some guy leaked FFXV's story six months ago | up: newer 4chan stuff as of Dec 9th


Got some things right. Several things wrong.

To be honest, I can't really see anything he got wrong besides
Monster Ardyn.
And I would bet dollars to donuts that was something that was going to happen but got scrapped.


The thing with 4chan rumours is it is always impossible to know what is real or fake. Literally anyone can post there since it's anonymous. Which means a lot of fakes and trolls will post just for attention. But it could in fact also mean a legitimate leaker posts stuff as well since the chances of him being found out are slim to none. The problem is it is usually pretty impossible to tell if a 4chan leak is legit or not until after the fact. Including this there have been some notable ones though.

Ray Down

The Death Stranding leak is built on the basis that the leaker is part of Guillermo Del Toro's team who is working on the game. But as of Kojima's PSX panel, we now know that Del Toro's only involvment in Death Stranding is that he let them scan him for a model in a trailer.

XV world in KH III? Square doesn't make worlds based on Final Fantasy in KH,

That's what they want you to balee.


Yeah, the leaks were pretty accurate. The game must have been a complete mess during the time of that leak, it's a surprise they were able to pull it together as much as they did.

Just not in story department.


To be honest, I can't really see anything he got wrong besides
Monster Ardyn.
And I would bet dollars to donuts that was something that was going to happen but got scrapped.

Yeah I have no doubts that was totally going to be a thing. I was actually expecting it on my playthrough without any knowledge of the leak because that's just how these games go, but I was glad it didn't happen.


I avoided that list out of fear and I was right. The dude was pretty damn accurate minus a small part of final boss,which was probably accurate at the time at that.

So sad that things went this way. I wonder if we'll ever really see Nomura's vision, even if not named FF.

Just let it die, give me XVI instead.


I remember this and had a feeling it would be accurate, probably because of the long and troubled development cycle.


Purple Drazi
What's funny is that among people who read this, one of the sharpest criticisms was
Monster Ardyn
I like the game alot but ill be the first to tell you this game has a lot of issues ans that post nailed them. Hope it does okay enough for ff16


Yeah I have no doubts that was totally going to be a thing. I was actually expecting it on my playthrough without any knowledge of the leak because that's just how these games go, but I was glad it didn't happen.

The game even hints at it with the shots of the villain. So yea it was almost certainly a thing at some point.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Doesn't matter, the is surprising fucking good regardless.
To be honest, I can't really see anything he got wrong besides
Monster Ardyn.
And I would bet dollars to donuts that was something that was going to happen but got scrapped.

Yep, for sure. That's how every fucking Final Fantasy goes, and it explains why that fight seems so strange for the finale. It's super easy, especially compared to Ifrit, and your friends aren't there like I'm sure they would have been for his final form. Between this and the list of shit they plan on adding/changing with patches, sounds like we all got sold a half baked game.


I wouldn't be surprised if the stuff he got wrong was based on incomplete versions of scenes, or was right at the time he leaked it and was later rewritten.

I wonder if he was ever found out and still has his job or not. Or what his job even was in the first place.

I don't blame him for not realizing Clarus was this guy:

Seeing as how his redesign looked like this and was only in the movie:

Proof being that the official guide uses Versus XIII long haired guy for Clarus:

They changed not only the design but also the name of Gladio's dad. It's basically a new character with a new name and most likely a totally different role in the story of course. (Crailas Amicitia was his name before).

Wow that's a really interesing read, he was spot on with everything and als sheds some light on the development problems.


To be honest, I can't really see anything he got wrong besides
Monster Ardyn.
And I would bet dollars to donuts that was something that was going to happen but got scrapped.

Yeah, the leaker describes a situation where even just a couple of months prior to the planned release the development was still a mess and the devs struggling to complete the game. Them dropping that scene last minute wouldn't be particularly surprising in such an environment.

Everything's way too detailed and close to the truth to be fake anyway. That person absolutely knew what they were talking about.
Kyle already gave us a story summary nearly a year ago:



Yep, game was rushed. Feels strange to say it for a 10 year game, but let's be realistic, the game was probably only actually on track the last few years.

However, this gives me massive hope for FFXVI.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
It's pretty evident they had a lot more content planned and in development and just had to cut everything they couldn't make work in time and put all effort into making sure the game they ship runs at all.

It's so weird, it feels like two completely different games. Like Lucis exists in some different universe from the one where you spend 90% of the game. All the important stuff happens off-screen while you are just dicking around running errands or raiding some huge empty bases/warehouses.
Yep, for sure. That's how every fucking Final Fantasy goes, and it explains why that fight seems so strange for the finale. It's super easy, especially compared to Ifrit, and your friends aren't there like I'm sure they would have been for his final form. Between this and the list of shit they plan on adding/changing with patches, sounds like we all got sold a half baked game.

