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Movie is loaded with star power, good luck continuing the MCU...
End Game almost feels like two movies. The one the Russos had in mind and then the feminist manifesto that Disney insisted they include. You can almost see them trying to work it all in and move on to the real story. Like "Yes yes Disney we'll include that scene but you have to let of do this...." and so on.I think the Russos probably realized they were never going to be able to duplicate the same impact and surprise as IW.
Okay , I haven't seen the movie yet just bits and pieces and don't care about spoilers (duh I'm in here!) so I wanted to ask how did Tony get the gems from Thanos ? I didn't see how he did it . It's kind of a nod to how he lost in the comics , where he had the gauntlet taken from him while he was "distracted" to put it very simply ..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Infinity Gauntlet supposed to be a very powerful artifact?
The fact that Stark managed to build a new gauntlet with that nano tech nonsense seems to me a little... mundane??
Also, WTH? Infinity Gauntlets are so common now that he used another one on his fist in case he needed it?
When we first got Black Panther in Civil War I thought he was cool as hell, but the BP movie made him seem weak and a little boring
I think BP is cool as hell. Not sure he deserves to be resented. I think he's earned his place in this story, unlike CM.
The Girl Power scene was a little much, I admit, but just a tiny drop in the big, quirky puddle that is this movie. Just rolled my eyes a little then forgot about it
One thing that Kevin Fergie failed to do so far, is to have power levels charted out clearly.
- Whoever complained about the pacing was right on the money. Infinity War was paced almost to perfection, this was not - not even close.
- Same goes for the tone - all over the place and too much joking around, given what's at stake. Yet another thing IW was way better at.
- The whole time heist plot has given them a lot of opportunities for fan service/callbacks/gags and boy did they went to town with it. Almost too much, for my taste, and I'd prefer this whole section was shorter in favour of fleshing out endings of more beloved characters.
- I was led to believe (or wanted to believe) this movie had a proper, best-in-the-whole-series final action/battle setpiece. It didn't. Final brawl with Thanos and THAT assembly was indeed awesome but then it just kind of fizzled out - in huge part "thanks" to stupidly OP Captain Marvel.
- Thanos was a proper badass - to a point I almost felt sorry to see him go in what ended up being quite an anticlimacting ending for him.
- Even 10 minutes of Captain Marvel felt too much of her. A textbook definition of shoehorned. OP and therefore boring. Also: horrible haircut. Brownie points: Thanos basically besting her.
- That girl power scene would be much better if it happened at least somewhat organically. But eh, whatever, it was passable.
- I don't like what they've done with Hulk one bit and I don't care how that relates to whatever arc he has in whichever comics. Hulk is suppose to be rage personified, a formidable force of nature - not a reduntant copy of Beast from X-men. They clipped his balls so they could have a couple of extra gags in there and him not having another go at Thanos was a travesty.
- Black Widow's death was somewhat surprising but since the whole scene was a bit of a re-run from IW, it didn't have as much impact as her character deserved.
- Thor deserved a way more poignant send-off then being reduced to yet another gag.
- Cap had a nice send-off (and him wielding Mjolnir was awesome) but passing the torch to Falcon and not to Bucky? Bitch, please.
There's alot more to unpack but to wrap it up ... yeah, not too happy with Endgame, overall. Quite a disappointment, coming from IW, and unlike IW, I don't feel the need to see it again any time soon. But hey, based on a couple of applause bursts at the finale, kids in the theater seemed to have loved it though, so eh, what do I know.
They kept Tony alive for way too long too. Starlord could barely touch one stone for a moment and he is half celestial. We can see how a hulk could survive and even be wrecked for doing what he did. Tony? Well the moment he snapped I said to myself "oh snap he is dead!" yet he survived long enough to have his adopted son and his replacement for jeff bezos wife come in and have their monologuesI'd also add that Tony's death scene was a mess. Pepper giving a shit about Peter Parker in the moment, versus her dying life partner and the father of her child, was like 'what?' Save those condolences for after he's dead, not beforehand. You didn't know he was dying until you checked with Friday. Sometimes there's a place for Stoicism and sometimes there's not.
I just went and saw it and enjoyed it. The final fight was fantastic aside from the lame girl power scene, I did like that Thor joined the guardians I was hoping that’d be the case given his relationship and how they changed him up in ragnarok.
I do have a question though. At the funeral, who was the person just before Captain Marvel?
Oh and what was with her haircut, is she a dyke in the comics?
Maria Hill?
I think the movie was pretty fucking fantastic. I am unsure which I like better, IW or Endgame, but I'm leaning towards the latter as of now.
I do think Captain Marvel is OP with no weaknesses. That's gonna grow old real quick. I hope Feige and friends are aware and tone it down a bit, or give us some kind of weaknesses. Thanos defeated Iron man, Cap, Thor together. Whupped on Hulk. All without using a stone. Yet with CM he struggles and needs to use a stone.
End Game almost feels like two movies. The one the Russos had in mind and then the feminist manifesto that Disney insisted they include. You can almost see them trying to work it all in and move on to the real story. Like "Yes yes Disney we'll include that scene but you have to let of do this...." and so on.
