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Ion Fury devs patch out non-PC jokes and force all employees & contractors to undergo mandatory sensitivity training


Not quite.

Why should someone support a dev who patches content out of their game without warning? Full stop. It could be crass jokes. It could be a kart-racer outfit called Watermelon. It could be an entire stage. Doesn't make much of a difference because the principle is the same: devs patching out content because of Twitter outcry.

Vaguely whining about 'that sjw shit' in games on the other hand is a-ok. It doesn't chill developers or make them defensively alter their content to satisfy an audience that has as much good faith in their criticism as the average audience member of Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow for the opposing political party.
Vaguely whining about 'that sjw shit' in games on the other hand is a-ok. It doesn't chill developers or make them defensively alter their content to satisfy an audience that has as much good faith in their criticism as the average audience member of Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow for the opposing political party.
How much "SJW shit" has been removed from a game due to outcry? My impression in those circumstances has been that those complaining about "SJW shit" are either ignored or the industry circles the wagons and calls them #Gamergaters (gators?).

The closer analogue is the string of incidents from "concerned mothers", religious groups (mostly Christians and some Muslims), Jack Thompson, politicians blaming game violence, German/Australian rating board, etc nonsense from the 80s and 90s. Gamers were a unified front against these incursions. Even if you didn't personally care about Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, etc, gamers did not tolerate the nannying of our game content.

But now? "Gamers" are vilified by the journalists who are supposed to inform them, and by the developers who rely on their money. It's a backwards industry, and it is headed toward a crash.

Remove the outcry and emotion from the situation. Remove the specific subject matter of the outcry. Our industry is upside down where customers are the whipping boy and journalists/publishers set the narrative. This will result in a decline, regardless of market or industry.

EDIT: wow typos
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Al Abaster

Simple solution... We need legislation

"We need legislation" is the phrase that destroyed Western Civilization. It epitomizes the laziness of the modern Westerner who has no desire to do anything, but rather desires a powerful earthly authority to handle everything. In search of that "solution" the Westerner ultimately grants so much power to the authority he becomes its slave.
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Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, what's with all the piracy talk? Just don't buy it if it offends you so.

I think the point is more that you'll be able to get a specific version (ie pre-patch) and not have it auto-update if you get the pirate version, while those who buy it on Steam don't get the option to have it unpatched unless they were fortunate enough to buy it before the patch and had the foresight to disable updates.


I hate the outrage culture coming out ResetEra and other shitholes as much as everyone else but is there actually any homophobic stuff in the game?

According to Kotaku, Eurogamer and GamesIndustry.biz there seem to be four main talking points.

1 - In the game - "homophobic language was found in Ion Fury itself. ResetEra user Flapjack21 found a room in the game, accessed using a noclip cheat, that displayed the word "fagbag". "

2 - In the game - "soap bottles that parodied the Olay shampoo brand as “OGAY

3 - On Discord - this post from a developer who goes by the name terminx: "Something I don't really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the 'slut walk' which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it."

4 - On Discord - Some comments that are supposedly transphobic but actually none of the three sites (Eurogamer, Kotaku, Gamesindusty.biz) have quoted that directly, despite directly quoting some of the other stuff. The closest is Kotaku saying "Another developer who goes by “Daedolon” expressed similarly thoughtless skepticism toward trans people, implying that “mutilating a perfectly healthy body while you have depression and other big issues” could lead to suicide. "

The sites seem really sketchy on actually reporting what was said related to point number 4. You can read whatever you like into that but they are reluctant to put forward exactly what the transphobic comments are supposed to be.

It should be noted as well that "fagbag" was hidden behind an impassable wall and you'd have to use a cheat and/or hack to get there to see that.

That seems to be the four main talking points though.


Darkness no more

I'm laughing way too hard at this.

Appeal to people from a site that wasn't going to buy your game.

Then start banning your actual paying customers.



