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Laytons Mystery Journey |OT| iOS/Android now, 3DS JP only until Fall

Should I play Layton brothers? Played all 6 games 100% and watched Eternal Diva
As far as I know, it's quite different from the other games. You have to investigate certain cases. I believe there might be a demo/trial on the Play Store, so you can try it out for yourself before committing.


Should I play Layton brothers? Played all 6 games 100% and watched Eternal Diva

Layton Brothers isn't really a Layton game. It's definitely a total spinoff and is very different mechanically. It also has even less links to the main series than Mystery Journey. But I thought it was alright. It is more consistent to the themes it sets up and less infuriating than Mystery Journey storywise. But if you're looking for a good puzzler, it isn't it. It's more like an investigation point and click adventure that's honestly not very deep.
I'm mostly interested in a canonical follow-up to Unwound Future and revealing Layton's whereabouts. Will this game satisfy me? Spoilered yes or no


Why not the question too, while we're at here ?

What the fuck.
Seeing as that's what the game description says is Kat's motivation on Amazon and it's mentioned at the start of the game and in the various marketing materials, I didn't think it was a spoiler.

Thanks for the answer- I won't quote in case someone stumbles upon the spoiler tags out of context.


Layton Brothers isn't really a Layton game. It's definitely a total spinoff and is very different mechanically. It also has even less links to the main series than Mystery Journey. But I thought it was alright. It is more consistent to the themes it sets up and less infuriating than Mystery Journey storywise. But if you're looking for a good puzzler, it isn't it. It's more like an investigation point and click adventure that's honestly not very deep.

I think it has more links to the main series than Mystery Journey to be honest!

The police chief turns out to be Barton, from the original trilogy, and he has a huge role in the game. And the game ends with Barton having a call with Layton and being like "We need you to solve this next case..." which probably is never gonna happen, but still. I don't know, compared to this one, I feel like Layton Brothers is more connected to the main series somehow.

Also yeah, Brothers has completely different mechanics but I found it really charming. It doesn't have the most complex murder mysteries, but it does his own thing and it works well. Probably one reason why I found Alfendi more charming than the protag of his game, he's such an odd dude in a completely different way than the puzzle fanatic part of his family.

Also I really don't like how Katrielle keeps...letting...everyone...go...free. And mostly solves crimes by luck. Alfendi was like "Hah. You're going to jail. Neat. You deserve that."


Dreadful writing, boring and inconsequential story.

A Layton game without a proper central mystery doesn't work. Almost every case being standalone means I'm not working towards a goal or feel like I'm making any progress. Katrielle and Earnest are cute enough as characters and the music and interface are all top notch, but this is the worst Layton game I've played by far.

Not worth the asking price, imo.


Slowly playing through case 4 (Pet Pandemonium) and I’m almost enjoying it.
The detectives are looking for a pet going by just its name. They assume it is a cat with complete confidence but never ask anyone about it. It’s like an Inspector Gadget episode (but without actual gadgets). Then again, wouldn’t it be amazing if it does turn out to be a cat?


Dreadful writing, boring and inconsequential story.

A Layton game without a proper central mystery doesn't work. Almost every case being standalone means I'm not working towards a goal or feel like I'm making any progress. Katrielle and Earnest are cute enough as characters and the music and interface are all top notch, but this is the worst Layton game I've played by far.

Not worth the asking price, imo.

so this wouldn't be a good place to start the series lol? I've been interested in the series for a while but i absolutely hate playing on the ds/3ds line I would rather play the series on mobile. It's a shame they didn't just port the entire series. I've experienced dragon quest 1-6 on mobile and it was an amazing experience


so this wouldn't be a good place to start the series lol? I've been interested in the series for a while but i absolutely hate playing on the ds/3ds line I would rather play the series on mobile. It's a shame they didn't just port the entire series. I've experienced dragon quest 1-6 on mobile and it was an amazing experience

You can absolutely start with LMJ from a story perspective, but the game is not the best representation of what makes the Layton series so special. Still fun and worth playing though, imo.

But I'd recommend you start with L1 Curious Village (DS) or L4 Last Specter (DS), both are the beginning of a trilogy of games and hold up very well even today.

