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PewDiePie Responds after using racial slur

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I mean that he should show people that he's sincere by showing that he's truly sorry. How many "apology" videos have we seen from this guy?

Actions speak louder than words. Condemn it full stop and show that you are serious.

i mean, what could he do, saying "do something" isnt very informative
Only watched the short clip so if there was something else after that then I admit I'm wrong, but "it's just a word" is exactly what he didn't say and could've said and you know his fanbase would eat it up. I'm not following him but afaik he already lost his partnership with youtube and disney so his brand now is merchandise, ads and subs revenue which weren't affected by this.

At this point dude probably is talking to advertisers to not blacklist him or go adpocalyse again. He may even be trying to appeal to PUBG devs to like not ban or other publishers to not take the firewatch approach. Basically, he is a multimillion. He isn't dumb. He knows he endangered his brand. He knows he needs to do some patching.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It's good that he's unreservedly apologised for what he said. I don't for a moment believe he genuinely holds racist views, but that doesn't take away from the importance of what he said.

But his actions show the direct opposite.
I'm suprised he didn't apologise to other Youtubers for putting their livelihoods at risk. Since more people seem to be offended by that than the word itself.

It's just like the Capernick thing. More people were upset about him supposedly "disrespecting the military" than the killing of unarmed human beings, he was protesting against.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
i mean, what could he do, saying "do something" isnt very informative
He hasn't said ANYTHING about his fanbase's reaction to this backlash for one.


These are kids. These are the same people who're gonna grow up and become GG/white supremacists due to their influences.
It's good that he's unreservedly apologised for what he said. I don't for a moment believe he genuinely holds racist views, but that doesn't take away from the importance of what he said.
Are you forgetting the moments where he said "didn't know we were streaming" i.e. he uses this racist slur offline quite a bit and only racists keep this word in their lexicon, says the N word again when he reads a donation message, makes jokes about being called a racist ("no, yes, maybe") and losing sponsors, and then concludes with "I know no one watching this stream gives a shit"?

Not to mention a month ago he was trying to say "nig" in another PUBG stream and then says ninja. Ninja and knickers are code words for racists.


i mean, what could he do, saying "do something" isnt very informative

Make a video about the history of the n-word. Bring on a historian to talk about it. Explain to all the kids watching that the issue is not simply that he said a "bad word," but that he reinforced ideas and practices that have lead to the systematic enslavement of a race of people. PDP has immense money and resources. He could use a tiny bit of that to help break his audience out of their bubble.


I do appreciate that he made no excuses and just said it was an idiotic thing to do. Doesn't fix a damned thing, it comes across that he is sorry that he got caught more than being sorry for making the action, but at least he decided not to dig himself in to any further of a hole, that's more than can be said about many on Youtube.

Shame that he doesn't seem to understand why this is an issue.


"We" is society. And your both sides shit is directly out of the Trump playbook. Think about that. It's a completely pointless thing to mention. Who are the "extremists" in this thread or the prior thread on the side of "Saying Nigger is wrong"? Explain that to me. Explain why it's necessary for people like you to constantly play the both sides card no matter the situation?

I don't play it no matter the situation. But on this issue, it's been pretty bad and I never said it was specifically so here. Others have made those assertions but I don't have the time to read 9000+ comments on it. But those acting like it doesn't matter at all upset me. Those acting like pewdiepie should be banned from everything and should "die" upset me too. Those thinking pewdiepie should educate his fan base when pewdiepie himself doesn't seem educated on the topic himself seems as if they expect too much of a deeply flawed person who needs to work on himself first.

Just because we have a president who spews a bunch of racist nonsense and refuses to simply condemn the white Supremecy stuff has literally no equation to what I am doing or saying.

I completely condeme what pewdiepie did and suggested in a different place that his channel be shut down for a month at least. Heck, I'd like to see him get counseling and work towards a better understanding of the world and his place in it.

I also think, again, this is a Microsm of a larger issue in Gaming and society that I honestly have no solution for. Not just of racism, but being compeletely de-sesitized to many different words and people. And pewdiepie is part of the problem right now, and maybe some day he can be part of the solution. But this goes well beyond him.

He needs to be held accountable. He seems to be being held accountable. But there is a point where people are going to far in that accountability. Or more so, too harsh in the punishment.