I'm laughing at all the Ree comments on how he "evil and petty alt-rights" review bomb the game. They are so full of themself they forgot the first bombs were about the game having "troublesome" content and the devs being dicks.
Granted, there were obly a few bad reviews at start, but i'm pretty sure they, and other ctrl-left groups, would go nuclear if 3DRealms would state that there is nothing to apologize for.
First it was a famous metal band that screwed them over.

Then it was a retarded SJW cesspit forum that screwed them over.

Who'll be next to screw them over?

Find out in the next episode of "Lazy Dev Gone Fucked Up!"
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The sad part is this sentiment has been written on the wall ever since sci-fi began making commentary on the rise of socialism/communism. The push for state-mandated "unity" and artificial "equality" has been the central conflict to countless short stories and novels and movies. Metropolis, 1984, Strange New World, THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451, They Live, etc etc etc mene mene tekel upharsin

It's not just some obscure pnp RPG entry that is prophetic. This kind of stuff was openly predicted and decried for the past several decades yet we still blundered into it. We're so stupid :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Couldnt we just... make a community video?

Like... a lot of us saying a small sentence of support and respect for the devs and their vision, saying that they dont need to change their vision because of childish outcries, and things like that.

It doesnt need to be strictly related to NeoGAF (aka, dont put the name on it), but made from all of us who wish the devs to have some more self-respect.

The idea just poped out of my mind.
The sad part is this sentiment has been written on the wall ever since sci-fi began making commentary on the rise of socialism/communism. The push for state-mandated "unity" and artificial "equality" has been the central conflict to countless short stories and novels and movies. Metropolis, 1984, Strange New World, THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451, They Live, etc etc etc mene mene tekel upharsin

It's not just some obscure pnp RPG entry that is prophetic. This kind of stuff was openly predicted and decried for the past several decades yet we still blundered into it. We're so stupid

I know, I know. I'm familiar with all the works you mentioned. Unfortunately most people treated these works as mere fiction, though there has been a resurgence of interest in them since the post-9/11 advent of the surveillance state... And now with all this nonsense of course. But yeah, we've been warned about this stuff ages ago.


The sad part is this sentiment has been written on the wall ever since sci-fi began making commentary on the rise of socialism/communism. The push for state-mandated "unity" and artificial "equality" has been the central conflict to countless short stories and novels and movies. Metropolis, 1984, Strange New World, THX 1138, Fahrenheit 451, They Live, etc etc etc mene mene tekel upharsin

It's not just some obscure pnp RPG entry that is prophetic. This kind of stuff was openly predicted and decried for the past several decades yet we still blundered into it. We're so stupid :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Excellent post. (And thank you for mene mene tekel upharsin, had never heard that that was what was on the wall.)


I think the point is more that you'll be able to get a specific version (ie pre-patch) and not have it auto-update if you get the pirate version, while those who buy it on Steam don't get the option to have it unpatched unless they were fortunate enough to buy it before the patch and had the foresight to disable updates.

If you're prepared to play it, then be prepared to pay for it. A team of people put their time into making the game. Don't do them the discourtesy of denying them a sale, because a couple of people in management got antsy over internet BS.

Dr. Claus

If you're prepared to play it, then be prepared to pay for it. A team of people put their time into making the game. Don't do them the discourtesy of denying them a sale, because a couple of people in management got antsy over internet BS.

I agree. Piracy is never the answer. Either get a refund if you already bought the game (like I did) or purchase the game and play the uncensored, unpatched version.


Gold Member
Couldnt we just... make a community video?

Like... a lot of us saying a small sentence of support and respect for the devs and their vision, saying that they dont need to change their vision because of childish outcries, and things like that.

That would be cool, people just create a boomerang/snapchat and share it with a hashtag.

