The other day I got the idea in my head that I should try adding gored ragdoll corpses into my game
haha love it... great ragdoll action
The other day I got the idea in my head that I should try adding gored ragdoll corpses into my game
Hello everyone! First time poster here.
I'm working on a "Papers Please" type game. I'm hoping to release a public playtest to later this month. Would love to get any feedback for this screenshot I released on Twitter not too long ago.
Much thanks to the mod(s) for the username change!
It looks like Rex: Another Island is just about to wrap up! The game ended up having three endings and seven music tracks. Getting 100% on all collectibles takes on average about 20 minutes, which is pretty much what the target time was (though it'll likely take an hour or so for new players).
Some zoomed out screenshots of the final layouts of a few areas:
It's amazing how a "let's make a game in two weeks" can turn into "three months later..."
Bonus: Rex with its little bouncy vest.
Glorious giant brick sized pixels!
All that's left is to decide what to do with its launch on - the current plan is to have it be free (pay what you want) for the first month, after which set its price to a dollar or two, not sure yet.
The goal is, hopefully, to earn enough to be able to afford a Game Maker Studio 2 license. Construct2 is phenomenal, but also limiting in many respects (mostly sound and its dependence on a browser). The direction the company went with Construct3, was the opposite of what I had hoped.
^ Dat butcher! Nice one. What's his role in the game?
Is that you levels that are like "double themed" or its some Metroidvania-ish design?
Scripted up a new lightning storm weather variant! Eventually there will be very rare lightning bolts striking the playing area (similar to BOTW)
Maybe he is in love with that psyched dungeon girl. As more the player fightsThanks!
I'm thinking of using him through-out the dungeons but in places where the player can't get to (see him through the floor grills and gates). Later on he will feature as a mid-tier boss like this "arena" test I did to see how it looks.
Was also thinking about some levels that are a mix of dungeon crawling and open areas like a courtyard. If I go with this route, he can roam in the courtyard where you need to pass to get around the dungeon hallways... sort of like the central piece of that level.
Hey congrats, man! I'm quite on a similar path as you needing to reallocated... So eager to start a new project. Don't know if I start my "big" one or do something "short" in between.
Just got a kid and don't know how my daily routine is going to be. And I need to apply for some client wort as my released VR game won't pay the bills.
Oh ... looks pretty cool that way!... Some gifs that I hope give a better feel for what I'm trying to explain:
Storm's brewing!
(Flashing lights warning)
Scripted up a new lightning storm weather variant! Eventually there will be very rare lightning bolts striking the playing area (similar to BOTW)
I haven't posted an update here in a while but I keep trucking along.
I've was playing around with animation blending the other day and figured out how to get some decent head-tracking working. It's amazing how much more it feels like your player character is in the world when she's looking at things in it, not just staring blankly.
Also I figured out that putting floaty particles in the sky is a cheap and easy way to add motion to the scene so it doesn't feel so still. Awesome! ♥
That looks gorgeous.
You can play with the sound effects delay too.
We just finished our promotional art, which was a scene built in Unity by my colleague Kiefen, with myself working on numerous art passes, composition changes and lighting tweaks.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class TileManagerSci : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject [] tilePrefabs;
private Transform playerTransform;
private float spawnZ = 0.0f;
private float tileLength = 12.0f;
private int amofTiles = 2;
private float safeZone = 16.0f;
private List<GameObject> activeTiles;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
activeTiles = new List<GameObject> ();
playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player").transform;
for (int i = 0; i < amofTiles; i++)
spawnTile ();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
if (playerTransform.position.z - safeZone > (spawnZ - amofTiles * tileLength))
spawnTile ();
deleteTile ();
void spawnTile(int prefabIndex = 0)
GameObject go;
go = Instantiate (tilePrefabs [0]) as GameObject;
go.transform.SetParent (transform);
go.transform.position = Vector3.forward * spawnZ;
spawnZ += tileLength;
activeTiles.Add ((go));
void deleteTile()
Destroy (activeTiles [0]);
activeTiles.RemoveAt (0);
Can anyone please help me with this as I've been battling this all day. I want to be able to generate an object in all directions like an infinite runner but instead of only going in 1 direction, you can go in all directions.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ParallaxBackground : MonoBehaviour
public float parallaxFactor = 2f;
public float XOffset = 0f;
public float YOffset = 0f;
void Update ()
MeshRenderer mr = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
Material mat = mr.material;
Vector2 offset = mat.mainTextureOffset;
offset.x = transform.position.x / transform.localScale.x / parallaxFactor;
offset.y = transform.position.y / transform.localScale.y / parallaxFactor;
offset.x = offset.x + XOffset;
offset.y = offset.y + YOffset;
mat.mainTextureOffset = offset;
Why is your code wrapped in spoiler tags? If someone wanted to help they may skip over it in fear of Zelda spoilers. Try wrapping it in the [ CODE ] tag, it looks like a # sign.Can anyone please help me with this as I've been battling this all day. I want to be able to generate an object in all directions like an infinite runner but instead of only going in 1 direction, you can go in all directions.
