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Jim Sterling shares his issues with the Xbox One (The Jimquisition)


Microsoft just needs an open world first party Witcher 3 type of RPG with amazing visual quality and coherent story telling. Not Halo 5 bad storytelling.
Wow... some of you really need to lay off the alcohol before posting here. Just because someone prefers a straight up gaming device to a pc, or they bring up gamepass, that makes them paid ms shills?


You can easily do that with a PC tho... not saying you have to game on PC your preference is your preference but that's a weak reason honestly. Like saying I don't drink sprite because I like carbonated beverages...

no I like my pc to be in another room and I don't like a pc tower keyboard and mouse in my living room. consoles are generally smaller than gaming pcs . my preference. like I said I have my xbox X and if the tv is being used I have the option to continue some of my games on my pc with same save states. I fail to see how this is a bad thing. on the PS4 you would need two ps4s in two separate rooms. I am guessing but a lot of people who have a ps4 have a pc also


Xbox did had fantastic E3 but it didn't really made me want buy Xbox because most of the exciting games they showed I can just get it on my PS4.

By excellent because of how standards are so low.

We had Kinect, Xbox tv integration and tv link ups at the start of the gen. PS has psvr and more variety content wise. Both e3s were average and probably because next gen is close.


He's not wrong but heres the thing: MS or Phil Spencer at least, hears the "no games outcry." So next gen all of your favorite franchises will be money hatted to be Xbox timed exclusives or exclusive content. I would Expect a prominent Japanese developer to hop on board and when the game inevitably under performs closes shop. I expect cyber punk to go full blown next gen xbox exclusive (ps4 and pc still come out of course). Careful what you ask for.
Fair enough, but contrary to popular opinion, the MS xbox division is not privy to all of MS's cash. I heard some people saying the other day, MS can just buy EA or buy their problems away, but that can't just happen.....

The thing that worries me is the effects of game pass on the industry as a whole and it's potential to limit developers revenue. Game pass only encourages developers to use gaas models even further by potentially limiting revenue made from initial purchases.

Game pass is great for consumers but I really wonder what effect it's going to have on the industry by further devaluing it's own product. Iwata pointed at the trends of the AppStore market years ago about what happens when you do this sort of thing.
Good point, I gave my take on it when it was announced. I always had my reservations about it and it somewhat jives with yours based on "what are you doing to the developer", with so many devs shuttering, if a game launches on gamepass and nobody cares to even download it, then it's dead in the water. Right now, gamepass is new and novel, horizon4 will be on it, everybody is stoked, but how will that service evolve beyond the early/golden years? What type of games do we expect on it in the future if there are not enough subs or perhaps if it takes off? Did MS buy Playground just to put this game on gamepass and eat the cost in lieu of building gamepass subs? There's a deeper conversation to had there, that's for sure......

I am a gaming enthusiast. I own a PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. I currently find the Xbox to be the more consumer friendly product. I am not a fan of paying for online gaming but at least one of these console lets me play my favorite games from last generation without charging me. This is a big deal for me, but may not be for others.

The Xbox One was sabotaged by its initial anti consumer message. Guys like Spencer are the reason why the Xbox has rehabilated its image. This all changed because of consumer feedback.
Playing your console games from last generation is a moot point, nobody is preventing anybody from playing their games from last generation, you just hook up your old console....If that was a selling point, PS3 with full backwards compatibility for two gens back would have sold a billion consoles on debuted or this gen XBONEX or XBONES would be flying off shelves....The point becomes even more moot if you consider that per-chance XBOX-ONE had unique exclusives built for the current generation, it would'nt have to hype exclusives from prior generations as a reason to own a 2018 console.....Nobody bought an XBOX to play Oblivion or Morrowind at sub 30fps in 2018, to try to make such a point is the very reason MS is losing the race so badly. Let Ms and it's fans keep telling themselves that BC is making any difference to XBOX's reception this gen or the next.

What are they going to say next gen? You can play Horizon 3 in 8k with AF and AA boosted and neglect new IP's and experiences?......Ms has made alot of mistakes this gen, but they keep on addressing the wrong wounds....The life threatening wounds are what they seem to ignore, current games in current generations....to the tune of the machine spec...

