Ah. I see that Lunchpod now knows my struggle. Trying to find an image that crops halfway decently every time Messi asks for a new fucking banner.

I just got the dead side arc of ninjak and can't recall him ever crossing over to the dead side prior to this. My Valiant knowledge is pretty spotty so it might have been something I missed.
Ah. I see that Lunchpod now knows my struggle. Trying to find an image that crops halfway decently every time Messi asks for a new fucking banner.
I don't remember him going in before Operation Deadside, either. Did they mention something?
Thinking about picking up the Ninjak Deluxe Edition for part of my IST order today. What are the chances they do a Book 2 for the series? Seems like Valiant hasnt done any new Deluxe Editions in awhile and im kind of a completionist.
Having read the first three issues of new Manowar, I think it'll read a lot better in trade. Issues #2 and #3 are pretty much one big chapter, the pacing isn't great with them alone.
The fact that Vol. 1 will be out the same day as Issue #4 is crazy smart, though. If that's their strategy going forward - being able to keep up to date with trades or floppies - I'll be very impressed. I can't think of anything more friendly to new readers.
Thinking about picking up the Ninjak Deluxe Edition for part of my IST order today. What are the chances they do a Book 2 for the series? Seems like Valiant hasnt done any new Deluxe Editions in awhile and im kind of a completionist.
aw man I was listerally about to come in and ask if Ninjak was over, coz the website doesnt have #28 listed and it seems like they're just moving into Rapture now.Oh, I should also mention, Ninjak just ended last week, so it'll definitely be at least a few months before we get the hardcover. Expect late this year or maybe early next year.
man I think I'm the only one who read this series?!?! nobody even noticed these things too? lol.Generation Zero. Spoilers, but there's one issue in this series where one of the characters get shot up to pieces! Yet in the very next episode, she's all good and the plot point is that ANOTHER one of their members was the actual person who was injured. Now in a coma, they have to go into her mind to do whoknowsand then in the final 2 or 3 issues, one of the characters, Gamete, mysteriously disappears for the rest of the run!!!
aw man, yeay Doctor Spektor was so bad that they didnt even finish the series!I also own Magnus, but haven't read it. I've bought most of Dynamite's Gold Key stuff except Spektor which I heard was pretty bad.
to be fair i think its about the different Ninja agents, colin was always Ninja-kNinjak is getting a new series like they did with XO. Think its the same artist even. Although its going to be called Ninja-K lol.
aw man I was listerally about to come in and ask if Ninjak was over, coz the website doesnt have #28 listed and it seems like they're just moving into Rapture now.
what a crappy last issue too, they could at least get Matt Kindt to write the final issue instead of having a new writer come in for just a single one.
also I hope the resell value on a full 27 issue lot is decent. I only got like $10 for the complete run of Generation Zero lol
(also got $75 for a gold variant of XO Manowar! lol)
speaking of G0 tho...
man I think I'm the only one who read this series?!?! nobody even noticed these things too? lol.
aw man, yeay Doctor Spektor was so bad that they didnt even finish the series!
It feels like someone wasnt hitting the deadlines, like the issues just never came out on time, so by issue 4 they were like "well... it's over!!!"
Ninjak is getting a new series like they did with XO. Think its the same artist even. Although its going to be called Ninja-K lol.
Where does The Valiant fit in the overall Valiant storyline? Is it a good starting on point basically for books like Ninjak and Bloodshot, even though they have stories before The Valiant even started? Why is Valiant relaunching XO and Ninjak and what caused their relaunch? Is there an event that takes place before XO #1?
I started reading The Valiant but stopped when I realized I still had no idea who these characters were.
In order:
-it fits somewhere in between a few stories
-it's the best starting point imo
-yes, because you don't need to know all that backstory to understand The Valiant
-they are just relaunching because it's a change in writer
-no event relevant to XO took place before that relaunch
You are introduced to these characters in The Valiant. You didn't need to know them
Ok thats a loadoff. I was not looking forward to reading through a few years worth on Unity and XO before getting to the stuff I really wanted to read like The Valiant, Bloodshot Reborn, and Ninjak.
If I wanted to check out Harbinger, is there a new run that starts after The Valiant? Or do I need to start with the beginning of the run before Harbinger Wars?
Also, does 4001 AD and the Book of Death all take place after The Valaint?
I remember Valiant shit being stupid expensive. Magnus Robot Fighter being one of them.
So I started my own Valiant journey today with The Valiant. I thought it was pretty awesome,and just a perfect intro to the universe.
First off, I think just structurally and mechanically they made some smart choices with the book as an entry thing, as well as just an event in general. Most marvel events involve trying to just jam every character into the fight scenes and it's an idea that pushes the story along, everyone fighting over or against some sort of belief. The Valiant keeps it's character focus to just a few characters really and lets those characters driven the story forward, the story moves to the beat of how the characters react to the coming threat. There is obviously a main plot; the undying eternal warrior is tasked with defending the new Geomancer of the earth time and time again against an inevitable undefeatable counterpoint to whom he always loses to. In this era, this time, can that change? Should it change? But within that framework, it's the character's wants and needs that take us from scene to scene. Especially helpful is the fact that of the say 4-5 main players that appear, 2 of them are well geared to a new reader. Kay, the Geomancer, is brand new to the job, and hasn't really figured out if she wants to do it at all, nevermind what it entails. Bloodshot has no memories and is grappling with freedom of choice for the first time in who knows how long. As these two characters find their footing in the plot (and dovetail together), I did as well. They ask questions that could be exposition in another book, but are natural in a character sense here. The other major player, Gilad, is the one who's struggle is initial driving force of the book and we get his tale told extensively in #1. So plot wise (trying to stay super light on what the actual plot is btw) it works, character wise it works. I feel like all three characters I mentioned have strong clear character arcs that have a definite resolution, but open up new questions I want to follow the books onto and find out about, both on a character level and the implications/ramifications it has for the Valiant world at large, there's a nice level of philosophic question raised without getting carried away. I also appreciate that while a ton of heroes are called in to back the main characters up, they effectively serve to bolster the enemy's formidable status, and up the stakes, they don't take away from the tale being told or fill the book with action scenes.