This is my code:
It only goes in 1 direction but I need it to respawn in all directions. I honestly have no idea what to do next. Can anyone please help?
Debug.Log("Player: " + playerTransform.position.ToString());
Debug.Log("Check: " + (spawnZ - amofTiles * tileLength).ToString());
Some gifs that I hope give a better feel for what I'm trying to explain:
Is this being developed in Pico-8?
I died a littleon the inside.a lot
lolShowed my friend some of my OpenGL progress which was basically just some 2D texturing, collisions, level loading and menus. More of a demonstration than an actual game if anything. I mentioned that it's not much and I have a long way to go, he says "No worries. There are all these kids out there making crazy looking games, I'm sure it can't be that hard in the end."
I died a littleon the inside.a lot
Should be put in the OPSaw this go by, felt it relevant:
"You don't always see every step & setback someone goes through before they succeed - keep that in mind when you compare yourself."
Hey congrats, man! I'm quite on a similar path as you needing to reallocated
stuff for the kid to come!![]()
Spent the afternoon determined to finally figure out this weird once per second stutter I was getting. I could have something going literally 1000 fps–1ms per frame, but around once per second I would get a huge spike. A frame that would take tens of milliseconds.
Turns out f.lux polls the system gamma ramp once a second even in the middle of the afternoon when it's not actually affecting anything. *shakes fist*.
oohHello everyone! First time poster here.
I'm working on a "Papers Please" type game. I'm hoping to release a public playtest to later this month. Would love to get any feedback for this screenshot I released on Twitter not too long ago.
f.lux has a "safe mode" on Windows which makes it less intrusive. With that on (now that I know what it is) it doesn't cause stutter.It's not quite as slick, but I really like SunsetScreen. It works as a portable app as well, so that's sweet.
Overall I kind of prefer it to f.lux, as it also lets you change screen brightness during the day to night transition.
As a bonus, it probably doesn't poll everything once a second, either.
Turns out f.lux polls the system gamma ramp once a second even in the middle of the afternoon when it's not actually affecting anything. *shakes fist*.
f.lux has a "safe mode" on Windows which makes it less intrusive. With that on (now that I know what it is) it doesn't cause stutter.
I will take a look at SunsetScreen however, as the Windows port of f.lux has always seemed like something of an afterthought compared to the macOS version. Thanks!
See it as an additional motivation making you more efficient/productive.thanks mate.
Enjoy the time when he/ she arrives. It's just great and those cuddly naps are amazing.
Just makes me sad to think that I may have to leave my home office for consulting again. ...
Strange. What's the transition speed?... Turns out f.lux polls the system gamma ramp once a second even in the middle of the afternoon when it's not actually affecting anything. *shakes fist*.
I dig the art style. But the promotion pictures feel a bit uneasy on the eyes.Yup yup! It has delayed thunder claps working
In other news, we're going to be demoing Beacon at EGX Rezzed!!
We just finished our promotional art, which was a scene built in Unity by my colleague Kiefen, with myself working on numerous art passes, composition changes and lighting tweaks.
The first iteration as you can see in the gif below was pretty dark and we wanted to make it better match our creative director's original concept.
And the final scene running in editor
The other day I got the idea in my head that I should try adding gored ragdoll corpses into my game -- I've always been fascinated with this and loved it in games like Fallout 3. They could be a little silly looking at times, sure, but the satisfaction they added I always felt made it more than worth it (plus the silliness can be part of the charm and part of the fun). I'd never done anything like this, but since my game engine uses Box 2D I knew it must be possible.
Just randomly popped into the thread and saw this at the top - your game looks awesome!
One thing that always bothered me about ragdoll effects is that suddenly enemies seem to not weigh anything, they fly and bounce around like they were baloons, is this merely settings you can tweak?
xinput is one of the nicer input apis I've used
Storm's brewing!
(Flashing lights warning)
Scripted up a new lightning storm weather variant! Eventually there will be very rare lightning bolts striking the playing area (similar to BOTW)
Still working on Light Fairytale.
Looking really good!
Love the blurred background look
Short (20s)Strange. What's the transition speed?