Tiger Mask W 03
They replayed a 3 minute flashback from the first episode and it sent me for a loop.
They replayed a 3 minute flashback from the first episode and it sent me for a loop.
I can't remember if they were good or not, since I read them years ago (Rumi was part of the ill-fated Jmanga initiative that died), but it's basically what you expect from when you read "geek girl dates normal guy" as a log line. I remember them being fun, like Genshiken Nidaime before it turned into the Madarame show, at the very least.Hmm, might give either of those a try then.
I know this is a few days late but hello and welcome!I had finally watched Avatar last month, and Woofington had mentioned this was a good thread to ask about recommendations. Shows or movies are cool
I'm mainly interested in stuff with more realistic "grounded" art (although I have enjoyed Afro Samurai). Basically more like this
And Canadians get nothing!
Already gerrymandering AnimeGAF I see.
Flip Flappers 02
I don't think I caught the main character's name. They should say it 20,000 more times.
Who needs names when you can call them by their badass nicknames!
Edgeless Blade
Enigmatic GaleVape Wizard
Bones of Creation
Night's Lament
One-Eyed Impaler
Screaming Phoenix Killer
Thunderbolt Fantasy was so good.
The Great Passage 1
This was the show out of the fall season I was most looking forward to, and the first episode has certainly justified my hype. Perhaps the best overall animation of any show this season - lots of consistent attention to detailed character movement in every scene. The direction is strong, and more inventive than I expected from Kuroyanagi with lots of interesting shots and use of visual symbolism in the midst of a realistic setting. The material itself is unusual not just for anime but for live action as well - what's the last TV show or movie you watched about making a dictionary? The main characters introduced in this opening episode are interesting in grounded ways, particularly the scruffy, bookish salesman who gets recruited to this dictionary project. If the quality keeps up, this could end up being the 2016 TV anime that surpasses Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - which would be appropriate, since the original character designs here are from Rakugo Shinjuu's mangaka!
Hello and welcome!Hi all, just want to introduce myself quick. I'm hoping to have the time to really join the anime community on here. I'm in a few other communities, but I'd like to find one a little more critical than say, The IGN Anime Club, or Anime Fever, where it's mostly "Like for Fairy Tale Boobs" Laugh for "Hinata's Boobs."
I run an anime review website with my Wife, been married almost a full year now. When we started dating she got me into watching seasonal anime. I generally like everything from Showa, Joker Game, to Keijo, Netoge. I enjoy a wide range of genres, but I do always feel like there's a right and wrong way to go about the execution.
This season my Wife and I (we almost always watch anime together) tried something like 35+ of the anime, and now've narrowed it down to like 20 shows (including shorts.) So we tend to watch a lot every season, partly because we run the aforementioned review website and also because we just really love anime.
I'll have to admit, I only picked this great show up because of this praise, so thanks!
Welcome Valdfellgar, and enjoy your stay.
Hello and welcome!
Majin Bone 2-4
I'm enjoying it enough I guess, but I don't really have anything in particular to say about it. Antonio can be funny but he also wears out his welcome in a lot of scenes and becomes annoying if he isn't annoying at the start.
Oh, also I kept reading "The Bone has a will of its own" in Butthead's voice in my head.
somebody tell me when the ass wrestling show gets really ridiculous and I'll start watching. I guess right now I'll watch that anime Watchmen since it's a bad season for me.
Is it up on Cruncy or funi?
Mafia III
This game has massive problems but it also has John Donovan.
Concrete Revolutio is up on Funimation, as well as Daisuki.
I know that Daisuki's video player used to be bad before, but now it's watchable and very accessible. I don't really use Funimation, so I wondering what's the problem with them at the moment?
Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.
Lol. Disinformation.Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.
Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.
Kuromukuro is really good. Okamura needs to direct more shows like this instead of 7 Deadly Sexual Predators.
Kuromukuro - Episode 19
Oh looks like this is the "answers" episode. Wait, nope. This is the "there will be answers SOON" episode. Lololol. Trolled.
Kuromukuro - Episode 20
Okay, looks like this is the "answers" episode! That's interesting. This kinda reminds me of Majestic Prince a little. I'm sure there's more to that backstory. Looks like shit is REALLY happening now. For a race of aliens with Wolverine healing factors and super advanced mecha tech, they seem really incompetent though.... Whatever, Kennosuke rocks!!!
Kuromukuro - Episode 21
Damn, shit got real. Some of the fights were really, really nice.
Kuromukuro - Episode 22
I like how at this point when the show is revealing everything, it turns out that certain assumptions I made earlier in the show aren't really accurate. For a series that is pretty tropey, I think that the narrative and setting is surprisingly layered. It doesn't really do anything particularly shocking or surprising, but the hows and whys, and things that do happen, tend to not end up as predictable as they seem. I feel really bad for a lot of the characters now.![]()
Funi's player outputs darker then the original animation, this makes already dark scenes almost impossible to watch.