Protesters against Donald Trump chase a man leaving a Trump campaign rally in California. Photo: AP
Well, given the EU's virulent dislike of democratic opinion when it runs counter to the EU project, I can quite understand why it'd influence the Remainers in their own opinion.
Leave won. Stop calling for reruns, or decrying how the old or the uninformed got to vote.
Well, given the EU's virulent dislike of democratic opinion when it runs counter to the EU project, I can quite understand why it'd influence the Remainers in their own opinion.
Leave won. Stop calling for reruns, or decrying how the old or the uninformed got to vote.
Who is this EU?Well, given the EU's virulent dislike of democratic opinion when it runs counter to the EU project, I can quite understand why it'd influence the Remainers in their own opinion.
Leave won. Stop calling for reruns, or decrying how the old or the uninformed got to vote.
Or alternatively the vast majority of people signing the petition voted to Remain in the first place and cannot handle or accept that they lost.
It's unreasonable
Because the people who voted are not the same as the local government hoping to ensure continuity of support for the entire community?
Because for every quid the EU donated to Cornwall or wherever they took two quid from the U.K. Treasury so treasury should be able to replace the funds with the money now not paid to the EU?
Because England decided where eu assistance went, not some foreign guy in Brussels and presumably the arguments for assistance have not changed?
U.K. Was not a recipient of eu aid it was the other way round. I see the twisting logic to inflict pain on leave voters or districts as ends searching for means.
Sturgeon will speak soon, after she finishes this cabinet meeting. Expected to address Scottish referendum for independence.
Well, given the EU's virulent dislike of democratic opinion when it runs counter to the EU project, I can quite understand why it'd influence the Remainers in their own opinion.
Leave won. Stop calling for reruns, or decrying how the old or the uninformed got to vote.
Sturgeon will speak soon, after she finishes this cabinet meeting. Expected to address Scottish referendum for independence.
Our economy is going to be damaged enough as a result of the rest of the UK's stupidity. We're already pumping huge amounts of money into these places, why should we pay more of our share of what we stop paying to the EU to them as well?
I don't care about unifying after this referendum. I now longer feel any sense of unity with the Little Englanders. They want to go it alone, let them do it and see how little they really are.
Protesters against Donald Trump chase a man leaving a Trump campaign rally in California. Photo: AP
Sturgeon will speak soon, after she finishes this cabinet meeting. Expected to address Scottish referendum for independence.
Relevance to the thread?
What a coincidence that they are telling the public the campaign lied after the voting didn't clarify it in the weeks and months before it.
Try to see beyond that and tell me why the idea of "more than important than several general elections" referendum not having a minimum turnout or minimum majority are bad things?Let's just keep voting till we get it right. That's EU Democracy for you.
Fair in what way? We had the worst politics I've ever seen in the country from both sides that kind of made it clear both were making it up as it goes along. Oh this is "more than important than several general elections" which is why neither party really had a manifesto or even a solid plan and we see it right now with "oh we've got no PM. Who would think a dead man walking wanted to go and die in peace. Guess we'll push the article 50 button by Christmas, we might have a PM to do it by then" shows.Leave folk being Nigel Farage, who funnily enough the Remain side are happy to disregard anything the man says.
We had a fair referendum. Leave won. Remain lost. Deal with it.
I never thought I'd see a real life example of the Judean People's Front sketch used as an argument.That's not even half true. The quote was from the Vote Leave campaign, while the guy they were interviewing was part of a completely different campaign (Leave.eu).
I won't be happy to see those people suffer, but they'll pretty much deserve it and I'm not planning on sticking around to be part of the workforce paying for their bad decisions.
She's got a nice advantage with Cameron and the Tories in limbo.
Let us know what they say.Press conference of founding nations live now.
Try to see beyond that and tell me why the idea of "more than important than several general elections" referendum not having a minimum turnout or minimum majority are bad things?
It might be too late to do anything about this one but we can make sure things are in place for the future.
Fair in what way? We had the worst politics I've ever seen in the country from both sides that kind of made it clear both were making it up as it goes along. Oh this is "more than important than several general elections" which is why neither party really had a manifesto or even a solid plan and we see it right now with "oh we've got no PM. Who would think a dead man walking wanted to go and die in peace. Guess we'll push the article 50 button by Christmas, we might have a PM to do it by then" shows.
The irony is that these areas received grants from the EU for this reason. They're going to remain deprived as all efforts are focused on London to try and make it remain relevant internationally.The main thing that gets me is that largely areas dependent on the EU voted out, as did older people who also depend on a lot of the services and benefits only really possible because of the EU, foreign investment and immigration.
Now they're all going to demand that London pays for all that gravy. I won't be happy to see those people suffer, but they'll pretty much deserve it and I'm not planning on sticking around to be part of the workforce paying for their bad decisions.
Relevance to the thread?
That's not even half true. The quote was from the Vote Leave campaign, while the guy they were interviewing was part of a completely different campaign (Leave.eu).
Protesters against Donald Trump chase a man leaving a Trump campaign rally in California. Photo: AP
I never thought I'd see a real life example of the Judean People's Front sketch used as an argument.
And yet he said NOTHING about it until after the vote. He was implicit with the lies. If he really cared about honesty and a fair referendum that wasn't misleading the masses then he would have pointed out it wasn't true during the campaigning and specifically said he didn't agree with it. But he didn't do that. He went along with the whole thing.
This is the perfect opportunity and the right thing to do for Scottish people, and that is her primary concern.She's got an ethical right to protest. But I'm really not sure this is the right way to go about it. The economy is slowing. And the financial markets are volatile.
She's got an ethical right to protest. But I'm really not sure this is the right way to go about it. The economy is slowing. And the financial markets are volatile.
Breaking? Was that not said yesterday?AP: BREAKING: German foreign minister says negotiations on British EU exit should begin 'as soon as possible.'
AP: BREAKING: German foreign minister says negotiations on British EU exit should begin 'as soon as possible.'
French foreign minister: "Negotiations will start immediately (art. 50). Cameron has to live with the consequences."
From the comments from Johnson and pro brexitiers tories since yesterday it's clear that
A) they have absolutely no clue what to do and there's no plan at the political level for what happens next
B) they never expected to be in this position
Hell you just had Hannan saying maybe we'd still have free movement. Evan Davis near launched himself across the table.
A shower of absolute chancers
eh 2 years is a long time for an exit strategy anyway
Sturgeon can bang on all she wants without authorisation from Westminster an independence referendum holds no legal weight.
That's the same girl who gets videos made by her BF to show how dumb she is, I don't know if she actually is that stupid or if it's all an act.
That's pretty much the feeling in my house.
Breaking? Was that not said yesterday?
Scotland doesn't need Westminsters legal approval and Westminster is more likely to accept it anyway.Otherwise it will go from a disunion to a serious issue.Sturgeon can bang on all she wants without authorisation from Westminster an independence referendum holds no legal weight.
We need unity more than ever just now. This just causes greater divisions