Mobile ports might happen at some point, it's hard to say since Nintendo was heavily involved in the western releases of the Layton series.
Tons of Spoilers Highlighted + Rant:

Just finished the whole game 100%. Gotta say, the story and puzzles kinda suck. The episodes are mostly inconsequential, and that episode 12. ��
I could see the Noah twist miles away, especially when he suddenly disappeared. There were no build up prior to reveal, so that kinda suck as a story telling device.
. Some of the twists are either too obvious
(The money was blown away from the huge-assed fan in the room)
or too farfetched to guess
(Iguana, really? We could've guessed it not being not a cat, but it could've been any animal that sheds)
. None of the major plot lines are explained:
1) Where is Prof. Layton? 2) Why is Sherl talking and why can't everyone hear him?
, and instead we were focusing on
Noah's past, how Kat met Noah, and other pretty inconsequential stuff
, which I don't think most people care too much? Especially 2), which was brought up at the start and at the end in a Free Talk/Coda, and thrown under a bus as a "running joke". As for 1)
I didn't like how they portrait Prof. Layton leaving Kat the "puzzle/Mystery" and gone MIA. Portraits him as such a douche for dropping such an identity crisis bomb and then gone missing (voluntarily).
The "Journey" part of the title is basically non-existent (They were in London 100% of the time, and the game's events only lasted one month).
Oh, and that poor inspector that was introduced in the last minute (Episode 11) and touted as the villain of the episode? LOL. Poor guy.
So many problems/issues with the writing.

Also for the puzzles:
There are way too many puzzles that 1)require you to bisect the letter/shape, 2) the answer is zero or 3) Physically flip the 3ds 180˚ or 4) Glorified/Simplified Sudoku Puzzles
It just isn't as fun when you can guess, or it's just a wordy mess, or some super common puzzle type rebranded :(

Post game 100% unlock
YES. I love the nod to Lucy and Alfendi in the 100% completion free talk/Coda. (Kat is writing a letter to Lucy about taking care of Alfendi.) I guess I got what I wanted out of this game, a reference to Layton Bros..

It was nice that we can go back to each episode in terms of QOL and replayability, but the (inconsequential) episodic structure (like Mystery Room) really doesn't fit the strong over-arching narrative we had from previous Layton games. Definitely a weak game that should be side-lined to spin-off status (with Mystery Room). At least some of the Mystery Room cases/episodes tied up into the final hurrah; there were none here. I'm only sticking around for the Daily Puzzles, I guess.

End of Rant.


Shame about the tepid reviews about the puzzle and story. I bought some appstore credit for this and now it's sitting there unused and in Apple's bank account taunting me.


I'm about 3 hours into this, but definitely feeling the puzzle complaints. If they do another, I really hope the new guy steps his game up.

As is, they're more of the 'creator feels good about himself' variety, and not 'make the player feel good' type you'd want.


I'm about 3 hours into this, but definitely feeling the puzzle complaints. If they do another, I really hope the new guy steps his game up.

As is, they're more of the 'creator feels good about himself' variety, and not 'make the player feel good' type you'd want.

The daily puzzles are getting better as they increase in difficulty, and the Layton World browser game has had some fairly complex and fun puzzles so far, so there's potential.


I finally picked up the mobile version and it's nice to play a Layton game again. I'm still on case 1 but I already understand the puzzle complaints. There's been some good ones so far but there's not as much variety in terms of the more interactive puzzles versus the more math focused ones that were in previous games. Although I'm enjoying it so far. The writing and music have been strong.


Those of you who've already played it: Would you say, it's still an enjoyable and good game? Impressions sound pretty negative so far. :/
Is the game as long as previous Layton entries? Do you think it's worth the price (especially the 3DS version)? Would you buy it again and would you recommend it?

I'm a huge Layton fan, but the lukewarm reception of this entry is a little off-putting. Maybe I'll wait until I can get the 3DS version for like 20€.


The 3DS version will be released on October 6th 2017 in Europe. thread for the news.

