What a weak card. Look at last year's card, which was probably the best PPV the WWE did last year:
IC title: Mysterio vs. Ziggler. A great match with a bad outcome.
MVP vs. Swagger. They had a solid feud and both had momentum going into the PPV. Now neither of them have a match.
Unified Tag Team Championship: Jerishow vs. Cryme Tyme. This was really the start of Jerishow's dominance, which turned out to be the most memorable tag team in a long time.
Kane vs. Great Khali. Ok, this was the worst match, but who would've thought one of these guys would be world champ in a year?
DX vs. Legacy. A fun match, plus the tank entrance was awesome.
ECW title: Christian vs. Regal. Ok, this match ended almost immediately, but it will probably be better than a lot of tonight's matches.
WWE title: Orton vs. Cena. This was a really fun match with a crazy ending that really set up their feud for the next few months. It wasn't a technical marvel, but it was more entertaining than I thought it would be.
World Heavyweight Championship: Hardy vs. CM Punk. Punk/Hardy was the best WWE feud of last year, and this was an awesome and brutal match. At the end we all marked out at Taker coming back (which turned out to be not so great to say the least).
Now for this year's card...
Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. Dolph Ziggler: Ziggler finally won the title, but in the most anticlimactic way possible. If they wanted to put the belt on him, they should have waited a few weeks and had him do it here at a huge PPV. But whatever.
Winner: Ziggler
Divas Championship: Melina vs. Alicia Fox: I always hate it when someone comes back from an injury and immediately wins the title, but I assume this will happen.
Winner: Melina
Big Show vs. SES: If the SES can't beat Big Show, they might as well just end the once exciting stable immediately. I will laugh if Joey Mercury gets the pin though.
Winner: SES
World Heavyweight Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Kane: Does Taker come back now and screw Kane out of the title, or does he keep it and merely gets chokeslammed after the match? I guess the incoming Kane vs. Taker feud doesn't need the title, but who would Mysterio feud with?
Winner: Kane
WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Sheamus: I think Orton really needs the title soon to build up his reputation as ultimate babyface and someone who could rival Cena's popularity. Orton hasn't won a PPV match since Wrestlemania, so now is the time to make amends.
Winner: Orton
Team Jericho vs. Nexus: There's really no debate, one of these two things will happen:
Winner: Nexus, but if HHH returns on Team WWE, Team WWE