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No Man's Sky |OT| Hello Worlds.

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This game will be vastly improved if there is some sort of way to set a custom waypoint. With no compass and map, I can't remember which outpost has a trader/trading post.

Now I have a sack full of Gek mats I can't sell to anyone :-\
This game will be vastly improved if there is some sort of way to set a custom waypoint. With no compass and map, I can't remember which outpost has a trader/trading post.

Now I have a sack full of Gek mats I can't sell to anyone :-
Yeah maps and markers would be awesome. Keep flying around looking for a building with a landing pad. That's a guaranteed sign of a GTN indoors.

I got really lucky and found a colossal cave right outside a GTN building, filled with rare trade items that I could sell for 280k per full inventory =D


Any chance of a "free roam" mode where you don't need to worry about resources and can just explore everywhere freely? Maybe make it offline only so people won't complain about discoveries or whatever. I.e. cheat mode?

Well on pc you got cheat engine codes, the game is so much better for me with unlimited sprint/jetpack and no more health problems, pure exploring now.

Obviously thats probably not as the devs intended it but thats why I went with the PC version.


All you sensible people naming your planets after the resource or environment. I named my first 2 planets "Pie" and "Cake".


So it seems like there is someone who must have started by me. The first quest to start the
path to atlas
the entire path has been discovered, each system on the path. like 5 systems it looks like. So I guess he took exact same path?

Not sure how common that is or not. Seems the person only explored one planet on each one, but I guess it still kinda bothers me lol. Wondering if I should start over or if its just gonna be a common thing of running into places people have already explored.


Soooo happy that I ignored the hype but also didn't buy into the hatred that is present in that other thread. I went into the game unbiased and am having a blast. Massive Starbound vibes, as in it's not exactly varied but really motivating. I don't intend to do much else besides playing NMS this weekend :)


So I had 5 crashes in a 2 hour period on PS4 and then the entire system locked up. I unplugged and replugged in the system and now it won't turn on. Did this game kill my PS4?
All you sensible people naming your planets after the resource or environment. I named my first 2 planets "Pie" and "Cake".

I started naming Planets as 'Breezy I' in roman numerals. But then I started using various adjectives. Ie, a hot planet is 'Burning Breezy', or a cold planet is 'Icy Breezy'. Lush planets are 'Emerald Breezy' or 'Carbuncle Breezy'.

The systems which those planets rely on have the naming scheme of 'Limbo' in them. IE in a system with alot of planets with little life, the system is 'Desolate Breezy'.


I think I found a planet that breaks this game's economy. If you run into a planet called "Treasure Hell Planet", make sure to stop by. Basically, there is a Gravitino Ball thing every 50 ft on this planet. The only thing is that the sentinels are extremely hostile. They attack on sight and you are immediately at 3 stars when you touch one of the gravitinos. But I'm able to grab a bunch of them, fly off and sell them and make over 500,000 for each run.

Found a cave filed with pearls yesterday, I stuffed as many I could in my inventory while the sentinels were going crazy above ground.

Then just casually walked out to sell them at a trading post after the drones went back to normal.


what does a 100M ship look like?



Played for a few hours, I'm enjoying quite a bit despite some issues getting it to play solidly on PC initially. I've gone in with very tempered expectations though.

I haven't quite ventured out of the first system yet, but one thing I thought was really neat is that NPCs return to the trading station. I traded some Plutonium to a dude who bought it for twice as much, went back to the planet for an hour, came back, recognized his ship when it landed, and traded again with him still buying for 100% over market.

Don't know if it'll be like that everywhere, but that's pretty cool.

This game will be vastly improved if there is some sort of way to set a custom waypoint. With no compass and map, I can't remember which outpost has a trader/trading post.

Now I have a sack full of Gek mats I can't sell to anyone :-\

Do Geks not like Gek mats for some reason? I haven't seen any of them offer me a bargain for that stuff (also why can't I stack these things :|).

Two Words

Wow. See this is why they need to make it easier to find systems etc. That's my one huge complaint other then the crashes. It's a pain in the ass to find your way back to a system you've left. More so if you've jumped several times. I really wish people could share coordinates and then you could enter them in somehow to find a system. Also a list or easy access to your visited systems in the hyperdrive menu would be nice. Say you click a system you've been to and then click set waypoint. That would make it so much easier.