I think ultimately the most important thing developers have to realise with all this reciprocal review bombing is that it's the only outlet to show the disappointment the genuine fans have in changing things. It doesn't matter what that 'thing' is. It's the intrusion of someone with little interest in the actual thing but just wanting to scream about it. These people were never going to buy the same...courtesy of the farms:



Go back and watch some stuff from the 90's - way more jokes about gays than you probably remember.
I rewatched the Bill & Ted movies not long ago and I totally forgot that they use "fags" several times in there, like pushing the good dudes off the cliff and calling them fags while spitting on them lol.

It's amazing to me how far this crusade has come. You can't even have a sprite of a bottle that says Ogay? Like if you were asked to explain the hate behind that item, you'd be pretty hard pressed I think. It's a dumb linguistic joke, Olay, Ogay, OH I GET IT HA HA. Just a juvenile "joke", and something you likely would have seen in that era.

But what does the joke even mean? A reetard might say well it's a visual joke about gays, and though it doesn't seem to have positive or negative connotations, we can infer the devs don't like gays because it's a joke about gays. Yeah ok, and? You can't even show the slightest hint that you do not actively support their bullshit now.


Simple solution... We need legislation saying that if it can be proven without a shadow of a doubt that you have ruined someones life, caused them to lose a job or anything like that then you go to jail for a set amount of time. These demands for termination effect people's lives, marriages, kids, etc. All for what, because the hate mob on retardera was offended?!? This stuff is no joke, and when you think about it these people cause more harm than most modern day criminals.

An interesting idea, though it would have to be proven in court via trial that these mobs are responsible... plus we’re talking about dozens to potentially hundreds of people going to various jails.

I think the onus should fall upon the platform(s) that empowers such damaging mob behavior. Let Twitter, Facebook, ResetERA, etc. be held accountable through civil litigation for damages to individuals or businesses as a result of mob actions allowed on their platforms. Force more moderation or be prepared to suffer the financial consequences.

I could also get behind civil litigation toward individuals who participate in said mob actions. Future mobs may think twice about getting John Doe fires or going after XYZ Company if there’s a real possibility that they may face financial disaster and basically a forever ruined life just for the purposes for alleged social justice.

Take away their money, thus making their business operations or personal lives quite uncomfortable, and you cut down on mob behavior. No jail required.


Unconfirmed Member
If you're prepared to play it, then be prepared to pay for it. A team of people put their time into making the game. Don't do them the discourtesy of denying them a sale, because a couple of people in management got antsy over internet BS.

I'm not planning to pirate it, and personally I have no interest in supporting a game made by developers who have bent the knee (by doing so they fuel the monster - it's a bit like paying kidnappers a ransom, it just leads to them doing more kidnappings). So, I won't be buying or pirating the game. However, the option exists that people can buy the game and get the proper version through the magic of piracy. Of course there's also a decent chance that some clever modders will get the job done, let's hope they do so that piracy is unnecessary.


I have no idea why video game developers don't leave the industry. They work crazy hours, the pay is worse that doing a tech job focusing on a different industry, and then the game comes out and the people that play your came are absolute nutjobs and hate you, doxx you, and threaten you.
I know, I know. I'm familiar with all the works you mentioned. Unfortunately most people treated these works as mere fiction, though there has been a resurgence of interest in them since the post-9/11 advent of the surveillance state... And now with all this nonsense of course. But yeah, we've been warned about this stuff ages ago.
Like I said, we're stupid. It's difficult for me to think of a single enduring work of fiction that doesn't comment on social norms or psychological struggles or authoritarian practices, in some way. Even children stories do this (watered down, of course). Parsing reality through the lens of a political movement makes people stupid and sets us up to repeat historical mistakes.

The problem (as Nymphae Nymphae put it) is that we aren't "allowed" to make these jokes or explore these conflicts. I'm not really worried about myself but it's troubling for young kids/teenagers who will be vilified just for thinking thoughts and considering alternative viewpoints. Playing with ideas and struggling with contradictions is a part of growing up.

