Lovely Touch on making the water Piss Yellow
Want to be more shocked? See the whole picture.
You guys do know saying she was doing the nazi salute is as dumb as about 99% of the stuff posted on The_Donald?
You guys do know saying she was doing the nazi salute is as dumb as about 99% of the stuff posted on The_Donald?
Snowden is going to need to get out of Russia asap
Give me a fucking break, so someone was brazen enough to nazi salute in front of the world and then deny it vehemently after? Horseshit. If it were real, she would have been proud and bragged.It would only be dumb if it weren't the Nazi salute.
It is.
This ignores the McCain and intelligence agency aspect of the story, and why would Trump plant such a damaging story just to deflect away from Obama's farewell speech? Even if it's proven false, this shit is going to circulate around the web forever in one form or another, especially the piss stuff.
Steve Bannon is going to be in the White House yet you refuse to believe one of Trump Supporters would throw out an "easily denied" Nazi symbol?You guys do know saying she was doing the nazi salute is as dumb as about 99% of the stuff posted on The_Donald?
Kellyanne got asked about it by Seth Myers (video/clip):
You guys do know saying she was doing the nazi salute is as dumb as about 99% of the stuff posted on The_Donald?
If they aren't confirmed by sources isn't that more of a risk to journalists publishing false information? How is it progressive journalism to publish stuff that isn't backed up sources? That sounds more like just making stuff up and posting it to a website to me.Results of story would likely bring legal action against BuzzFeed if they're not corroborated. IF they're not corroborated, it's a huge risk for progressive (fair) minded journalists... It will protect Trump against future allegations of wrong doing.
How can Obama call out fascism while simultaneously stressing a peaceful transition?
So basically you have an unclassified oppo research report that was given to more than one journalist before the election but many chose not pursue due to the claims being impossible to verify and now CNN and BF are running with it because...why? Is there new evidence available that backs up the accusations?
I like Jonah Goldberg's very level headed appraisal of the situation:
Goldberg writes for the conservative National Review, but he's been an ardent Trump opponent and has become an enemy of the alt-right over the last 18 months. I feel like everything he's written is how I feel:
- Probably too good to be true
- Buzzfeed publishing the report without confirming is sketchy on the journalism scale
- Trump is somehow stealing the news spotlight from Obama, delivering his farewell address
- If Trump cancels his scheduled press conference tomorrow he's going to look REALLY bad, but if he holds the press conference, it could be BRUTAL
- He links to a legal blog which has very good points about how this information can be corroborated or not:
- Results of story would likely bring legal action against BuzzFeed if they're not corroborated. IF they're not corroborated, it's a huge risk for progressive (fair) minded journalists... It will protect Trump against future allegations of wrong doing.
Finally, fifth, it is important to emphasize that this is not a case of the intelligence community leaking sensitive information about an investigative subject out of revenge or any other improper motive. This type of information, referencing sensitive sources and methods and the identities of U.S. persons, is typically treated by the intelligence community with the utmost care. And this material, in fact, does not come from the intelligence community; it comes, rather, from private intelligence documents put together by a company. It is actually not even classified.
Why? Isn't he implying that Fisa thought claims against Trump were not credible, so they wouldn't rubberstamp?
Give me a fucking break. so someone was brazen enough to nazi salute in front of the world and then deny it vehemently after? Horseshit.
So basically you have an unclassified oppo research report that was given to more than one journalist before the election but many chose not pursue due to the claims being impossible to verify and now CNN and BF are running with it because...why? Is there new evidence available that backs up the accusations?
Is anything going to happen as a result? I mean the man has done and said awful things already, the public knew about it and still voted him in.
So basically you have an unclassified oppo research report that was given to more than one journalist before the election but many chose not pursue due to the claims being impossible to verify and now CNN and BF are running with it because...why? Is there new evidence available that backs up the accusations?
Okay, I can't be reading this right. Is this saying that they aren't disputing the meeting with Russian agents, just the place...?
