Real talk: did anyone really say Chun-Li was looking her best?
Just started listening to Aris' rant.
He has all his DMC3 weapons.
Lol shit forgot that, probably not lol.did they add a spiral move
dont fuck w me here man i need spiral in my life
Then he should tear up actual tweets about the game and not make up a bullshit argument inside his head.I think he's slightly exaggerating with how overwhelmingly positive some people have been on twitter towards the game.
Talking about capcom games feels more political than talking about politics at this point tbh
I think he's slightly exaggerating with how overwhelmingly positive some people have been on twitter towards the game.
You LITERALLY just said "it doesnt matter how well it plays"
regarding a fighting game.
We are officially in crazy town.
They don't put effort into their games anymore while acting like they do.
When DRAGON BALL causes more hype for being a Marvel clone than your own Marvel series game, you have a serious problem on your hands. Capcom should not have Budget issues with a Marvel game, but they clearly do and it's shining through with no filter.
Here's that Aris rant from earlier. I thought he'd be sarcastic like usual and after reading the "Chun looks like Sajam with makeup" comment but he's really on point.
Also holding gem mechanics hostage by making them unlock through story seems sketch. I can see a lot of people skipping story cutscenes to get those and feeling frustrated.
NRS holding characters behind storywall is also annoying but at least their story modes aren't horrendous.
True dat.
Unfortunately it's been over a year since SFV's release and Capcom never turned it around. The stigma from launch week is still there, and just as intense. All I had to do was look at the user reviews the recent free betas got. Which is sad. But they have nobody to blame but themselves. MvCI has some silly things like poor-looking faces but it seems to be a solid fighter with the solo content that SFV didn't launch with so it would be a bit of a shame if it got hit in the "crossfire."
That said, the amount of negativity this game is receiving is ridiculous. It's unwarranted.
its kinda lol that the got the like 4 people being fake hype for this game in the same room though
They don't put effort into their games anymore while acting like they do.
When DRAGON BALL causes more hype for being a Marvel clone than your own Marvel series game, you have a serious problem on your hands. Capcom should not have Budget issues with a Marvel game, but they clearly do and it's shining through with no filter.
People also wanted assists back too, so really a perfect storm of mechanics change, mediocre roster, and mediocre to bad graphics.I think dbz is causing hype because it's looking like a fun fighting game. I say this as someone who HATE dbz even the sound effects in this game (which looks awesome) irk me to no end. I also believe that if the x men and older favorites were in the game we'd be hearing a lot less complaints. Not saying mvci is in a perfect place right now but some of you are digging for the sake of digging... and yes Chun li needs a serious once over.
Like I previously asked, why are we paying attention to that sexual-harassing-Hagrid-ass-looking-motherfucker?
He's just trying to stir shit up. People can like the game if they want, but if they don't then that's fine. Game looks fun to me so far so I'm just waiting for more vids.
Wong shilling for Dissidia now, he can't keep getting away with this
did they add a spiral move
dont fuck w me here man i need spiral in my life
Lol shit forgot that, probably not lol.
i dont want this game to be garbage. i want it to work. but justin tweeting like umvc3 day 1 nova combos and being like "nova got dat rushdown yo!" is ridiculous. how can you not agree?
Aside from claiming pro-players are paid off (which technically isn't true but you can't deny that people who play these for a living have a vested interest in the game's success), he has very valid points.
He's not wrong. The game looks like trash visually and there is going to have to be some serious work put in between now and launch to convince me otherwise.
I actually think it's unwarranted for SFV now too because for all the launch issues they had, they have improved a lot since launch, but I guess a few insecure people on the web are still salty about it not having an arcade mode.
there is no "ok" or "good" on the internet. Its either amazing or trash. You should know that by now
those Carol combo gifs someone was posting earlier, are they made by a gaffer?
Remember when Justin said MVC3 was trash and he was going back to MVC2?
I do.
ahahah aris and tampa bison are so on point
but in this age of apologists for billion dollar companies you're going to get shit for talking like that. ESPECIALLY on a place like GAF, where talking like that makes you "entitled" and people take it personally when you make fun of their favorite children's video game that they've never played.
ahahah aris and tampa bison are so on point
but in this age of apologists for billion dollar companies you're going to get shit for talking like that. ESPECIALLY on a place like GAF, where talking like that makes you "entitled" and people take it personally when you make fun of their favorite children's video game that they've never played.
Sony was supposed to stream a live demonstration of MvCI a few minutes ago, but they skipped it and just replayed the story trailer.
You can turn them off in the demo. Go to controller settings and click on the first highlighted thing which I think says "controller options".Just played the demo and.... please tell me we can turn off easy supers
The DLC prices are still completely unacceptable in SFV. Motherfucking $4.99 for a single costume?!?!? No-one complains about this though because nobody outside of a handful of chumps like me bought the game. Also the story was complete and utter shit. MK vs DCU was almost 10 years ago now, how the hell have they still not figured out how to make something even halfway decent?
With MvCI I really really want to want it. I still have the fondest memories of playing the first MvC and going back to 2v2 was like my number one request (fucking monkey paw). Everything about the presentation of MvCI looks like shit and it seems like it is going to crater just as fast and SFV did which means I would have to be a fucking fool to buy it at full price now when it will be hitting bargain bin prices before years end.
He probably got a nice check since then.
Just played the demo and.... please tell me we can turn off easy supers
Easy supers have always been in Marvel games!Just played the demo and.... please tell me we can turn off easy supers
Plus I hate how streamlined the moves and combos are, Dante's moves have been gutted to hell and everyone's DP motion moves are gone.
Easy supers have always been in Marvel games!
Then turn it off. Easy Hypers, Auto Combos, & Auto Super Jumps can be turned off in the Options menu.Yes I know, but they were never inputed on the face buttons before. It's annoying trying to do combos and then accidentally doing a special out of the blue
I think they had to do it in order to get the simplified commands in. Otherwise, they don't have enough commands per character. I agree that it feels like a step backwards.Can we all take a sec to appreciate how great the main menu is? Also holy shit I cannot beat Ultron Sigma for the life of me.
Just to give my 2 cents on the discussion: with the exception of certain models like Dante this game is really friggin pretty. Graphically the best fighter I've ever seen. Not sure I like to change to kicks and punches though. As a pad player I can't just move my thumb around in a circle like I could before. Now it feels really awkward to try and do a magic series.
Oh and X's moveset is amazing
Then turn it off. Easy Hypers, Auto Combos, & Auto Super Jumps can be turned off in the Options menu.
Fair enoughI know that now thanks to the other posters lol Just explaining why I don't like it
I think they had to do it in order to get the simplified commands in. Otherwise, they don't have enough commands per character. I agree that it feels like a step backwards.
You know what bugs me the most?
The hell happened to the communication between fans and Capcom? Feels like Capcom is getting absolutely zero feedback on the game. The only thing they get is from the pros who are Combofiend's friends but these dudes are not going to be looking out for the interests of the casuals.
Viscant is right, stuff like Chun Li's face matters very little to your average pro player but it's a damn near deal breaker for casuals and it reflects poorly on the game when Esports are involved. You put thing he game up in front of thousands on TV and they see those faces, who the hell is going to want to buy that game?
Capcom's tone deaf communication with their fanbase is frightening. That actually scares me the most about the game, that they actually don't even know exactly why people are complaining or why this game has such a toxic word of mouth lately. They didn't have a clue with SFV either and it's being reflected in Marvel Infinite with them shoving that awful story mode down our throats.