Personally, I think the One X is great as a late gen console pickup. All the best games coming at the end of this gen are going to be multi-plats anyway and will "play best™" there.
All the best games coming at the end of this gen are not going to be multiplat, where is this coming from? Substantiate? Whilst PS4 had a huge installbase against XBOX-ONE vanilla, it meant that differences in multiplats was tangible to all PS4 owners vs XBOX ONE owners, 4 years in the paint too......On the flip, only few people own the XBONEX, it's not flying offshelves and it's part of the lowest installed HD console this gen, the odds and numbers are just against the XBONEX to make a point of multiplats are better there....What percentage of the XBOX installbase own an XBONEX, maybe 3-5%, how is that doing anything for MS or influencing a shift there....

Still, "that plays better(tm). statement"......FYI, playing better signifies 60fps vs 30fps on the same game, if it's the same 30fps, how is it playing better? If I can find more persons to play COD consistently on a next platform, how is it playing better elsewhere barring a huge framerate divide?
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Neo Member
XBox still has little success outside of the US. And no matter what they do will change that this generation. They are extremely slow moving. Tbh he has some good points.


Gold Member
hardlythelastword said:
Let Ms and it's fans keep telling themselves that BC is making any difference to XBOX's reception this gen or the next.

I can only speak for myself, but I've absolutely made sure that all of my multi-platform games are now purchased on the Xbox One, largely because I'm confident that MS will do a far better job at bridging the divide than Sony will.

Also, playing some of the 360's games in 4k is incredible. Gears of War 2 and Read Dead Redemption 2 are phenomenal. And Panzer Dragoon Orta from the original Xbox is beautiful.

For me, backwards compatibility has been a thing of beauty this generation. Is it enough to outshine Sony's exclusives? Nope, not a chance. But to disregard it as meaningless is not only unfair, it's complete bullshit.
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
Though to play Devil's Advocate, Microsoft does not get money if people buy multiplats on Steam, GOG, or other non-Microsoft platforms. The majority of Cuphead's sales, for instance, come from Steam and then we also have to take its sales from GOG into account. Microsoft gets no revenue from a Steam or GOG sale since they don't own those platforms.

Considering Microsoft own the IP, I find it hard to believe they didn't make any money at all when it was sold on other platforms.

Fox Mulder

Xbox did had fantastic E3 but it didn't really made me want buy Xbox because most of the exciting games they showed I can just get it on my PS4.

MS did what they had to at E3. They just showed games. Yes most were third party games, but they'll also presumably be best on the Xbox X.


The nicest person on this forum
MS did what they had to at E3. They just showed games. Yes most were third party games, but they'll also presumably be best on the Xbox X.
Like I said Xbox had good E3 but as someone who already owns PS4 you cant really expect me buy xbox just so I can get better looking multipatform games? I mean if I really cared about that wouldn't been better idea to buy PC instead? Actually I would say its much better idea not only because PC gives better visuals than Xbox one X for muliplatform games but also PC gets Japanese games that Xbox doesn't get like Ni no Kuni 2, Dragon Quest XI and recently announce some of the Yakuza games also getting PC release.


What? Jim hate? Jim Sterling puts on a fun show and I've never seen him be anything but straight and factual. The JimQuisition attacks real issues with the games industry. I can't follow the train of thought here : Dislike sure, but hate? Why?


What? Jim hate? Jim Sterling puts on a fun show and I've never seen him be anything but straight and factual. The JimQuisition attacks real issues with the games industry. I can't follow the train of thought here : Dislike sure, but hate? Why?
I personally quite like him, but there are a two things to consider with his material: a) he's not pretending to be a "journalist" nowadays, he's basically a pundit - which means that in large part he's trying to educate the masses, and the topics he covers can end up being very much "been there, done that" for enthusiasts, and b) it's an act - if you honestly feel "thank god for me" isn't very much in jest, you need to get your sarcasm detector checked. I think people take him way too seriously, which leads to all kinds of unnecessary internet uproar.

But sure, the "Jimquisitions" can be quite "meh" at times, as was the case here. It's not that I disagree with the basic premise, there just wasn't anything that new content-wise. I'd like to see more of Duke Amiel du H'ardcore, those bits were hilarious.
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What? Jim hate? Jim Sterling puts on a fun show and I've never seen him be anything but straight and factual. The JimQuisition attacks real issues with the games industry. I can't follow the train of thought here : Dislike sure, but hate? Why?
Some felt he attacked the XBOX, so they came to oust him, but in truth, Sterling attacks anything he deems is not kosher, no matter whether it's Sony, Nintendo, MS or Ubisoft....His Ubisoft's videos are his best work though.....
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You really don't need to be technically inclined to enjoy PC games.

