They will be more comparable than PS4 to XB1 is.
You had me at Gears 5, you lost me at 'Outer' Worlds.. That game is SHIT! lolHave you played Gears 5, Outter Worlds? Have you seen Hellblade II, Gears Tactics, Wasteland III, Flight Simulator, Age of Empires? Did you smell Rare's new shit? Do you know about Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Playgod Games, InXile and the lest goes on....?
Xbox has been coming with legit BANGERS, bro!! Gamepass is a system seller on its own. Just putting that out there...
PS4 Pro aside, Sony always tried to use very powerful and new hardware. There is no reason why the PS5 should be weaker. Lets hope, that it offers some great features. It would be a bit boring, if Xbox and PS5 would be too similar in everything.
why PS4 pro aside? Why people continue to comparing Pro to X?, Pro released one year before and $100 cheaper.
I would'nt compare it to the X either, true. But it wasnt an upgrade you would expect from Sony. In many cases, you were good with the normal PS4.
I expect the PS5 to be a powerhouse. And I hope that both next gen consoles try to the get the most out of their hardware. Many next gen titles probably look mindblowing good. Gran Turismo might look insanely good.
Ohhhhh! I see!
So thats why Sony went legit mad throwing out heavy bangers at the start of this gen, right? Psh!....C'mon bruv...
you really think either console is going to manage 4K 60fps?It will match series S. Then PS5 will play games at native 4K with max. 30fps - same as Series S. Series X on the other Hand will be stable 60fps.
It will match series S. Then PS5 will play games at native 4K with max. 30fps - same as Series S. Series X on the other Hand will be stable 60fps.
i have a 9900K + 32GB RAM + 2080. 4k 60hz isn't possible in every game. i've seen games at 1440p using as much as 18GB RAM (12GB ram + 6GB VRAM).Yeah, it will deliver 4k 60 fps in 2D
Small reminder that i7 4790k + gtx 1080 absolutely can't reach stable 60 fps at 4k in every single recent game
PS5 was talked about for days nonstop over a Wired article, the full reveal will show how much mindshare PlayStation hasFor example lets go with what we know, "mindshare" . Can the Playstation generate as much hype for their reveal as MS did with Xbox Series X? Will blogs, podcasts and news feeds talk about the reveal for what is going on 5 days now non stop? I certainly hope so.
Like I said somewhere before, you're only as "hype" as you're last post. It's Sony turn to show out.PS5 was talked about for days nonstop over a Wired article, the full reveal will show how much mindshare PlayStation has
Well 2020 is coming and between TLOU Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, FF7, Dreams and Nioh 2, Sony will be talked about all next year leading into the next generation and the PS5 reveal will most likely be in February againLike I said somewhere before, you're only as "hype" as you're last post. It's Sony turn to show out.
I'm here..why hold back now. I'm open for debate, smart ass.You don't know how much I hate the fact I came to this thread so late that I couldn't insult OP on page one. Ugh.
Looks like it's still here. Wish denied.Can console war bait threads be banned?
Sony doesn't stand a chance. Just compare how many Game of the Years their exclusives have vs. first party Xbox over the past 7 years.
Not good enough? Let's look at the domestic sales comparison
Still not good enough? Let's look at international sales...
Really? Need more? Let's compare overall PS3 vs. 360 sales lifetime!
NO? Still not feeling it? Well then look at the OG Xbox vs. PS2..
They. Are. Screwed.
They do have tons of ammo to fire off indeed.Well 2020 is coming and between TLOU Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, FF7, Dreams and Nioh 2, Sony will be talked about all next year leading into the next generation and the PS5 reveal will most likely be in February again
Seriously how is sony gonna compete with more gears and halo![]()
I have owned two Xbox One's and will never own a PS4. Hardly a close minded fanboy, quite the opposite cupcake. My mind is opened enough to know I'm playing with the losing team. I accept that. I also understand an install base and established IPs makes a HUGE difference. Those factors are far more significant than the specs on a box. PS3 was one of the WORST launches (aside from WiiU) by any of the big three, and it sold 80 million by 2013 and STILL surpassed 360 (Microsoft's best) in the end.This is anyone's market to take. Look at what Nintendo has has managed to achieve, yet everyone wrote them off just a few years ago. Being closed minded and a fanboy is not a good mix.
My line of thinking is it's clear this Microsoft/Xbox we are seeing now is unlike anything we've seen in the past and if you think this is the same then really haven't noticed the power moves they have been making. It has been said many times in the past Phil Spencer now has access to the financial side of Microsoft that has not been afforded to anyone at Xbox before. Needless to say, this generation will be totally different from every other generation before it and I hope the PlayStation brand can compete with the marketing and financial might that has been clearly shown thus far. Hope that clears it up a little and what has been going on in my mind
If you think that's all that's coming, you better hold on , 2020 is gonna be fun!
it's on cloud gaming that sony is still nowhere in sight, they should start worry because cloud is where the market grow will be in the next years.
What exactly do you mean by cloud gaming? Streaming? Which PlayStation has been doing years before Xbox?
Or do you mean leveraging the cloud to make games like Crackdown 3?
What exactly do you mean by cloud gaming? Streaming? Which PlayStation has been doing years before Xbox?
Or do you mean leveraging the cloud to make games like Crackdown 3?
You had me at Gears 5, you lost me at 'Outer' Worlds.. That game is SHIT! lol
The only thing mandatory is xbox eclusives get the same quality as ps4 ones.
Lol I'm flattered.This post is so full of bs its insane. We are not seeing a diff Xbox, Xbox division does not have an unlimited fund of money unlike ever before and all Microsoft is doing is trying to mimic what made Sony successful this Gen e.g. Buying more studios, making games more open like Gears 5 (taking a cue from uncharted), talking about giving devs freedom (lol where did we hear tht before?). Thy will obviously try to price nextbox more in line with Sony and try to keep up with the power but thts all left to be seen but we are seeing the same bs pr buzz words and a blanket of damage control already ala typical Microsoft. Even if PS5 turned out a bit weaker theur mind share is too much and thy will still dominate. Microsoft is now trying to gain the ground back thy had from 360 era and lost during this gen.
Ohhhhhh looks at name, remembers, now it all makes sense. Politely bows out of the convo
Your comment is ridiculous, cause if that were true we would still be playing games on Texas Instruments calculators. Power plays a major role.. it's not the only factor (of course duh!)These topics are ridiculous. The only thing that matters is which console has the better games. If you console gets 5fps more but you only have 10 games to choose from then you as the consumer lose. If you truly only care about raw power then get a PC, you get the power and a huge library to choose from.
You are really over estimating xbox as brand.
Like it is a difficult choise between PS / XBOX for people, that it depends of small things.
Truth is:
Many if not most gamers are loyal to the brand as their main system.
Xbox is mostly a joke outside of US vs PlayStation.
So, Playstation most likely sell at worst same amount as xbox, even if they fail badly and xbox doesnt fail (look at 360 vs ps3, sony won in the end)
It is silly to assume that if xbox would be stronger it certainly wins.
Thing is, xbox can easily fail with their tvtvtv-kinect level shit, but if PlayStation have similar issues:
It is much less of a problem as Playstation is MUCH STRONGER brand, kind of:
"Playstation means console gaming"
"Xbox is that bad console from Windows makers"
Your comment is ridiculous, cause if that were true we would still be playing games on Texas Instruments calculators. Power plays a major role.. it's not the only factor (of course duh!)