So I'm not doubting the report, but can someone enlighten me as to why Russia has been seemingly arranging compromising events and monitoring Trump since at least 2011, as per the report? What was their interest, as I don't recall Trump having any political ambitions. Further, the idea that Trump could be any serious political player at that time would surely have seemed ridiculous, even to the Russians, so why would they go to such effort to assist/obtain compromising stuff on him?
I don't get it.
Give me a fucking break, so someone was brazen enough to nazi salute in front of the world and then deny it vehemently after? Horseshit. If it were real, she would have been proud and bragged.
This ignores the McCain and intelligence agency aspect of the story, and why would Trump plant such a damaging story just to deflect away from Obama's farewell speech? Even if it's proven false, this shit is going to circulate around the web forever in one form or another, especially the piss stuff.
Cohen says he was in Italy in July.
So he was in Europe this summer.
The Trump loyalist said he was in Los Angeles celebrating his 50th birthday with his wife and son during the late summer timeframe when the document claimed he was supposedly hobnobbing with the Russians at a secret meeting overseas.
Because he's a rich businessman. If you research Russia honeypot videos, you will see that Russia is known for creating files of compromising material on all sorts of people to have and use as blackmail if needed. Sometimes I'm sure it goes unused, sometimes it's like this and by 2015 and he's running for President you already have 4 years of stuff on him.
Why? Isn't he implying that Fisa thought claims against Trump were not credible, so they wouldn't rubberstamp?
I hope this stuff is true just because of how crazy it all is. Also, not a fan of Trump for a multitude of reasons.
If they aren't confirmed by sources isn't that more of a risk to journalists publishing false information? How is it progressive journalism to publish stuff that isn't backed up sources? That sounds more like just making stuff up and posting it to a website to me.
I'm also not sure that progressive journalism can always be accurately described as fair minded journalism.
We have had the document for a couple of weeks and have chosen, as have lots of other publications, not to publish it while the allegations within it remain unproven. In response to CNN's report, however, Buzzfeed has now released the underlying document itself, which is available here.
Whether or not its release is defensible in light of the CNN story, it is now important to emphasize several points.
First, we have no idea if any of these allegations are true. Yes, they are explosive; they are also entirely unsubstantiated, at least to our knowledge, at this stage. For this reason, even now, we are not going to discuss the specific allegations within the document.
All of which is to say to everyone: slow down, and take a deep breath. We shouldn't assume either that this is simply a ”fake news" episode directed at discrediting Trump or that the dam has now broken and the truth is coming out at last. We don't know what the reality is here, and the better part of valor is not to get ahead ahead of the facts—a matter on which, incidentally, the press deserves a lot of credit.
Kellyanne got asked about it by Seth Myers (video/clip):
Why? Isn't he implying that Fisa thought claims against Trump were not credible, so they wouldn't rubberstamp?
So basically you have an unclassified oppo research report that was given to more than one journalist before the election but many chose not pursue due to the claims being impossible to verify and now CNN and BF are running with it because...why? Is there new evidence available that backs up the accusations?
HE's not insinuating that it's a plant, christ, get your head out of the conspiracy theory gutter.
10 years from now this is going to make a great movie.
I like Jonah Goldberg's very level headed appraisal of the situation:
Goldberg writes for the conservative National Review, but he's been an ardent Trump opponent and has become an enemy of the alt-right over the last 18 months. I feel like everything he's written is how I feel:
- Probably too good to be true
- Buzzfeed publishing the report without confirming is sketchy on the journalism scale
- Trump is somehow stealing the news spotlight from Obama, delivering his farewell address
- If Trump cancels his scheduled press conference tomorrow he's going to look REALLY bad, but if he holds the press conference, it could be BRUTAL
- He links to a legal blog which has very good points about how this information can be corroborated or not:
- Results of story would likely bring legal action against BuzzFeed if they're not corroborated. IF they're not corroborated, it's a huge risk for progressive (fair) minded journalists... It will protect Trump against future allegations of wrong doing.
10 years from now this is going to make a great movie.
Either way, the Republicans are tied to it forever. No more evoking "the party of Reagan." They're the party of the crass, ignorant, racist, lying, fascist, Russian backing and Russian backed piss fetishist now.Hopefully, if true. If they don't, then this justice system is completely brain-dead.
that's good