Other then that it's now been 4 days of playing and I'm still on first planet minus jumps to head down the atlas path and back to the starting system. lol

Spent a couple of hours on this planet. This is what I had to show for it. Thanks Treasure Hell Planet!


Well on pc you got cheat engine codes, the game is so much better for me with unlimited sprint/jetpack and no more health problems, pure exploring now.

Obviously thats probably not as the devs intended it but thats why I went with the PC version.

I'll pick it up during a sale, thanks!
So it seems like there is someone who must have started by me. The first quest to start the
path to atlas
the entire path has been discovered, each system on the path. like 5 systems it looks like. So I guess he took exact same path?

Not sure how common that is or not. Seems the person only explored one planet on each one, but I guess it still kinda bothers me lol. Wondering if I should start over or if its just gonna be a common thing of running into places people have already explored.
it's not that common. It's cool that you have a pretty unique experience that only one other person shared. Maybe that's just me. Don't restart, just roll with it.

I have also seen people complain about their starter planet not being 'lush'.... seems weird. I started on a nightmare acid rain aggressive planet and it made making it to a 'nice' planet all the more special.


How do I upgrade my exosuit to allow more inventory space? I'm at work at the moment, so can't look just now, but I couldn't see anything obvious when I was playing last night.


it's not that common. It's cool that you have a pretty unique experience that only one other person shared. Maybe that's just me. Don't restart, just roll with it.

I have also seen people complain about their starter planet not being 'lush'.... seems weird. I started on a nightmare acid rain aggressive planet and it made making it to a 'nice' planet all the more special.

Yeah I'm usually not one to start over, just deal with the hand that was dealt. I started off on an toxic rain planet too, it was pretty bleak. But then the othe rplanet nearby was a huge water planet with lots of islands. Was a cool stark contrast.

But yeah, I'm prob too invested now to start over, it was just funny cause I had seen this person discovered a system by my starting planet so I went over on a different path and now I see his path is the same as mine for atlas. I'll see what happens, seems he might have just been blowing through and trying to get to center.


How do I upgrade my exosuit to allow more inventory space? I'm at work at the moment, so can't look just now, but I couldn't see anything obvious when I was playing last night.

You have to search for drop pods. In each drop pod is an option to add a slot in your exosuit (at an increasing cost).


Found a vortex cube planet, made bank and bought a 2 mil ship.

I declined Atlas, and now I'm going to start blowing up npcs once my ship is upgraded.
How do I upgrade my exosuit to allow more inventory space? I'm at work at the moment, so can't look just now, but I couldn't see anything obvious when I was playing last night.

When you're exploring on a planet you can discover escape pods that contain a slot upgrade for credits.


Found a 29 slot crash site ship. That was a nice upgrade for me, it also had an upgraded warp drive. It's a bitch repairing all of the shit on there, but now its a great ship :)

also the ship was on this planet that really wasnt all that great, but sentinels were at Frenzied level. First time I've encountered that.


I can't warp out of this system without the game crashing to the PS4 launcher. I've tried so many ways, but nothing works. I'm doomed to forever remain in this system. Send help.

Seriously though, this is getting incredibly frustrating. I've never had a game crash on the PS4 before. There's no refund for digital purchases, are there?

Two Words

I now have over 6 million units. I recall seeing some really good spaceships around that price, but now they won't show up. Do different star systems have different possible shops or is all just dice rolls waiting at a space station?


Had my first crash on PS4 after about 10 hours of playing. Was coming in close to land on a lush green planet with a lot of water.

It just turned into a slideshow with frame changing every 3-4 secs. Couldn't even go back to the PS4 menu. Had to hard reset the system.


Having trouble finding Thamium9 to fuel my hyperdrive (only an hour or two in), and I've already bought out what appears to be the system's entire supply?
I finally found a planet with creatures that weren't goat pika nightmare fuel.

There was tiger type things, these lulz flying tentacle legged crab things and flying serpent with croc head guys.

Climate was nice, lots of gold etc so I mine up a bunch and go to fly back out to the space station to unload and my ps4 hard locks, I get back in and it hadn't saved somehow since before the jump to that solar system....

Reeeeeaaaaaaallly reallllyy starting to test my patience...