Yes, you do. But this is offtopic.

I studied computer science, used to build my own PCs in the past and work as a software developer. The reason for me not to want to play games on the PC is that if I am going to work, then I want to get paid for it. My time isn't free. I could build a PC with both hands tied to my back if I wanted.

Other examples of crappy PC ports, besides Dead Space, are Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition, or the first Gears of War. I remember trying to play Gears back in 2007 on my PC and my machine was stuttering like crazy. I couldn't find a solution back then, maybe it wasn't tested in my particular CPU/GPU configuration.

There's a difference between just running a game (which consoles can do) and running it properly, with a stable 60 fps and nice graphics. That's literally the only advantage the PC has. If you don't care about how games are going to run, then a console is good enough.


I studied computer science, used to build my own PCs in the past and work as a software developer. The reason for me not to want to play games on the PC is that if I am going to work, then I want to get paid for it. My time isn't free. I could build a PC with both hands tied to my back if I wanted.
Somewhat offtopic, but this, this, so much this. I already spend most of my waking hours in front of several monitors. When I get home, I just want to play a game if I'm so inclined. I could build a gaming PC, sure, have done so in the past. But that would require at least a moderate amount of upkeep every now and then, which I simply don't want to do. I like to come home, pick up the controller from the charging dock and by the time the TV wakes up too (thank you HDMI-CEC) I'm ready to continue where I left off. Or alternatively, I can buy a game while at work, have it downloaded and get right into it when I get home.

So at least personally, it's a matter of convenience. Am I paying more for that convenience? Probably. Could I get better graphical/technical fidelity on a PC? Undoubtedly. Do I want to? ....no, not really, I'm good. There are many advantages (and disadvantages too) to PC gaming, I'm not denying that. But even with Steam "big picture mode" and whatnot, it's not quite as seamless as with a console.
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If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Fair enough, but contrary to popular opinion, the MS xbox division at Privy to all of MS's cash. I heard some people saying the other day, MS can just buy EA or buy their problems away, but that won't happen either.....

Good point, I gave my take on it when it was announced. I always had my reservations about it and it somewhat jives with yours based on "what are you doing to the developer", with so many devs shuttering, if a game launches on gamepass and nobody cares to even download it, then it's dead in the water. Right now, gamepass is new and novel, horizon4 will be on it, everybody is stoked, but how will that service evolve beyond the early/golden years? What type of games do we expect on it in the future if there are not enough subs or perhaps if it takes off? Did MS buy Playground just to put this game on gamepass and eat the cost in lieu of building gamepass subs? There's a deeper conversation to had there, that's for sure......

Playing your console games from last generation is a moot point, nobody is preventing anybody from playing their games from last generation, you just hook up your old console....If that was a selling point, PS3 with full backwards compatibility for two gens back would have sold a billion consoles on debuted or this gen XBONEX or XBONES would be flying off shelves....The point becomes even more moot if you consider that per-chance XBOX-ONE had unique exclusives built for the current generation, it would'nt have to hype exclusives from prior generations as a reason to own a 2018 console.....Nobody bought an XBOX to play Oblivion or Morrowind at sub 30fps in 2018, to try to make such a point is the very reason MS is losing the race so badly. Let Ms and it's fans keep telling themselves that BC is making any difference to XBOX's reception this gen or the next.

What are they going to say next gen? You can play Horizon 3 in 8k with AF and AA boosted and neglect new IP's and experiences?......Ms has made alot of mistakes this gen, but they keep on addressing the wrong wounds....The life threatening wounds are what they seem to ignore, current games in current generations....to the tune of the machine spec...

All the best games coming at the end of this gen are not going to be multiplat, where is this coming from? Substantiate?
Other than Spiderman what else is coming in 2018/2019? Personally I hate TLOU but knowing it will be mentioned, I guarantee it will be cross gen. This current gen is just about done and I'm looking forward most to RDR2 and BF V. By the time anything amazing past those two comes, next gen will already be here. Until then, the X is where it is at. Best multiplats and Gamepass is fantastic.
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He used a much harsher title for his video. Is he making any points, or do you believe it's all click-bait?