If you are beaten with a stick by authoritarians who don't want you to ponder the roots of morality and proper behavior (Catholic church, anyone?), it will surely lead to psychosis later in life.


I have no idea why video game developers don't leave the industry. They work crazy hours, the pay is worse that doing a tech job focusing on a different industry, and then the game comes out and the people that play your came are absolute nutjobs and hate you, doxx you, and threaten you.

It’s a thankless, Kobayashi Maru-style job. I can’t imagine working my ass off for months/years on something only to know that, inevitably, a group of Perpetually Offended people will attack me or my employer, demand that I or my fellow employees be fired, and basically have to ignore the internet forever.

Yeah, no. I’ll stick to filing TPS reports in a cubicle at a company where nobody knows my name and the internet won’t give two shits about who I am and/or what I do.


putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.


Darkness no more
putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.

There's more to this story then changing a lotion bottle. Multiple people have now explained this to you but you continue to ignore them.


y'know your "u jus as BAD" would work better if you didn't ignore what happened in reality in favour of a scenario fueled mostly by your imagination, you're currently operating within the boundaries of 'disingenous' and not much else


putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.
Yeah if you say it's just a texture then it sounds like nothing but the principle and setting a bad precedent here is what really matters. If you show resetera that they have power to twist the arm of devs then this will become worse most probably. I have been always fiercely against censorship, as an adult I believe people should decide by themselves what they want to see and hear and not others making decisions for them, treating us like children.


putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.
So you are OK when a villain comes to destroy the earth and not fighting back because it puts you at 'villain' level.
It's one thing to be smug, but you can't be smug and reductive. Then you just sound like a fool. There's also the apology itself, "sensitivity training", and the financial donation to consider. These four things - the in-game changes, public apology, sensitivity training, and financial behavior - were all done for the sake of a vocal minority that manufactured a controversy out of their ass because someone said some SJWs are "nuts" (wow what a shocking statement, actually oh wait saying that some, not all, people who love identity politics are nuts is not shocking at all), and that parents shouldn't try and change the gender of their children. In other words, because some devs didn't except some of the most radical ideas the far-left currently has on offer, and members of that ideology didn't like it, they had to change their game, apologize, and undergo "sensitivity training". Seems pretty obvious to me why people would have a problem with this.

As a lefty: there is nothing left wing about extreme transgender ideology. It ignores a class analysis of sex and encourages purchasing happiness and finding your own individual salvation. That’s not left wing. There’s a reason actual left wing papers like the Morning Star here in the UK are against it.

On topic: wrong move. This shit just encourages them, devs should’ve ignored them.


Unconfirmed Member
I have no idea why video game developers don't leave the industry. They work crazy hours, the pay is worse that doing a tech job focusing on a different industry, and then the game comes out and the people that play your came are absolute nutjobs and hate you, doxx you, and threaten you.

Tbh it's part of why I do my programming in the non-gaming world. I make good money, work sensible hours and don't deal with too many arseholes. Just think how many think like me and rob the industry of its creativity.


If I had an unlimited supply of cash, like unthinkable amounts, a dream of mine would be to start up a studio, hire the best and brightest game devs, and make something just undeniably awesome that the whole world would want to play (it's so easy right?), and then load it to the tits with the most offensive stuff possible and have gay, tranny, misogynist, racist etc, jokes all over the place.

They've sanitized the culture to the point where I was looking around and over my shoulders after hearing the term "fags" in Bill & Ted to make sure no one heard it - you do not see or hear that kind of thing in media anymore anywhere, and even the slightest microaggression is treated like someone was murdered.

Imagine if someone like Rockstar actually went as far as I'm suggesting with a GTA or something, just unabashedly did what they wanted to do and made any and every kind of joke at everyone's expense - because fuck you this is a Rockstar joint and you are damn well going to play it and have fun with it, and you know what? You'll get over these jokes. You might even enjoy a few of them if you lighten up.


