio widescreen monitors. 21:9 ultra widescreen monitors are not supported natively due to fixed UI elements.
Q) Is the Eternal Ferrystone and bonus items/gears available in the PC version?
A) Yes! Bonus Items immediately accessible are: Swordman’s Ring, Daggerist’s Ring, Staff-Bearer’s Ring, The Lion’s Spine, Robe of Enlightenment, Wavering Cloth, Vagabond Armor, Tiara of Enlightenment, Ruminator’s Monocle, Jester’s Cap, and Fiend-luring Incense. Completing the first escort quest and reaching Gran Soren will unlock the following: Eternal Ferrystone, Set of Fop’s Trek Wear, Voldoan Armor, Priest Vestments, Lady’s Trek Wear, Queen’s Clothing, and Nun Vestments.
Q) What languages are supported in-game? Any plans to implement additional localization? What about voiceover?
A) The game supports English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Japanese text as they were originally available on the console version. There are currently no plans to add other languages. The game includes English voiceover. Japanese VO unfortunately is not supported due to licensing restrictions.
Q) What’s the maximum frame rate supported by the game?
A) Dragon’s Dogma currently supports up to 150 frames per second, which means the game can take full advantage of 144Hz monitors provided you have a capable PC. Please note an upper limit has been imposed at 150 fps in order to avoid any potential game-breaking issues. (e.g., physics interaction and rendering error)
Q) What is the maximum resolution supported?
A) The game supports arbitrary resolutions exposed through Windows. We’ve only tested up to 4K (3,840 x 2,160) resolution, but the game theoretically should work beyond that provided you have a capable graphics card and monitor that supports it.
Q) Can I use my saves from Xbox 360 or PS3?
A) No. Saves are not directly compatible with the PC version.
Q) Does the game support modding? Any plans to integrate with Steam Workshop?
A) Dragon’s Dogma does not officially provide mod functionality nor tools to enable community mods. This is primarily due to limitations on the proprietary MT Framework engine and MTF development tools used to create the game. Unfortunately, tools only exist as a full-on development suite, contains licensed middleware solutions, fonts, and assets that cannot be sub-licensed, and therefore commissioned for internal use only.
Q) What’s Capcom’s stance on fan-made mods?
A) We won’t stop modders from tinkering around with the Steamworks edition of the game. The act of modding Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen and use of modded content is not officially warranted or supported by Capcom. Play at your own risk.
Q) What DLCs are included? Are there any plans for future DLCs?
A) Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen for Steam is the complete package. There is no additional content to purchase beyond the base game! All previously released DLCs on the console, including pre-order exclusives and bonus content, are all baked into the game.
Q) Does the game feature Rift Crystal microtransaction like the console versions?
A) No. Microtransaction model has been removed completely for the PC version. Players can earn Rift Crystals through normal gameplay via loot drops, quest completion, and online Pawn rentals.
Q) Does the game include fast travel?
A) Yes! The fast travel system has been revamped and became a lot more accessible with the release of Dark Arisen expansion content. Several Port Crystals (these are your jump portals) can be found throughout the adventure and placed anywhere on the world map as you see fit. In addition, price of the Ferrystone are has been reduced significantly from 20,000 to 2,000 gold pieces. Even better, we are now including the unlimited-use Eternal Ferrystone which can be unlocked after completing the quest “Off with its Head.” The item can be found in the Storage which can be accessed from the Gran Soren Union Inn.
Q) Does the game include the Berserk armor and weapon set?
A) Unfortunately, the Berserk gear is not included in the game due to licensing restrictions.
Q) What controllers are supported natively? Will my gamepad work?
A) Dragon’s Dogma supports both XInput and DirectInput-based controllers. This means popular gamepads such as the Xbox 360, Xbox One, Steam Controller, and PlayStation DualShock 4 controllers will work right out of the box. No XInput remapper app required.
Q) Are there any regional content differences?
A) No. There is only one version of the game. Whether you buy physical or digital, the game will be identical worldwide.
Q) Can you bring back “Into Free –Dangan–” theme song from the original Dragon’s Dogma?
A) The song was only licensed for the original Dragon’s Dogma on Xbox 360 and PS3 back in 2012. You can still become the Dangan by purchasing the album or single through official channels such as iTunes[itunes.apple.com].
Q) How do I access Hard Mode?
A) Hard Mode is now unlocked by default and can be accessed from the main menu.
Q) While pawns have endearing personality and are great to have them around in my adventures, they’re a bit talkative. Any way to shut them up?
A) PC version adds a new option that completely silences the Pawns. They will only speak when talked to. To enable this feature, simply go to Options -> Gameplay and set “Pawn Chatter” to OFF.
Q) What Steamworks features are supported?
A) Dragon’s Dogma supports Steam Achievements (59 total), Steam Cloud save, Steam Controller, Steam Big Picture Mode, and of course, Trading Cards!
Q) Does the game support more than one save slot?
A) No. The pawn trading system and interaction with the Rift server was designed around a single save and player profile. While hot-swapping save file outside of the game is technically possible, this will cause synchronization issues with the pawn you have uploaded to the Rift or shared out to friends and other community members.
Q) Will the game work on 32bit operating systems?
A) Yes. The game has also been tested against Windows 7 32-bit edition.
Q) What's this item hot-key I keep hearing about?
A) The PC version allows you to bind commonly used items such as health/stamina recovery and lantern on/off toggle to NUM keys 1 ~ 5. Simply highlight the target item in the Inventory Menu and press the desired key you want to bind.
Special Thanks to Morrigan Stark, Dr Dogg, and Alo81 for the Beginner FAQ, the font in the banner images, and graphical effects, respectively.