I hope someone in his life helps open his eyes. I don't think we on the internet will be able to do it. There is just too much noise
i mean, what could he do, saying "do something" isnt very informative

He has what 50 million followers? If he was in any way sincere he could make a few videos to educate and illustrate why the word is racist and why people shouldn't use it. Small things that really don't take much time considering all the content he pushes.

The truth of it is reforming a racist is hard work, and takes a lot more than one video to undue the hatred it takes to be as casual as he is about his racism.


So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.
Make a video about the history of the n-word. Bring on a historian to talk about it. Explain to all the kids watching that the issue is not simply that he said a "bad word," but that he reinforced ideas and practices that have lead to the systematic enslavement of a race of people. PDP has immense money and resources. He could use a tiny bit of that to help break his audience out of their bubble.

Yep this.

Until he does something to try and teach his audience about why hateful language is so dangerous and damaging, this apology seems hollow IMO.


Who cares how sincere this is (personal comment withheld) when he clearly will not learn anything from it? How many fake apologies does he have to give before everyone realizes how full of shit he is? We'll be right back here in a few months, just watch. It's his m.o. at this point.

No idea why people are giving him yet another chance. Who honestly cares if he's a sincere anti-Semitic and racist bigot; he's still an anti-Semitic and racist bigot who has squandered every opportunity provided to him to stop being a fucking man child.

So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

What the shit is this? If that's your summary then you surely missed a few things.


He needs to be held accountable. He seems to be being held accountable. But there is a point where people are going to far in that accountability. Or more so, too harsh in the punishment.

The guy makes three million dollars a year playing videogames on camera.

What percentage of that would you say is a deserved result of his virtue that would be unreasonable for him to lose as a result of his demonstrated unfitness for talking to children?


It's good that he's unreservedly apologised for what he said. I don't for a moment believe he genuinely holds racist views, but that doesn't take away from the importance of what he said.

And frankly, the total racist shitshow in the comment section is exactly why it's such a big deal when public figures like Felix slip up like this. I reported over 50 hate-speech comments in about 15 minutes alone.

Here's about ten minutes worth of comments, there are more every time you refresh the page.


This is why it matters, because it normalises vile, racist language among a very young, impressionable audience who are already over-exposed to alt-right 'culture' and language. It wrongly teaches them that it's acceptable to use one of the most highly charged racial slurs in the English lexicon.

While I appreciate his apology, I really think he needs to address the topic head-on. I think he's more than capable of doing that, I do genuinely believe he understands why it's so unacceptable for someone in his position to use that word in the way he did, but I think he needs to make it clear to those who follow and look up to him - particularly his younger subscribers - why it's not okay. He's in a position of responsibility and influence, and he really needs to use that as a positive platform.

it would be such a simple thing for him to go into those comments and tell them to stop. Its something a sincere person who really did have a problem with people using the words would do. But hes not.
i mean, what could he do, saying "do something" isnt very informative

we've given a shit load of suggestions on what he could and should do if he's actually genuine. but to recap:
Explain exactly why what he did was wrong in detail
Condemn others who do similar things, as well as people who defend him for an action he himself claims to believe was wrong
Stop repeating the same type of behavior
Donate some money to charities designed to help black people and other groups he's offended (this isn't always a requirement depending on the means of the person in question, but considering PDP is a millionaire it should be pretty easy for him to spare money for charity)
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Is this thread throwing racist shit at him? No? Well doesn't really correlate does it.


Un Rama
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

You'd maybe have a point this wasn't the fourth time he's done this.

Pretty fair for people to call bullshit on a weak apology that addresses nothing.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Is the hateful word in the bold section 'racist'?


These are kids. These are the same people who're gonna grow up and become GG/white supremacists due to their influences.
You know those old people that sit at home watching for news all day and complaining about immigrants and people that "hate our freedoms!"?
These are their replacements.


Indeed. He just "apologized" because this whole deal could cost him money.

He joked about the Holocaust before this.

That's anti semitism, that thing i've talked many many times he influenced all these people and saying holocaust didn't happen..hitler was a good guy. And kids now still think it is all OK to say and deny it.

He can fuck off, when you do shit like this in the netherlands it is against the law.


