(Slippery slope time, skip this part as I'm probably off base). My memory of things is poor but didn't the licensed anime scene suffer a huge blow about a decade ago when the strategy of license nearly everything and charge high prices crashed and burned taking some companies with it namely due to the fact people didn't have to pay $20 for 3 episodes of a mediocre show anymore, they could find a fansub. Could this not have the same effect? Although it's unlikely amazon would crash and burn over anime due to having a diverse portfolio.
Anyway, the last sentence of the article in the OP says it all really "Amazon plans to launch additional branded streaming services in the coming months.". Am I understanding that correctly because I am thinking Amazon wants to nickel and dime the amazon prime service?
Why are they trying to do this? Traditionally subscription services are under utilized and a great bread and butter for business, could it Amazon prime is over used?
I take it the two Clannad are series and OAV or something like that so technically different. It's just they were not highlighted in the image.
Well two things:
First, I think there's a difference between the risk involved with merely licensing and streaming a show versus all the other business that goes along with producing and distributing physical media. I think the risk to the companies involved is greatly lessoned by streaming tons of crap versus pressing tons of crap to disc and getting it to every store in the country. And while there's lots of streaming sites out, sure, there's some overlap between Amazon, Hulu, Netflix and Cruncyroll/Funimation, the Anime Network and Daisuke that makes it not so bad really.
Second, I'm almost certain Prime is a loss leader for Amazon. Free shipping, tons of free video, a free ebook each month, really, I'm not sure much of what Amazon does actually makes them money.
The only real problem I have with Prime then becomes, I dunno, the all encompassing aspect of it. If Amazon wants to launch its own video channels on top of prime, that's fine, but then, honestly, I'd rather have a way to ditch the shipping aspect of Prime since I no longer order from them as often as I did. If they were to break up the primary Prime membership into smaller bundles, say let me pick just the video portion of it and whatever channels I want on top of it I'd be fine, bu it feels like the payments to Amazon are getting to big for lots of stuff one never uses now that they're adding additional tiers.