He is right about the Xbox games on Windows.

I wouldn't buy an Xbox knowing most of the exclusives can be played on PC at cheaper and perhaps better performance.

Kagey K

Remember how after "Play Anywhere" became a thing, some people said "everyone will just play on the PC"?

I don't have a link, but I remember reading some time after Forza Horizon 3 released that 90% of the players were on Xbox. At launch Gears 4 didn't have cross play with the PC and the multiplayer there was a wasteland. Players complained they couldn't find matches because the community was in its majority on Xbox.

Your guess is right, the vast majority plays on consoles, between 80 and 90%.


Here is a breakdown of Forza Horizon 3, 6 months after launch.

Granted this is not science and is based strictly off the number of people that completed the first race.

Off the Chain leader board stats :
global: 3,412,789 players
XBox: 3,165,505 players (93%)
PC: 247,284 players (7%)

So you would be correct in this case.
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I personally quite like him, but there are a two things to consider with his material: a) he's not pretending to be a "journalist" nowadays, he's basically a pundit - which means that in large part he's trying to educate the masses, and the topics he covers can end up being very much "been there, done that" for enthusiasts, and b) it's an act - if you honestly feel "thank god for me" isn't very much in jest, you need to get your sarcasm detector checked. I think people take him way too seriously, which leads to all kinds of unnecessary internet uproar.

But sure, the "Jimquisitions" can be quite "meh" at times, as was the case here. It's not that I disagree with the basic premise, there just wasn't anything that new content-wise. I'd like to see more of Duke Amiel du H'ardcore, those bits were hilarious.

This is more or less how i feel. Sure he's taking a crack at Microsoft here, but he's not bought and paid for. In a couple of weeks you may just as soon see him roasting Sony or Nintendo.
Why not just play on the X1X then? I thought every PC gamer was playing at 4k/60 and that's why 4k/30 on the X wasn't worth it.

4k/60FPS would require a beast of a machine.

Don't pay attention to the idiots. Yes you have people who spend a ton of money on PCs in order to be able to make reaction videos about a game not running at 120 fps with everything absolutely cranked to the max but they are a minuscule minority. Most people don't spend their time gaming looking at a number in FRAPS.


Fair enough, but contrary to popular opinion, the MS xbox division at Privy to all of MS's cash. I heard some people saying the other day, MS can just buy EA or buy their problems away, but that won't happen either.....

Good point, I gave my take on it when it was announced. I always had my reservations about it and it somewhat jives with yours based on "what are you doing to the developer", with so many devs shuttering, if a game launches on gamepass and nobody cares to even download it, then it's dead in the water. Right now, gamepass is new and novel, horizon4 will be on it, everybody is stoked, but how will that service evolve beyond the early/golden years? What type of games do we expect on it in the future if there are not enough subs or perhaps if it takes off? Did MS buy Playground just to put this game on gamepass and eat the cost in lieu of building gamepass subs? There's a deeper conversation to had there, that's for sure......

Playing your console games from last generation is a moot point, nobody is preventing anybody from playing their games from last generation, you just hook up your old console....If that was a selling point, PS3 with full backwards compatibility for two gens back would have sold a billion consoles on debuted or this gen XBONEX or XBONES would be flying off shelves....The point becomes even more moot if you consider that per-chance XBOX-ONE had unique exclusives built for the current generation, it would'nt have to hype exclusives from prior generations as a reason to own a 2018 console.....Nobody bought an XBOX to play Oblivion or Morrowind at sub 30fps in 2018, to try to make such a point is the very reason MS is losing the race so badly. Let Ms and it's fans keep telling themselves that BC is making any difference to XBOX's reception this gen or the next.

What are they going to say next gen? You can play Horizon 3 in 8k with AF and AA boosted and neglect new IP's and experiences?......Ms has made alot of mistakes this gen, but they keep on addressing the wrong wounds....The life threatening wounds are what they seem to ignore, current games in current generations....to the tune of the machine spec...