I've finished LMJ a week ago and while I liked it more than some in the thread, I have to agree that the case structure didn't work very well. The previous Layton games felt like exciting journeys full of mysteries, the smaller mysteries in LMJ were either pretty obvious from the beginning or had twists that didn't make a lot of sense. Coupled with the weaker puzzles, I feel like the game needed something else to really hook you to keep playing. Going into the game, I thought they would give you more freedom when it comes to solving cases (something like the Apollo mechanic from AA5/6 when you get towards the end of a case). I avoided spoilers and [ENDING SPOILER]
the lack of any real information about what happened to Professor Layton, Luke, their connection to Kat, and why she and Ernest can understand Sherl left me disappointed. Instead of some answers, the stinger after the credits is just drawing the mysteries out further for a potential sequel that might never get made

It's still a charming game with a lot of content, some of the cases were pretty good, Kat and the rest of the cast were likable and it felt great to play a Layton game again. Worth playing for Layton fans, a solid 7/10 imo.

I'd be up for a LMJ2 starring Kat, but they should really reconsider how the story and cases are handled and maybe hire another puzzle designer.


Finally finished today. I wish I could say I loved it, but this is probably the weakest Layton game.

I feel like someone at Level-5 is convinced that Layton is suited for episodic storytelling and keeps trying to make it happen, and it never works (see the middle ten hours of Azran Legacy). I never got invested in any of the characters at all, the plots of the cases were way too shallow, and breaking everything up into chunks made it hard to connect with the game as a whole. Past Layton games always had a very strong sense of place, in that you were exploring this particular town with this particular history and these particular people, and while LMJ sort of does that, limiting the player to a few screens each chapter breaks that connection. And while the core cast was charming enough, there wasn't really any depth to anyone.

The final chapter definitely felt like a traditional Layton storyline compressed into an hour, but because they spent virtually no time building up to it, nothing landed with any real impact.
I don't think there was any real foreshadowing to Ernest before this chapter - maybe an offhand mention of his mom or something? - and the game made it super clear once the chapter got under way.
It was a twist, yeah, but it was neither entertainingly out there or emotionally impactful like the previous games' twists.

The puzzles were way too easy. Since I played the past six games and the crossover and do IRL puzzle events sometimes I acknowledge that I'm probably outside of their target audience, but in past Layton games I would still get stuck from time to time. Here I don't think there was a single puzzle I left behind to come back to later. And as others have said there's a ton of "just kidding the answer was 0/1/some other trick answer", which makes it so you can't really trust the instructions of each puzzle.

If nothing else, I thought the game had a pretty decent script just in terms of line-to-line writing. Nothing groundbreaking, but it flowed well enough and the characters had distinct voices. That's a low bar, but for a game with as much reading as this, at least it had that going for it!

I still enjoyed it as a charming puzzle delivery system, but it definitely doesn't recapture the Layton magic. I'd be willing to play a sequel, but they really need to step it up.
I had a lot fun with it, though I've still got a little way to go to clear everything. With everyone here praising the puzzle design of the earlier entries, I do wonder if Level-5 have any plans to put the older games on Android, because I would jump at the chance!


I just finished the game and that was definitely the weakest game in the series. The twists were fairly predictable and there were way too many trick puzzles. The twist problem probably stems from the fact that the cases are pretty short so it doesn't give them enough time to establish enough strands of mystery. If the case is about who did something, it was usually fairly obvious. I would have preferred less cases but have each one be longer. Some of the cases could have been easily expanded if they wanted to. Overall my favourite cases were probably 5,8,10 and 12. Mostly since they tied puzzles into the case and had me interested in the mystery, even if it was obvious at times.

Full game spoilers:
I was surprised that they didn't even offer some hint to Laytons whereabouts. It was even part of the marketing of the game and all they do is that post credits scene with the sequel tease that Kat might not be his real daughter. Then they also don't resolve anything to do with Sherls situation, it only gets a passing mention at best after he gets introduced. I get that they want to set up mysteries for other games but they didn't even set up the mystery for case 12 at any point prior to it. I was hoping for an overarching story but instead it's all relegated to the final case.

At this point I'll probably finish up the remaining puzzles and do the daily puzzles. The puzzles were weaker this game but they were still more engaging that the story. Even with my problems with the game, I hope they make a sequel with Katrielle as I enjoyed her and the cast of characters that they built up. I just hope they don't feel the need to have a bunch of cases with most of them being of no consequence. Ideally I'd be fine with one big case like the previous games but they might not do that since the games are on mobile as well now and might want to do something more bite sized.


Welp, progress in the main portion of this game has slowed to a crawl for me. I've only done three cases I think. But I've kept up to date with all the daily puzzles!


Is this the same as the 3DS version?