Unconfirmed Member
putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.
Quit with the straw man bullshit.


so do we have any confirmation about what is getting patched outside of this one, poorly written article that says nothing specific?

"patch out all ____" WHAT? what are they patching out? ah, OP is an underwritten as this entire "controversy"

this just feels like reactionary shit swinging the opposite direction. are they removing the lotion and that one out of bounds texture? then who cares. are they removing all the jokes in the game? the article doesn't say either way, it's just there for clicks.

basically at this point the story is so unformed anyone can pretend it means whatever they want to imagine. the same people that hate REE made the game in the first place. lol don't be fooled into some lame reactionary stance to punish them. this is probably just the PR department issuing apologies to calm shit down.

also mandatary sensitivity training is like, a thing in every job ever. but yeah everything got to be hyperbolized in these culture wars. if you are boycotting this game, punishing the creators for how they are handling what is essentially a PR situation, then congrats, you are now on the same side of REE.

putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.


According to Kotaku, Eurogamer and GamesIndustry.biz there seem to be four main talking points.

1 - In the game - "homophobic language was found in Ion Fury itself. ResetEra user Flapjack21 found a room in the game, accessed using a noclip cheat, that displayed the word "fagbag". "

2 - In the game - "soap bottles that parodied the Olay shampoo brand as “OGAY

3 - On Discord - this post from a developer who goes by the name terminx: "Something I don't really understand about the social justice stuff is that they have stuff like the 'slut walk' which I thought was about the right to not be harassed for how they dress but then if you portray women dressed the same way you get shit for it."

4 - On Discord - Some comments that are supposedly transphobic but actually none of the three sites (Eurogamer, Kotaku, Gamesindusty.biz) have quoted that directly, despite directly quoting some of the other stuff. The closest is Kotaku saying "Another developer who goes by “Daedolon” expressed similarly thoughtless skepticism toward trans people, implying that “mutilating a perfectly healthy body while you have depression and other big issues” could lead to suicide. "

The sites seem really sketchy on actually reporting what was said related to point number 4. You can read whatever you like into that but they are reluctant to put forward exactly what the transphobic comments are supposed to be.

It should be noted as well that "fagbag" was hidden behind an impassable wall and you'd have to use a cheat and/or hack to get there to see that.

That seems to be the four main talking points though.

So the ingame slurs are not exactly the hardest hitting "hate speech" but in this climate a daft thing to include. C'mon we all know these fuckers are lying in wait for the next bit of ammunition. But seriously going ape shit over people just expressing a lack of understanding of trans/gay issues needs to stop. Instead of going "rarrrrr super insensitive hate speech blah blah burn everything" they could just open a dialog and clarify on the issue from their own perspective. If you want to breed tolerance why not exercise a little themselves :/

Hissing Sid

Holy fuck, imagine being this pathetic.

Seriously, I could have my balls removed, take a keen interest in soft furnishings and consume copious amounts of bromide, and I’d still be less of a disgusting belly crawling worm than these dicks.

Awful look.

You know a society has reached peak pussification when it can sustain and accommodate idiots like this.

Also ‘Sensitivity training’. Fucking lol, what a scam.
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Dr. Claus

putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.

Your continued whining about others having genuine criticisms on the censorship and forced actions by 3D Realms only shows how you have nothing of value to say. You continuously handwave away any further explanation and just baselessly generalize the entire situation. The only thing pathetic is your attitude here.
putting this thread on ignore. the backlash to the backlash is ridiculous. just a word before i leave:

yall just wanna be ResetEra people. you don't care about the game at all, just want to use it in a prop to win a political fight. just like Era.

the same people made this game who got in trouble for bashing Era in their chat. now we have people bashing the game makers for promising a tiny patch that we don't even know what it will change. it doesn't matter, we have to outrage. it's pathetic IMO.