All the best games coming at the end of this gen are not going to be multiplat, where is this coming from? Substantiate? Whilst PS4 had a huge installbase against XBOX-ONE vanilla, it meant that differences in multiplats was tangible to all PS4 owners vs XBOX ONE owners, 4 years in the paint too......On the flip, only few people own the XBONEX, it's not flying offshelves and it's part of the lowest installed HD console this gen, the odds and numbers are just against the XBONEX to make a point of multiplats are better there....What percentage of the XBOX installbase own an XBONEX, maybe 3-5%, how is that doing anything for MS or influencing a shift there....

Still, "that plays better(tm). statement"......FYI, playing better signifies 60fps vs 30fps on the same game, if it's the same 30fps, how is it playing better? If I can find more persons to play COD consistently on a next platform, how is it playing better elsewhere barring a huge framerate divide?

Did you miss the part where I said that it matters to me, but may not to others? I don't care about what sells systems. I care about how a machine's capabilities are catered to me. Some of us, and I know it is strange to some of you, like consumer friendly options.

Codes 208

I mean, he's not wrong. With every step theyve had this gen there's been two steps back. And the biggest IP MS owns feels like a shell of its former self. (Really hope Halo Infinite steers the series back on course. But I digress.) Frankly I saw this from the beginning. The reveal event was a fucking disaster and still lives on as shitty memes or people who unironically believe the xbox still requires internet for everyday gaming or that the kinect is still a thing.

It launched as the weakest of the two and the more expensive option. It was a pain to develop for and MS wasnt so open with indies at the time. They were trying to force online only in an age where that was still unfeasible (for most places, that still is) and ultimately it send many 360 gamers to ps and pc. Me included. Even now, I think theyre in a better place than they were but theyre far from being the game giant I saw them as during the 360 days.

Not to say they havent made improvements. No paywalls for paid apps like netflix, policy changed to stop making devs pay for updating games, the only current gen system with BC, gamepass and play-anywhere.

Oh, and being more open to cross-play.
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Kagey K

This is more or less how i feel. Sure he's taking a crack at Microsoft here, but he's not bought and paid for. In a couple of weeks you may just as soon see him roasting Sony or Nintendo.

I really don’t care who he’s roasting, he’s obnoxious and as much as he protests much of what’s going on in gaming, he feeds into it as well, with some of the stupid shit he says.

Part of why the console wars are what they are now, are because of people like this that try to fan the flames.

Toss a bit of shade here, a bit over there, and hopefully ignite a fire and see how long it carries, meanwhile while everyone is distracted, they can do what they want on the side.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Fox Mulder

He is right about the Xbox games on Windows.

I wouldn't buy an Xbox knowing most of the exclusives can be played on PC at cheaper and perhaps better performance.

But lots of people don't give a shit about PC gaming. Consoles will always have their place.

It makes no difference to me if something like Forza Horizon is on PC. It allows more people to play the game and MS can justify the costs of making it with more sales or whatever.


I agree and disagree with Jim.

As a PS4 and PC owner, there isn't much drawing my attention towards the XB1. The backwards compatibility is a high point for the system and the thought of it excites me. But then I remember the large majority of those games I can buy on my PC with higher than 1080p resolutions.

First party titles don't excite me either as MS don't seem to know how to handle them or even destroy their own IP's (Fable). They have relied too heavily on Halo, Gears of War and Forza throughout their 3 consoles. The fact that they purchased the dev team of PUBG shows that they don't know what they are doing because that game only has negative publicity these days.I know Nintendo always use the same titles as well but they always change up the game play of their titles. Sony on the other hand are constantly bringing out new IP with each generation.

If I didn't own a PS4 or a PC and didn't care about first party titles (for any platform holder) the XB1 would be any easy purchase. The backwards compatibility and games service are really good incentives, too good to pass up if you don't own a current PC or PS4.

Fox Mulder

First party titles don't excite me either as MS don't seem to know how to handle them or even destroy their own IP's (Fable). They have relied too heavily on Halo, Gears of War and Forza throughout their 3 consoles. The fact that they purchased the dev team of PUBG shows that they don't know what they are doing because that game only has negative publicity these days.I know Nintendo always use the same titles as well but they always change up the game play of their titles. Sony on the other hand are constantly bringing out new IP with each generation.

MS didn't buy the PUBG dev team. Tencent is planning to drop like $500 million just to get around 10% of Bluehole, so they must be doing something right.


MS didn't buy the PUBG dev team. Tencent is planning to drop like $500 million just to get around 10% of Bluehole, so they must be doing something right.

