So how big this is again?![]()
Not that I would say that the quality of game design and gameplay mechanics is on par with the other games. He was specifically talking about just walking around in the forests of Tamriel or just riding your horse to Mexico in RDR, the lonely silent times. The whole "walk in the woods" aspect of those games was appealing and NMS has that sense about it for sure.
Ive already put more hours into NMS than I have most games in the last few years. Its doing something right and that video does a great job of explaining why someone like me loves it.
This game needs to stop flinging me off the planet when I take off, it's super annoying. Anyone else getting this bug?
This was happening to me a lot, but it stopped when I was more careful to release the button used to take off right after launch and I usually use the air brake too.
So a friend is trying to watch my broadcast, but he gets video and no sound. Anyone else have the same issue?
oh wow guys i feel stupid, haha lmao i dont know that.. thing.. is a 'galactic trade terminals'
thanks ! lmao
now, i believe gold is the one you sell ? or should i just sell everything except plutonium? since im still at my first planet, and still have a lot of resources there (although already fixed my ship and all)
Aim your ship DOWNWARD when you hit the thruster button.
If you just hold the thruster down you shoot off into orbit. It's good for quick escapes from sentinels, but bad if you want to just cruise the surface.
What the hell is that glowing grid thing? I haven't seen that anywhere yet.
I know right!?Ship shoping is stressful stuff man. Need to blow my 3.2m units wisely.
So I looked through the PC version's data real quick, and found what I believe to be a player model..
EDIT: made pic a spoiler, sorry, new here!
EDIT 2: Removed the picture, apparently [ SPOILER ] [ / SPOILER ] doesn't work?
Wait... You have a headlight on you suit?!
Wait... You have a headlight on you suit?!
I saw an amazing looking ship that had 34 spots, I didn't have the funds for it.I know right!?
I think I spent 2 hours just trying to find the best ship. I was at the exact price point your at.
Tips: find a ship with a hyperdrive enhancement, the most slots, as well as the most expensive ship. Once you do even more expensive better looking ships with hyper drives and slots become available and you will have a ton of slots to farm even harder and buy a better looking ship next.
Don't worry about getting a ship that looks good now. Almost all of them are trash until you get the expensive 5m to 10m ones.
Well, if you have Sentinel aggro on the surface then you'll alert the Sentinel Starships in space too. It's pretty annoying lol.
Has anyone busted into Freecam to see this in game?
Aim your ship DOWNWARD when you hit the thruster button.
If you just hold the thruster down you shoot off into orbit. It's good for quick escapes from sentinels, but bad if you want to just cruise the surface.
Do I choose Transmission for crashed space ships?
Yes, I think there are other kinds of transmission, but that's how you find crashes in generalDo I choose Transmission for crashed space ships?
Yea. They're almost always distress signals from crashed ships..
Thanks!Yes, I think there are other kinds of transmission, but that's how you find crashes in general
Is it strange that i don't have the game (too much resource management for me unfortunately) yet i'm excited to see how the game will evolve? It will be interesting to see graphical enchancements like the new cloud rendering tech they have planned. Now that the game is out, Hello Games can concentrate on making it better and it seems various "smaller" things (e.g. inventory wise) would already help a lot. I can't help but feel that the potential is there judging by what i'm reading about the game. Let's hope Hello games will have the budget and resources to keep working on it. In that sense, i feel it would have been accepted a lot more if it had released at a lower price (not saying it should though).
Has anyone busted into Freecam to see this in game?
Up on the D-Pad, right? I found it by error lol
Yea. Press UP on your D-Pad to toggle on and off.
Handy when in dark caves.
Don't know what the Keyboard button is.
It ruins the mystery of who you, the player, are in all this. I may not know that anyway, but at least now I can rule many possibilities out based on just what I saw. I don't know if the game will even reveal it, but I was looking forward to finding out. Or not. The point is that I previously knew nothing about all that, and now I know more than I wanted to. But oh well.
Ship control is so badddddddd. Especially when you on planet. Can't believe this game doesn't support HOTAS.
The resource management isn't annoying at all. You need plutonium for most things and that literally spawns at every single corner on every planet. If you mean managing inventory space until you can find a trade outpost to sell your stuff then yes, that can get quite annoying early on. I managed to get like 20 suit inventory slots on my last planet so it's really manageable now.
So far as I know, this is not trueSo apparently not all solar systems contain space stations...which is incredibly inconvenient, especially when your hyperdrive is depleted and your inventory is full.
So apparently not all solar systems contain space stations...which is incredibly inconvenient, especially when your hyperdrive is depleted and your inventory is full.
Wait, there is sentinal star ships? I obviously haven't been pissing them off enough!
I had to buy this ship , i just had to. I felt so sorry for it just having that one Wing.
Like that feeling when you see an injured animal.
Good thing it´s controllable like any other ship despite the missing wing![]()
No they do - just hard to see sometimes. Also, there are probably like 100000 trading posts on each planet - just have find 1