I mean think about it. They emasculated and humiliated the two strongest male superheros. Turned Hulk into MetroHulk. Turned Thor literally into the Big Lebowski... Killed off Stark, and sent Captain America back in the past where his straight white male thinking belongs!
That is not even counting CM or the united groan from all the female superheros as they sync up their menstrual cycle and combine forces to become feminism incarnate!
That's true, but at the same time thanos fights captain marvel after he fights thor, cap, and iron man. I know thanos is a beast, but if he was all powerful and never showed any signs of getting tired, I doubt he would be receiving the same criticism that captain marvel is receiving for being OP. She essentially swooped in at full strength and took thanos by surprise the same way thor did, but no one whined about that.
A lot of these issues come down to the whole vagueness of power levels in the MCU as others pointed out earlier in the thread. Feige has failed to map that out in a meaningful way and it kind of shows at times like this.
I agree, but the point still stands, if you're not going to whine about Thor getting the jump on a non-battle fatigued full power infinity gauntlet thanos. It doesn't make sense complaining about captain marvel holding him back for a few seconds using essentially the same strategy after thanos had been fatigued.
I just want to say that I have nothing against girl power. Buffy is my all time favourite TV Show ever and that will likely never be topped. It even has a wonderful love scene between two women, Willow and Tara and it is fantastic. The 100 is also fantastic with gay guys and women and girl power.
But this crap in Marvel how the woman has to be a complete bitch or show women coming together for no reason at all is vomit inducing.
Did you seriously just reactivate a dead account to come here to blithely admonish the forum to defend the sanctity of Captain Marvel with whataboutisms? 4 posts, 3 of them in this thread.
I hope that Captain Marvel becomes more likeable in time. I personally think she's at her best when she isn't being a try hard. It was short, but I really liked her moment with spiderman. Then again Tom Holland makes any scene he's in amazing.
5 posts, joined 2013 lol whose alt is this
Yeah, it doesn't help that it's really difficult to separate the actor from their character. The actors cast in the MCU are all such lovable people. Brie Larson seems like such a miscast in comparison.I think the problem is the actress as she comes off the same way in interviews. She has a large chip on her shoulder/stick up her butt.
Ok? Is there some rule about when is the appropriate time to join a conversation? If anything I'd think consistently derailing a thread from the topic at hand is more of an issue.I’ve opened an investigation pal. You’re in deep doo-doo
Ok? Is there some rule about when is the appropriate time to join a conversation? If anything I'd think consistently derailing a thread from the topic at hand is more of an issue.
Don’t worry about him, he’s just being a cunth.
Did you seriously just reactivate a dead account to come here to blithely admonish the forum to defend the sanctity of Captain Marvel with whataboutisms? 4 posts, 3 of them in this thread.
Also, WTH? Infinity Gauntlets are so common now that he used another one on his fist in case he needed it?
I always lurked, only posted once or twice before today. Is it an issue that I want to contribute to this conversation? Was I supposed to ask for your permission first, just because I'm providing a different perspective?
Ok? Is there some rule about when is the appropriate time to join a conversation? If anything I'd think consistently derailing a thread from the topic at hand is more of an issue.
Of course, you have. I mean jeez there was an entire thread dedicated to Captain Marvel with people shitting on her left right and centre, yet *Tumbleweeds* from you in there, but suddenly here you are attacking the forum for not being down with the clowns when it comes to her OP nature and how ill-fitting it is for Endgame with whataboutisms. We've seen Thanos without the gem powers beforehand, and he handed the Hulk his ass in Infinity War without even breaking a sweat. Dude isn't a beast, he's pretty much invincible because he's descended from the Eternals. Thor wasn't wrong about needing Stormbringer to kill him, it's one of the few weapons capable of the task.
Surely you should know right? From all that lurking no![]()
So I was thinking more about the film and...
I posted earlier about the Grandfather Paradox and how the Avengers were essentially in a way trying to avoid that. Then I realised that fucking Thanos (and by extension Gamora and Nebula) basically fulfilled that paradox, only in reverse. He time travelled from the past into the future and got himself killed meaning he's not going to be around to collect all the Infinity Stones and kill the Asgardians, Gamora and you know, half the universe (therefore meaning the Avengers won't have to do the fetch quest thing blah blah).
It's a little funny, for all the shit the Russo brothers were giving the other movies they ultimately gone and went ahead and did the exact same thing. To their credit they did open up the possibility of a multiverse theory...
Which would mean the Avengers not only restored their Universe but saved another from ever experiencing Thanos. I really wonder if Guardians 3 is going to be about this because they're the ones going to be most affected by Endgame (no Gamora to join the Guardians since she's in another universe).
The whole "being crippled if you use the gauntlet" seems to be the kiss of death of plot devices for these two films. It's textbook for such an extraordinary power to have dangerous consequences but at the same time they wrote themselves into a corner, especially with Thanos using it twice.I'm glad someone else noticed this as I was wondering if I imagined it. I feel like one of the biggest criticisms I've seen about the movie is how thanos was handled, a few of my friends said he was a shell of who he was in infinity war, but it kind of makes sense considering the plan was never to re-confront thanos to begin with. If not for Nebula, Thanos wouldn't have even gotten reintroduced to the storyline. I just don't know what people were expecting with this movie.