Except MS never had the games... how you can claim it is about games when you don't have them?
I agree MS PR was always too much of nothing.
Sure they have. Last gen, almost all multiplats looked better on 360. ,And since X came out, most multiplats look better again.
As for first party MS and Sony games, it's hit and miss for each gen. Some good ones and some bad ones. And each company has shut down studios to boot when it gets really bad.
Each side will cherry pick when it's the right time.
Xbox gamers tout better looking games during the 360 era, since almost all of them looked better. PS gamers shut their mouths.
PS gamers tout better games looking games during the PS4/Xbox One OG years. Xbox gamers shut their mouths.
Xbox gamers tout better looking games during the PS4 Pro/X years.... although all the graphics threads seemed to die down a lot compared to above. PS gamers shut their mouths.
As for 2020, the side with the better looking games and DF nitpicking will claim supreme again. And the loser will sit their for years zipped up.
This doesn't even have to involve graphics. Any time there's a console war topic worth arguing about, the winner laughs, the loser pouts.
360 RRoD. PS gamers laugh and bring it up.
PS3 internet hack debacle. XBox gamers laugh and bring it up
MS charges money for Gold, when PS3 MP was free. PS gamers laugh
Sony decides to copy them and charge money for PS4 MP gaming with PS+ fees. Xbox gamers laugh