I am completely mistaken, they bought Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Undead Labs and Compulsion Games. Why in the world did I think they purchased Bluepoint?
Doesn’t mention that XOX is the best place for multi platform games unless you have a nice gaming pc. Made some decent points but they were all old news. Sort of a weak Jimquisition.

I also thought it was weird how he crapped on Gamepass and didn’t mention EA Access console exclusively (did he? I don’t remember him saying much about it...been a few days.). With those services, that’s a TON of good games, even with all the filler, and he trivialized them like they were nothing. In doing so, he also trivialized backwards compatibility and all the future 360 and OGXbox games still coming to it. The service is dirt cheap! I can’t help it if Jim has a great pc for multiplats and a bunch of patreon people paying for his games (which he writes off on his taxes). For the average broke-ass person EA Access and Gamepass are a great value.

The more I think about this jimquisition, the more I think it was half-baked and shitty. I say this as someone who owns every current gen console and a gaming pc.


You can easily do that with a PC tho... not saying you have to game on PC your preference is your preference but that's a weak reason honestly. Like saying I don't drink sprite because I like carbonated beverages...

You aren’t gaming on your couch with a PC unless you have a wireless keyboard. You need the keyboard to navigate windows to get to the game to launch it. It’s only after it launches that you can put the keyboard down and navigate things with a controller. Add that to the fact that you are forced to use that wireless keyboard in your lap while playing multiplayer (that is if you don’t want to concede a major advantage by playing other PC gamers using keyboard and mouse). Multiplayer lobbies on PC tend to die off faster and are more likely to include hackers. Then there are the major Rockstar releases that don’t come to PC until a year after launch. The headaches with trying to get a game to launch that suddenly stopped working. Hours in forums trying to find fixes. I’ve been there. It can be glorious when it all works but it’s not a substitute for the console experience.

People like to say that owning a PC is the equivalent of owning an Xbox. It isn’t. But it’s great propaganda for sure and Jim uses that yellow journalism here effectively to add a few subs to his channel. Good on him I guess. We all pay the rent as best we can.
I was a diehard Ps3 fan back in 2006-2009 but i felt that the Ps3 "drought" forced me to get an Xbox 360 back then. With exclusives (at the time) like Bioshock, the Gears games, Mass effect, ect, it quickly became my main console while the ps3 collected dust. While i use my X1X quite frequently, i feel that the "magic" of what made 360 so appealing is totally gone.


Every Xbox exclusive is also available on Windows, significantly reducing the value of the Xbox one. Nothing the system has can claim to be unique to the system. Anything coming to the Xbox One is something you can pick up elsewhere. Good for Microsoft, considering it's all tied to windows, but bad for the Xbox One itself.

So fecking what? When did Jim turn into one of those numpty fanbois that seems to think every household gets a free gaming rig, from the council, every couple of years.

"I cant enjoy gamez if someone else can too"

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You aren’t gaming on your couch with a PC unless you have a wireless keyboard.

Uh. No? Be honest here: when last did you own a gaming pc? Google "Big Picture Mode". It's 2018.

You need the keyboard to navigate windows to get to the game to launch it. It’s only after it launches that you can put the keyboard down and navigate things with a controller. Add that to the fact that you are forced to use that wireless keyboard in your lap while playing multiplayer (that is if you don’t want to concede a major advantage by playing other PC gamers using keyboard and mouse). Multiplayer lobbies on PC tend to die off faster and are more likely to include hackers. Then there are the major Rockstar releases that don’t come to PC until a year after launch. The headaches with trying to get a game to launch that suddenly stopped working. Hours in forums trying to find fixes. I’ve been there. It can be glorious when it all works but it’s not a substitute for the console experience.

You're dating yourself quite badly here.

People like to say that owning a PC is the equivalent of owning an Xbox. It isn’t. But it’s great propaganda for sure and Jim uses that yellow journalism here effectively to add a few subs to his channel. Good on him I guess. We all pay the rent as best we can.

We get it: Jim touched your bad place with his terrible, terrible words and you just have to respond. But next time: try repeating "I must not take it personally" to yourself as you type. It might help if you avoid hyperbole and fact check yourself.


no I like my pc to be in another room and I don't like a pc tower keyboard and mouse in my living room. consoles are generally smaller than gaming pcs . my preference.
That's perfectly fine, but don't say you can't do it when you easily can and just choose not to...