I think there's a recurring theme here and it's that I need to stop buying games at launch and wait a year for them to really be finished. It's my own fault yet again for diving into this situation...



Having trouble finding Thamium9 to fuel my hyperdrive (only an hour or two in), and I've already bought out what appears to be the system's entire supply?

The asteroids in space have plenty, just shoot them and you get *alot*. Makes it so you never can get stranded in space.


I started playing this evening on PC. After shutting it down, updating drivers, and letting GeForce do its optimization thing, I got it running passably. With default settings even the opening screen was jumpy. Really shit PC optimization.

Once I got playing though, I was enjoying it. While there are a host of issues (too small inventory, dull flight controls, and a too slow default walk speed) my experience so far has still been enjoyable.

I've been to a couple of planets, both different, both with interesting life forms I got to name. I've started learning Korvax and increasing my status with them, while slowly upgrading my suit and multi tool.

I'm looking forward to more exploration and hopefully to continued dev improvement to address some of the more negative aspects.


I started playing this evening on PC. After shutting it down, updating drivers, and letting GeForce do its optimization thing, I got it running passably. With default settings even the opening screen was jumpy. Really shit PC optimization.

Once I got playing though, I was enjoying it. While there are a host of issues (too small inventory, dull flight controls, and a too slow default walk speed) my experience so far has still been enjoyable.

I've been to a couple of planets, both different, both with interesting life forms I got to name. I've started learning Korvax and increasing my status with them, while slowly upgrading my suit and multi tool.

I'm looking forward to more exploration and hopefully to continued dev improvement to address some of the more negative aspects.

Inventory hurts in the beginning, but it's expandable. Find drop ships on planets, and/or buy new ships for more space.

Overall the game is set to discourage hoarding and you're suppose to just gather stuff you need for your current situation instead of stock piling everything.

Also there's a trick to speed up walk speed. Run, do melee then animation cancel the melee with jetpack. You'll get some nice momentum.


I started playing this evening on PC. After shutting it down, updating drivers, and letting GeForce do its optimization thing, I got it running passably. With default settings even the opening screen was jumpy. Really shit PC optimization.

Once I got playing though, I was enjoying it. While there are a host of issues (too small inventory, dull flight controls, and a too slow default walk speed) my experience so far has still been enjoyable.

I've been to a couple of planets, both different, both with interesting life forms I got to name. I've started learning Korvax and increasing my status with them, while slowly upgrading my suit and multi tool.

I'm looking forward to more exploration and hopefully to continued dev improvement to address some of the more negative aspects.

Try turning shader cache off via control panel. Supposedly helps performance.
So I kind of took a shortcut and now I might be about 200,000 light years away from where my atlas objective is. Am I fucked or does the game reset your objective it gets too far away or something?


I've got about 700k units so i'm gonna find me a nice little craft....i've got 13 slots on this tin bucket currently so i should be able to find a good 16 or 17 slot craft. A few i've seen look eerily similar to the Alien's dropship so hoping another comes my way! Found a planet with a plethora Eredil (the green stuff) or whatever it's called so farmed as much as i could....I could farm some more but i'm eager to get this Atlas pass before i venture further into the game. I'm really loving the experience it has to be said. It's grindy yes but there's still so much to see and experience...But alas my little trip to Whitby for 3 nights awaits...


Just starting out. Can you switch between blot water and mining beam? I just found an upgrade but it runs out fast and needs to reload. I expected it to fall back to mining beam

Annoyed by the inventory management. I transferred titanium to my ship to make room to pick up more stuff. Then I needed titanium to craft an upgrade but it wouldn't let me transfer it back to my exposition because the ship was too far away. So it doesn't have a range limit to the ship, but it does to transfer back


Gold Member
how do i view the map? i've seen people do it in streams but i can't seem to see any options to view it. i haven't used my hyper drive yet so still in the starting system. do i get it once i leave?
Found a planet with a ton of those graviton balls, but the sentinels are set to 'Frenzied' haha. Still managed to get a dozen or so.

Sorry for asking a question that has been probably asked 100 times, but does this make sense or can I dissemble the +1 upgrade?

Keep the upgrade, the effects stack and are further boosted by the fact that you've placed them next to each other.
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