"beaten to death by authoritarians" lol jesus get over yourselves. so far this is at most a texture on a bottle of lotion.
It's cool that you played the game and enjoyed it, but the people who purchase it from this point forward aren't going to receive the same product you did. You're literally railing against people who want to play the same version of the game you fell in love with.

Or in ResetERA speak (since you think we're just trying to be like them): Shelve your privilege, crybaby.


I don't regret my purchase at all, it's a phenomenal game. But yeah, I'm definitely saddened to hear that they've made some in-game adjustments... I just absolutely hate that we live in a country that has a hard time struggling with satire and numerous forms of humor... Even in the few hours I've put into Ion Fury, it all felt so perfect. It felt like 90's humor, and, well, that's the whole point.

However, it IS really saddening to me to know that creators are apologizing for nothing, really. It's like making a satirical comedy film, and then apologizing for it to the people that are offended by it. It's just a movie, it's just satirical, it's not meant to be taken seriously, etc.

Until there's a game that actively tries to force hateful beliefs down your throat (and I hope there never will be), there's no reason for apologies like that.

As for the Discord comments, I don't even understand how they're THAT offensive, or offensive at all really. That's pretty ridiculous.

I feel like out of all of this, the only thing that I kinda get is the whole "fagbag" thing, but it was something you couldn't see without cheating. Why not just patch that out, and that's it. Boom, done.

I mean, Sensitivity Training? Really? For this stuff? Good god, lmao. I hope they're just saying they're doing it and not doing it at all. But I would've rather them not take all this measures, it's absurd. Can't wait for all the future instances of developers apologizing for doing things they felt worked perfectly in their vision, but offended others. Ugh.
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Like I said, we're stupid. It's difficult for me to think of a single enduring work of fiction that doesn't comment on social norms or psychological struggles or authoritarian practices, in some way. Even children stories do this (watered down, of course). Parsing reality through the lens of a political movement makes people stupid and sets us up to repeat historical mistakes.

The problem (as Nymphae Nymphae put it) is that we aren't "allowed" to make these jokes or explore these conflicts. I'm not really worried about myself but it's troubling for young kids/teenagers who will be vilified just for thinking thoughts and considering alternative viewpoints. Playing with ideas and struggling with contradictions is a part of growing up.

If you are beaten with a stick by authoritarians who don't want you to ponder the roots of morality and proper behavior (Catholic church, anyone?), it will surely lead to psychosis later in life.

Years ago it was all about controlling or pressuring traditional mass media: TV stations, newspapers, radio stations etc
Now that fewer readers watch that media, let alone kids and teenagers, it is all about controlling the internet. Which is worse because except for information (usually one sided in traditional media) it is also used for communication.

Regarding the ilk of those people:
I have a cousin in his 50s who was a journalist at a private tv station and was laid off, staying unemployed for years, married with two kids. As fortune had it, he found a job at our national public tv broadcaster. The one that in comparison to the private stations is more open minded and respectful about minorities , immigrants,lbgt rights and human rights in general. Currently he is editor in chief and he told us that for the first time in his life he felt so frustrated and wanted to scream. When he complained to his colleagues for their not so responsible behavior since it is very difficult to lay them off and they can do whatevery they please, they told him "we are civil cervants".


What i don't get is this:

- A small minority gets outraged and complains about a game/movie/whatever.

- The dev doesn't want that controversy so they cater to them by apologizing/changing their product.

- This leads the large majority to outrage/complain instead. This also leads to other problems since the large majority actually affects sales, let alone their complains being justified.

- The dev does nothing. They just continue to cater to the minority.

Let's say you can't win. You will get complains whatever you do. But why not choοse the less damaging one? Why cater to the whiny minority and not to the whiny majority (since all you see is people whining). Why not just cater to the ones that won't affect your sales negatively? It's so weird to me how companies seem to care more about catering to a tiny minority than actual profits. I never thought i would live to see such thing.
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