You aren’t gaming on your couch with a PC unless you have a wireless keyboard. You need the keyboard to navigate windows to get to the game to launch it. It’s only after it launches that you can put the keyboard down and navigate things with a controller. Add that to the fact that you are forced to use that wireless keyboard in your lap while playing multiplayer (that is if you don’t want to concede a major advantage by playing other PC gamers using keyboard and mouse).
Actually you can very easily set up your PC to automatically sign in, launch steam, and run big picture mode just from pressing nothing more than the power button. Don't spread misinformation... it's very telling that the users most against playing on PC seem to know nothing about it...

As far as using controller vs. keyboard, that's a choice that heavily depends on what game you are playing and personal preference. I always use a 360 controller myself but I also don't play online shooters where keyboard and mouse is a huge advantage. But if that's important to you, it's nothing a snack tray can't solve...

Then there are the major Rockstar releases that don’t come to PC until a year after launch. The headaches with trying to get a game to launch that suddenly stopped working. Hours in forums trying to find fixes. I’ve been there. It can be glorious when it all works but it’s not a substitute for the console experience.
I'm sorry but in modern times, PC gaming is very simple and no more of a headache than modern consoles. It's so incredibly rare that you run into any issues running games in today's world... again stop spreading misinformation. I understand the valid complaints about xbox upset you, but you don't respond with invalid complaints about PC. That's not how logic works...

Every Xbox exclusive is also available on Windows, significantly reducing the value of the Xbox one. Nothing the system has can claim to be unique to the system. Anything coming to the Xbox One is something you can pick up elsewhere. Good for Microsoft, considering it's all tied to windows, but bad for the Xbox One itself.

So fecking what? When did Jim turn into one of those numpty fanbois that seems to think every household gets a free gaming rig, from the council, every couple of years.

"I cant enjoy gamez if someone else can too"
You guys keep taking valid criticism as complaining. Nobody is complaining that you can play the games on both devices, they are simply saying that there is no reason to buy one device when there's another that does all it can do and more. Are you upset by people who say there's no reason to buy an mp3 player when they already have an iphone? It's the same logic...
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I really don’t care who he’s roasting, he’s obnoxious and as much as he protests much of what’s going on in gaming, he feeds into it as well, with some of the stupid shit he says.

Part of why the console wars are what they are now, are because of people like this that try to fan the flames.

Toss a bit of shade here, a bit over there, and hopefully ignite a fire and see how long it carries, meanwhile while everyone is distracted, they can do what they want on the side.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Console wars existed before Jim Sterling, existed before Microsoft and existed before the internet. Now is not some crazy time in the era of console wars we are pretty much where we've always been. The internet has given us the ability discuss it with all corners of the globe, but wake me up when Microsoft themselves starts releases ad campaigns directly targeting and dissing Sony and Nintendo like Sega did back in the day.

You aren’t gaming on your couch with a PC unless you have a wireless keyboard. You need the keyboard to navigate windows to get to the game to launch it. It’s only after it launches that you can put the keyboard down and navigate things with a controller. Add that to the fact that you are forced to use that wireless keyboard in your lap while playing multiplayer (that is if you don’t want to concede a major advantage by playing other PC gamers using keyboard and mouse). Multiplayer lobbies on PC tend to die off faster and are more likely to include hackers. Then there are the major Rockstar releases that don’t come to PC until a year after launch. The headaches with trying to get a game to launch that suddenly stopped working. Hours in forums trying to find fixes. I’ve been there. It can be glorious when it all works but it’s not a substitute for the console experience.

People like to say that owning a PC is the equivalent of owning an Xbox. It isn’t. But it’s great propaganda for sure and Jim uses that yellow journalism here effectively to add a few subs to his channel. Good on him I guess. We all pay the rent as best we can.

You're good. I like you. You clearly know what's going on and are platform agnostic. Top work. A true gamer by any measure. You've been added to my personal NeoGAF top-tier gamer list.



You're good. I like you. You clearly know what's going on and are platform agnostic. Top work. A true gamer by any measure. You've been added to my personal NeoGAF top-tier gamer list.

Exactly, owning a PC isn't equivalent to owning an xbox. It's the equivalent of owning an xbox, word processor, sound studio mixer, all the retro consoles, etc...