The actual telling is really great too. Lemire & Kindt come up with some great tense situations, and there is some great dialogue involved. I love the line from Ninjak "I've been lying motionless for 12 hours straight"; Ninjak is a step down in focus from the three characters I mentioned and the main antagonist, but that immediately selling this dude and what he's all about. The accompanying art of him raising out of the snow, with the full body of snow on his form still sitting there is a really cool image, and you get Ninjak just like that, and there's moments like this for the other characters. A quiet scene where Bloodshot's eyes illuminate Kay's face in a dark room as they speak, a pretty funny scene between Kay & her friend Armstrong where they discuss his alcoholism and the chemical bonds for alcohol float in the air between them; we get a sense of how Kay sees the world and it's inhabitants as Geomancer, but it's just a funny visual of these chemical bonds floating around Armstrong's head as he blenches too. I actually wish this technique had been used with Kay a little more. I can think of more but I don't want to do spoilers, so just yea, it's a really cohesively told tale by the team, and illustrated using clever ideas by Rivera, on top of the actual story and character work on a script level.
I don't have any negatives to share as such; but I do have questions that I presume this book sets up, and I would look to see addressed going forward. For the talk of how there is always a Geomancer, and always an opposite response to the Geomancer, there isn't a firm reason given why. I wrote above that part of what is great is Kay is new to the job so she doesn't really even know what the job is, by nature of her inheriting it, but there is that flip side to it. There's a analogy to being Earth's PR early on, but no proper detail to what that means. The actual earth itself needs an avatar or protector but how, why and why must there be an opposite force to the Geomancer; what natural need is there for a dark age oppose to an age of light. As far as the immortal enemy goes, his nature might mean what he puts forth isn't even true. So I would hope (and to be fair, due to the resolution, I do think) that is perhaps something I should be wondering and will be addressed.
Overall though, I thought the book was a great well positioned and well thought out intro to The Valiant universe. It's really clear some real consideration as to the type of story and what characters would be right for this book, and well, they nailed it, it speaks to it's own success that it's still a highly recommended starting point for modern Valiant. Can't wait to dig in more!
X-O Manowar vol 1 is only going to have 3 issues a time. Jesus lol. I really hope the upside is they can crank out a good number of tpbs a year. I'm totally going to buy that though. I'll get to the Venditti run eventually but I'm definitely going to jump on this book.
X-O Manowar vol 1 is only going to have 3 issues a time. Jesus lol. I really hope the upside is they can crank out a good number of tpbs a year. I'm totally going to buy that though. I'll get to the Venditti run eventually but I'm definitely going to jump on this book.
Why bother? Three issues isn't even up to IDW standards for a trade, and that's saying something.
They're all going to be $10 MSRP, though. Every XO Manowar trade will be entry-level priced lol
See that goes a decent way and if they are nice collections and it means I get a new trade every 3 or 4 months oppose to waiting 6,that's not horrific, as long as the quality is there. They probably do wring out a bit more profit this way but eh.
Or maybe it is horrific and I'll tell myself anything haha.
3 issues is absurdly skimpy for a trade.
Lol btw I'm not on Harbinger Renegade yet, planning on going back to the beginning with Harbinger, but the advertising for this upcoming death is amazing haha. Not just a death but A GRAPHIC DEATH of a major hero, with redacted previews and MASSACRE printed on top of them etc. Too good
Finished up Wrath of the Eternal Warrior at lunch and damn that's a great series.
My favorite two issues in that run are the ones nested in the middle where Gilad just storms a castle and tears people's shit up.
Also, the plot with his son was really resonated with me.
I'm interested to see what while happen next. Especially with X-O's people guarding the body now.
Are there any other Eternal Warrior runs like this one?
there's a Dynamites Comics sale on comixology right now, -50% off with coupon code DE17
which means I hope some of you guys will jump on Magnus Robot Fighter which I recommended earlier,
it's an older Valiant title from the 1990s written by a current Valiant writer from the 2010s.
Also apparently there's a new Magnus comic coming out again, written by the guy who is currently writing Power Rangers.
also also, happy to report that Valiant cashed my $10 check!! I can almost taste that sweet ebay profit Harbinger #0 will get me!!
Not in the current timeline, no. I was really disappointed with Pak and Milligan's runs. Pak's may be worth a read for the interesting setup he does in the second arc, but the rest was boring to me.
That's what I've heard. Just started reading Rai volume 2 battle for new japan. I wasn't blown away by the first volume but I'll give it a go.
How much is the preorder for Bloodshot Salvation first year? And do you do it through Valiant's website or through a comic shop?
I will post about it as soon as I have the information.