Idk, I think it's somewhat of an interesting choice to have the final fight just be
two dudes duking it out in the streets. We're so used to JRPGs like Final Fantasy having some grand final battle that the way FFXV does it is kinda refreshing.


Most of that is so spot on, I'm inclined to think the things that are "wrong" is because the game was in flux so close to Early Access launch.

Didn't someone doing some work on the game say this was BS? They lied through their teeth and they know it.
"Nobody sitting around making FFXVI"

I for one hope that is true. Get the baggage of FFXV out of the way.
Hammer out a creative FFXVI in three years time with a <100 man team using a solid middleware engine ala UE4.

You know, that would be reasonable, but fuck if we will ever get that from the nu-Square Enix.


I thought everyone knew this already, the thread on gaf with the entire story leaked was much talked about for months, and it was confirmed true then because shortly after we got to see the very beginning of the game matching up with the leaks.

But know we can confirm 100000% that these leaks are true, man was this game rushed.


4chan has a lot of garbage but they also have a pretty stellar record with leaks.

I don't throw something away "just because it came from 4chan" anymore.
What? No. For every valid leak there are a thousand that are complete and utter nonsense. The problem with 4chan leaks isn't that they are literally never right, but that they are wrong 99.9% of the time. That's the absolute opposite of a stellar track record and the reason why it's usually not worth bothering with 4chan leaks.


That was incredibly on point.

The only thing that didn't pan out was Ghost Regis, and going by the pinpoint accuracy of the rest I can only assume he was cut.

I hope FF7R info leaks too.

And I gotta wonder who the fuck that guy was.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if I want this or not.

From the conversation I think people would want this seems like enough was cut and changed that Versus would be a different enough game anyway and people seem to like many of the core ideas and concepts which could be reinterpreted anyway to differentiate enough. (Like they're done in fiction anyway, the chosen one, a million different variations of that)

I'd be surprised if a revival happens with Noctis but I don't think it's 0% for a revival to happen in the form of new characters with different designs taking the place of Noctis and co.

That said probably like 5% like this is true.


"How could the game be so unfinished, yet still being worked on, a few months from release? "
It's not normal. The lock for english voice recording is supposed to be in 3 weeks, but they keep re-writing lines. Everybody is nervous as f*** about Sept30 release. Expect big day 1 patch

">>Nobody is touching it right now. There's only like 2 hours "playable" on ps4 and xbox version barely turns on. Nobody is thinking about PS4k, just porting and optimizing for PS4. Xbox build is like 3 weeks behind.
Oh come on. It would have been delayed to December or early 2017 if that were the case. Come up with more believable bulls***."

I know what it sounds like, but its true

Well, if we're posting dumb 4chan threads about FFXV which might also become true later on... here's this: (Thread title being: I worked on FFXV, ask me anything)

I remember deying the leaks and wishing for them to not come true. The game slapped me with reality.

This is fake, right? The stuff about
Luna is absolutely puzzling. Why would they criticize a strong female character?
Oh wow, he talked about the Versus:

The game centered about death, ghosts and hallucination/dreams. Noctis killed the female protagonist before the game started but he didn't remember. Ardyn was Noctis ancestor and he was responsible of the crystals disappearing over time (the only one left was Lucis crystal). Regis died in front of Noctis because his bodyguards betrayed him. The protagonists had to leave the capital because their nation lost the war.

The game didn't focus on summons that much (they still existed) and instead there were actual gods which didn't appear physically. One of the gods was the main antagonist of the first FF game. Each nation was inspired by a different capital of the world. The empire was using ghosts as weapons. Ravus wanted to kill Noctis for having killed her sister. The game ended in another dimension which was supposed to be their version of the after-life.

Stella would die at the start of the game? wtf?

Ray Down

This guy also seens legit since he mantioned the
Shiva statue

Even talk about Versus plot or at least what he learned:

The game centered about death, ghosts and hallucination/dreams. Noctis killed the female protagonist before the game started but he didn't remember. Ardyn was Noctis ancestor and he was responsible of the crystals disappearing over time (the only one left was Lucis crystal). Regis died in front of Noctis because his bodyguards betrayed him. The protagonists had to leave the capital because their nation lost the war.

The game didn't focus on summons that much (they still existed) and instead there were actual gods which didn't appear physically. One of the gods was the main antagonist of the first FF game. Each nation was inspired by a different capital of the world. The empire was using ghosts as weapons. Ravus wanted to kill Noctis for having killed her sister. The game ended in another dimension which was supposed to be their version of the after-life.
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