Ima be honest. With how good Sony first party games are and look it would make zero difference to me if the PS5 turned out a little weaker even though it seems quite the opposite will happen. Alot of shit going around in here is insecurity but for what? A plastic box

who is more powerful makes zero difference to me because sony devs had by far the best looking games back during the ps3 era on a gpu far less powerful than the 360 gpu, with split ram with only 256mb of the total 512mb available as vram, all the while being handicapped by the cell processor. they quickly figured out how to take advantage of the cell processor... uncharted, ratchet and heavenly sword looking stunning despite being year 1 titles. and by 2009 they had mastered the cell's intricacies, learned how to go around 256mb vram limit and offload AA from the shitty gpu onto the cell.
these guys are extremely talented when it comes to getting the most out of any console. Death stranding has no business looking that photorealistic on 1.8 tflops gpu. no true sony fan should care if sony comes under MS.
i personally would hate to see an 8 tflops gpu but i have no doubt in my mind, sony devs will figure out ways to get around it all. and i would love to see anaconda hit 12 tflops. or even 15 tflops if they want to target $599. more tflops is better. i dont care if sony hits that number or ms. i dont know why people want these consoles to be underpowered so bad. its like WANTING to fuck 4/10 girls over perfect 10 models. no one wants that. all this jerking off over a 4 tflops lockhart is hilarious to me.
p.s Panello in the era thread recently said that he thinks the ps5 is 8 tflops because they are targeting $399. he was still working for ms up until last year. this explains why ms believed they would set the benchmark last year. their information suggested an 8 tflops $399 console. he also said that he can easily see them go with a lot more tflops if sony's plans have changed and they are now targeting $499. he clearly believes that a $499 anaconda will have more tflops than a lousy 8 tflops. 8 is your $399 console. does anyone here still believe sony is going with a $399 ps5?