He hasn't said ANYTHING about his fanbase's reaction to this backlash for one.


These are kids. These are the same people who're gonna grow up and become GG/white supremacists due to their influences.

1) This is awful
2) While he should say something about his fans, he can't be responsible for what 50 odd million people say. It would be nice to at least address the fact a lot of them do seem to be acting like idiots though
3) It makes my soul sad that so many of those comments seem to be from people using real pics and real names
I don't play it no matter the situation. But on this issue, it's been pretty bad and I never said it was specifically so here. Others have made those assertions but I don't have the time to read 9000+ comments on it. But those acting like it doesn't matter at all upset me. Those acting like pewdiepie should be banned from everything and should "die" upset me too. Those thinking pewdiepie should educate his fan base when pewdiepie himself doesn't seem educated on the topic himself seems as if they expect too much of a deeply flawed person who needs to work on himself first.

If I, a black person ever used the n word at work in any context ever, I would single handedly destroy my career and all progression. PewDiePie does it in the most insulting fashion in front of thousands, a dude with 47 million followers and you think him being ban from things is unfair? Can you explain to me why this is?
He'll make sure not to say it again, that's for sure.

On another note, even with the apology, his viewers dont accept it. They see it as a guy who was ganged up on and apologized so as to calm the storm. Maybe PDP sees the wrong in it. But his followers dont. They see him as a victim. They grow to resent SJWs as controlling him and free speech.

To properly apologize, he needs to educate his followers. He needs to have a proper discussion and condemn the racism/ignorance his followers are emboldened to take up. It takes more effort to clean up a mess than to say sorry. The conversation doesnt stop at his apology. It spills onto his Youtube comments and sets a narrative where PDP is the bigger man for apologizing while still being the victim

But all of that is beyond him as an entertainer who wants to bury this controversy, so I guess people will move on and forget about it
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

A better summary:

- PDP makes rape jokes constantly
- PDP apologizes and promises to never make rape jokes again
- PDP says women aren't as smart as men
- PDP makes antisemitic jokes
- PDP apologizes and promises to never make antisemitic jokes again
- PDP calls someone a "fucking n*gger"
- PDP apologizes and promises to never use that word again

I wonder what's next?


So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

You forgot

- People still stanning for PDP despite his past and shit apology
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Which hateful (spelled with one L) words are being thrown towards PDP?

Or are you talking out of your neck and trying to catch a ban? Being called a racist is not a hateful word.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP reacts to backlash by making an insincere video with a vaguely apology and does nothing to remedy to the situation.
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.
-People still don't understand why there's still backlash.

Yup, thats the world i know.


Unconfirmed Member
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Who's using hateful words towards him exactly? Be specific


I think the worst part is that he's gonna profit off of all this attention in the end. Everytime we bring something like this up, his fan base gets reinforced. But, you also can't let someone behave that way and not get backlash for it. So we are pretty much in a lose-lose situation.
At this point dude probably is talking to advertisers to not blacklist him or go adpocalyse again. He may even be trying to appeal to PUBG devs to like not ban or other publishers to not take the firewatch approach. Basically, he is a multimillion. He isn't dumb. He knows he endangered his brand. He knows he needs to do some patching.

The fact that he hasn't been banned from PUBG is ridiculous. Like, you are going to make "examples" of big streamers teamkilling and streamsniping but the biggest youtuber ever uses the N-word on a live stream (Rule number 1 in the rules of conduct) and you won't ban him? It's so obviously hypocritical and so obvious what PlayerUnknowns agenda is. It's really sad that it seems like PewDiePie is going to bacially get away with it.


So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

"Hey guys, the reaction to the racism is worse than than racism itself."
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

More like
- PDP says a hateful word
- Internet reacts by calling out PDP
- PDP says what he said was wrong and apologises but makes no meaningful actions towards changing or condemning the behavior
- Internet keep reacting by calling out PDP.
-PDP repeats the behavior again
-Internet rightfully calls him out on it again
-PDP apologizes again, continues to not back up with meaningful actions
-Internet rightfully calls out his half-assed apology
rinse and repeat ad infinitum


In earlier discussions on this subject, prior to the apology, people brought up the situations with Ryan Davis and Maximilian, where they got out in front with apologies fairly quickly, seemed pretty sincere, and were generally forgiven. The big difference with those is that they were one-off incidents where the parties involved changed their behavior. We can easily accept those as mistakes because they don't fit a pattern.