Though to play Devil's Advocate, Microsoft does not get money if people buy multiplats on Steam, GOG, or other non-Microsoft platforms. The majority of Cuphead's sales, for instance, come from Steam and then we also have to take its sales from GOG into account. Microsoft gets no revenue from a Steam or GOG sale since they don't own those platforms.

The play anywhere titles are going to be purchased via MS outlets, Multiplats are not a thing here. Except maybe Red Dead 1 & 2. They are not coming to PC.

Exactly, owning a PC isn't equivalent to owning an xbox. It's the equivalent of owning an xbox, word processor, sound studio mixer, all the retro consoles, etc...

Well the Xbox One can play SNES, NES, Megadrive, Master System, GB, GBA, etc... games

I got a 6 year old laptop that covers everything else you noted there. Does your PC have HDR and a UHD player? Did your PC cost 400 odd quid?
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Exactly, owning a PC isn't equivalent to owning an xbox. It's the equivalent of owning an xbox, word processor, sound studio mixer, all the retro consoles, etc...

That's cute. I'm a PC gamer first and foremost but you're being disingenuous here due to some kind of personal grievance with the platform holder. But your heart is in the right place. The PC platform is a gigantic time sync with a billion random variables that hinder the entertainment side of the platform to an absurd degree. 99.99999% of people/gamers are too busy to deal with that. I've been building PC rigs since the 80s; the Xbox is a dedicated PC gaming rig for the masses with none of the bullshit. It's good. Great even. Accept it.
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I don't know about you, but I just love doing my music and word processing siting on the couch 2m from my TV...
come on man, no one is saying you'd do everything on your pc using a tv. I'm sure there's some people that do, there's always an outlier, but his point was that it's fairly easy to play PC games on a tv in front of a couch, and it is.

The cost thing, you know that going in, just like there'll be people arguing you don't need an xbox 1 X because you can play all those games on the XO or the PS4 basic, that you're paying a premium for something you don't need. If you don't want a beast of a pc, if you don't think it's worth it that's fine. And on that note, it sounds like you don't, if you're not going to make use of it no one is forcing you to buy one, if you've already an X1X and are making use of it, it was hardly a bad purchase


I don't know about you, but I just love doing my music and word processing siting on the couch 2m from my TV...
That's cool. For those of us that don't, we have extension cables...

That's cute. I'm a PC gamer first and foremost but you're being disingenuous here due to some kind of personal grievance with the platform holder. But your heart is in the right place. The PC platform is a gigantic time sync with a billion random variables that hinder the entertainment side of the platform to an absurd degree. 99.99999% of people/gamers are too busy to deal with that. I've been building PC rigs since the 80s; the Xbox is a dedicated PC gaming rig for the masses with none of the bullshit. It's good. Great even. Accept it.

Please quit the trolling. I have no personal vendetta with Microsoft, I actually love windows and use it on my PC. Modern consoles have most of the same issues modern PCs have when it comes to gaming. Waiting for installs, updates, etc. Modern PCs on the other hand don't have nearly the amount of issues they had running games years ago. Any potato can run steam and most games without issues...

In the 4 years I've been a PC gamer(since I bought the previously mentioned laptop), with a steam library of over 200 games, I've run into literally one major issue running a game. Metal Gear Ground Zeroes wouldn't launch. It took me less than 3 minutes to isolate and solve the problem asking google. If 99.99999% of xbox gamers are "too busy" for 3 minutes, I wonder how they deal with system updates...
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PC being easy or not, or in everyone's home is not really the issue. Most console gamers simply aren't looking to play games on a pc and that's all there is to it. So the whole "xbox has no value because games are also on pc" argument is a very weak criticism. There is some merit to the argument, but not to the scale that would devalue owning an xbox.


PC being easy or not, or in everyone's home is not really the issue. Most console gamers simply aren't looking to play games on a pc and that's all there is to it. So the whole "xbox has no value because games are also on pc" argument is a very weak criticism. There is some merit to the argument, but not to the scale that would devalue owning an xbox.
Devalue does mean "no value". It just means someone who already has a gaming ready PC has no reason to buy an xbox. It's that simple, I'm not even sure how this is an argument... it's common sense...

Obviously if you don't have a PC or don't want to game on PC for whatever reason, then xbox has alot of value to you. Nobody is arguing otherwise...
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