Bullet Club

Game Information
Available on:
PC (Oct 22, 2019)
PlayStation 4 (Oct 22, 2019)
Xbox One (Oct 22, 2019)
Developer: Visual Concepts
Publisher: 2K Games
Genre: Sports

WWE 2K20 Reviews
WWE 2K20 is rated 'Weak' after being reviewed by 54 critics, with an overall average score of 40. It's ranked in the bottom 2% of games and recommended by 6% of critics.

IGN - Mitchell Saltzman - 4.3/10
Wccftech - 3/10WWE 2K20 is a buggy mess, but its gameplay also feels notably worse than previous years.
Cheat Code Central - 2.5/5WWE 2K20 is a slap in the face. I'm sure plenty of passionate people worked on this game, but the fact that 2K Games was willing to release it in such a sorry state shows they believe WWE hardcores will blindly gobble up whatever they shovel at them. WWE 2K20 is ugly, broken, uninspired junk, written and presented with contempt for pro wrestling and its fans. I know buying the annual WWE game is a tradition for a lot of people, but I strongly urge you to reconsider this year. If 2K and Visual Concepts can't do better than this, it may be time to hang up their boots.
Impulsegamer - Paul Stuart -2.8/5At its core, there is still a great deal of fun in playing WWE2K20, but the technical issues, poor visuals, and bad writing make this year an easy one to skip, especially if you’re still playing through WWE 2K19.
Heavy - Elton Jones - 5.5/10Ugly, unplayable, and filled with glitches, not even the biggest wrestling fan should pick up WWE 2K20 in its current state.
TrueGaming - 3/10But there are far too many negatives in place here that disrupts all the good WWE 2K20 tries to deliver. Perhaps it’s time for another developer to try their hand at WWE’s video game efforts…
Cultured Vultures - Stephen Wilds - 5/10This year's release is a total technical catastrophe, the series keeps moving downwards with each release and requires an overall reinvention or taking a break till then.
Forbes - Brian Mazique - 5.3/10The series is back up to its old tricks, the bad ones, as this new installment hosts a crazy number of glitches and annoyances. Some fun can be had playing with WWE’s toys, but the cost of entry seems steeper than ever this year.
Cerealkillerz - Julian Bieder- 6.8/10It feels as if this was a rebuilding year for the WWE 2K franchise. While a few of the legacy strengths such as the creation suite are still strong, the most important part, the gameplay is in a bad place. The previous years’ version of a game shouldn’t play significantly better than the new title, but that’s the case with WWE 2K20.
WWE 2K20 doesn't look good, some Wrestlers probably wouldn't even recognize themselves. It doesn't play well despite the old engine, it doesn't run well because of a immense amount of bugs and glitches. There's not much positive to mention about the newest WWE game, so fans should stay away from this one.