What I'm thinking of now, as I read the transcript of this apology, is Mike "Gabe" Krahuilik of Penny Arcade, who had a long history of starting shit online, saying hurtful, insensitive, and bigoted things, and inflaming controversies that he'd have to walk back and apologize for later. The "Dickwolves" controversy (late 2013) is the most notable of these, but far from the only one. He had a long pattern of being a huge asshole online.

At the start of 2014, in a post on PA's site titled "Resolutions", he posted a lengthy explanation and apology for his past behavior, and expressed a commitment to change. You can read the GAF thread about it here. Though it definitely comes across better than this apology, a lot of people in the thread were very skeptical, because he'd done this before in the past. Words can only do so much to rebuild lost trust.

I only knew that his apology in that case was genuine when I looked back on Penny Arcade two years later and realized that he actually had stopped doing the dumb, hurtful things he said he'd stop doing. His actions matched his words.

It's hard for me to imagine something Pewdiepie could have said that would make me believe he truly understood why he was wrong and that he wouldn't do the same thing again. His past apologies clearly didn't lead him to actually reflect. If he is truly sorry, and actually does hold himself to a higher standard, then he'll show that through his actions going forward. Until then, I'm not going to trust that he's changed.
I don't play it no matter the situation. But on this issue, it's been pretty bad and I never said it was specifically so here. Others have made those assertions but I don't have the time to read 9000+ comments on it. But those acting like it doesn't matter at all upset me. Those acting like pewdiepie should be banned from everything and should "die" upset me too. Those thinking pewdiepie should educate his fan base when pewdiepie himself doesn't seem educated on the topic himself seems as if they expect too much of a deeply flawed person who needs to work on himself first.

Just because we have a president who spews a bunch of racist nonsense and refuses to simply condemn the white Supremecy stuff has literally no equation to what I am doing or saying.

I completely condeme what pewdiepie did and suggested in a different place that his channel be shut down for a month at least. Heck, I'd like to see him get counseling and work towards a better understanding of the world and his place in it.

I also think, again, this is a Microsm of a larger issue in Gaming and society that I honestly have no solution for. Not just of racism, but being compeletely de-sesitized to many different words and people. And pewdiepie is part of the problem right now, and maybe some day he can be part of the solution. But this goes well beyond him.

He needs to be held accountable. He seems to be being held accountable. But there is a point where people are going to far in that accountability. Or more so, too harsh in the punishment.

I hope someone in his life helps open his eyes. I don't think we on the internet will be able to do it. There is just too much noise

Again, the situation is this: Streamer calls someone a nigger, laughs about it. People get upset that streamer called someone a nigger and laughed about it. Your take: There's extremists on all sides! Who is being extreme? Where are these people? Prove you aren't just talking out of your ass to try and play the middle ground? Because that sure as fuck is what is seems like. Nobody needs your middle ground. In the battle of "Is Nigger okay to say?" there doesn't need to be an impartial side. That's what you are doing, whether you realize it or not, and all it does is muddy the waters. People trying to play moderate because they are seemingly too scared to take a position, only serve to make the conversations harder, and these are the conversations that are necessary if we are to try and find those solutions to the issues of "why are slurs so common in gaming communities" that you claim you want to solve.

Worrying about his punishment is another example of this. First of all, who is punishing him? Who is holding him accountable? Where are you getting this from?

People like you just trying to play both sides in issues where it's not necessary and not remotely relevant is just tiresome. Nobody needs it and it adds zero to the dialogue.


So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

Oh Yea, you're definitely racist
So resuming:

- PDP says a hatefull word
- Internet reacts with hatefull words towards PDP
- PDP recognises what he said was wrong and apologises
- Internet keep reacting with hatefull words towards PDP.

Yup, thats the world i know.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize calling someone "garbage" because they used the n-word ending with "-er" as an insult constitutes as being hateful.

And yes he apologizes if he has offended anyone...if. Plus this isn't his first offense. So yeah, not surprised if folks don't accept PDP's apology.
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