Thinking of doing a new build around Black Friday, should I go with a 1080 Ti, or wait for the next hotness?
I would like to know this, too. Generally speaking, how much better are late November prices versus prices now?
I've enjoyed reading through this thread and wanted to see if I have this summarized correctly: Basically there is little difference in performance between the various 1080 TI's. Essentially we're down to fan noise, negligible temperature difference, and 2-3% fps difference.
I've bought EVGA cards for a while, but I seemed to be reading a consensus emerge in this thread in the purchasing decisions of others for the ASUS RoG Strix. Makes sense - nice card. My thought was to get the OC version so that I have a soft set-it-and-forget-it overclock out of the box. This looks to be slightly more expensive than other cards, but to this untrained eye, it seems like it has good temps and nice tweaks.
I'm thinking alot about that quote above. Timing is everything; it always is. There is always another upgrade coming, another sale. But in reading the news, it sounds like Volta may be later than we thought. Probably not quarter one, so...June? Maybe even later? ...But there's a part of me that'd feel like a sucker for getting a 1080 TI now - after resisting for several months. If prices will be noticeably less in two months for the 1080 TI, maybe I can hold out a bit longer and still pat myself on the back later.