Same game on iOS/Android/3DS, the full story and all the puzzles are included with your initial purchase.

In the 3DS version, you find special coins throughout the story that let you unlock optional costumes for Kat. On iOS/Android you can only get those costumes by buying them as DLC for real money. There's no other DLC, just cosmetic stuff.

LMJ looks good on a smartphone/tablet (higher resolution). The 3DS version doesn’t have 3D support but you might prefer the dual screen and stylus set-up if you played previous Layton games on DS/3DS.
I think a good title for the OT of the 3DS version would be "The Answer is Zero!" Holy hell the puzzles in this game are garbage, never had a Layton game where I solved so many puzzles in 3 seconds because they are all following the same kind of wordplay trick.


I made a quick update to the OT for the 3DS release in case no one is making a new thread (probably doesn't make sense since this is the exact same game), let me know if anyone wants something added to the OT specifically for the 3DS version.


I thought the 3DS version already included everything, but it looks like there's quite a bit of paid DLC:

Layton's Mystery Journey: Costume bundle pack (Level-5) - €7.99/£7.19
Layton's Mystery Journey: Daddy's girl (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Luke lookalike (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Emmy impersonation (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Anton-ish attire (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Aurora again (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
I thought the 3DS version already included everything, but it looks like there's quite a bit of paid DLC:

Layton's Mystery Journey: Costume bundle pack (Level-5) - €7.99/£7.19
Layton's Mystery Journey: Daddy's girl (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Luke lookalike (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Emmy impersonation (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Anton-ish attire (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Aurora again (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
It's just costumes though, nothing of importance.


Been torn about this game since it came out. Love the Layton series and this seems like a much better successor than those Brother ones.

I waited for the 3DS version but now that it is nearly out, I am hesitant to get it for twice the price of the iOS version. I just cant help but feel the game will be more at home on the 3DS, even with the huge price difference.

So iOS or 3DS. That is the question. Anyone else similarly conflicted?
you shouldn't be conflicted. the game is ok at best, and plays fine on a phone, looks better and is far cheaper. and the 3ds version is still charging for costumes despite charging double plus lol


I thought the 3DS version already included everything, but it looks like there's quite a bit of paid DLC:

Layton's Mystery Journey: Costume bundle pack (Level-5) - €7.99/£7.19
Layton's Mystery Journey: Daddy's girl (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Luke lookalike (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Emmy impersonation (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Anton-ish attire (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79
Layton's Mystery Journey: Aurora again (Level-5) - €1.99/£1.79

There are 10 outfits and 5 costumes. You have to pay for all of those on mobile while the 10 outfits can be unlocked for free on 3DS. Only the 5 costumes are payed DLC on 3DS (you can buy them separately or go for the €7.99/£7.19 bundle that includes all costumes). Each outfit and costume comes with one additional puzzle, other than that it's just cosmetic DLC.


Oh, this is tomorrow? That came around fast. I reckon I'll pick it up, show support.

Man. I have to say, this is nowhere near worth $40. It's incredibly disappointing compared to its predecessors. I got the Android version on release and I've barely played through any cases. I just keep doing the daily puzzles. When I do go through the rest of the cases I'll just be tapping through the dialogue as fast as I can to get to the puzzles since the writing is so boring. This aspect was amazing in previous Layton games and it's totally fumbled here.


Sounds like the iOS version may be the way to go if I really want to play this. I want to support Level 5 as they are one of my fav devs and it would be nice to keep the set complete on my shelf but I just don’t know.

Do Layton games on 3DS drop in price ever? I do have GCU so I can get my 20% off anytime.


This is out now on 3DS. Seems like it's not on anyone's radar.
I'm a lot disappointed in it that it isn't in 3d. I feel like that's been happening to a lot of 3ds games lately.
Feels lazy. I mean even if you don't like the 3D, the top screen resolution is worse in 2d mode, so text is blurry instead of crisp.


Finished the first case and honestly.... I'm not liking it.
It's missing the charm and atmosphere of Pr. Layton, even the music is pretty bad, not giving me much will to continue, really sad it turned out that way.


Okay I've only played like five puzzles in, but the writing and puzzle quality is noticeably weaker than past entries. The new puzzle guy isn't up to the standard of Akira Tago, and while I can deal with a flimsy story, I need those quality puzzles.
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