this could be a factor, but with crossplay becoming the norm now and with backwards compatibility on (supposedly) both sides being a thing, I don't think the mainstream is as attached to their gaming ecosystem as they are to their phone's ecosystem. with a phone a change of ecosystem would mean that you have to get used to a different OS to that that you use on a daily basis, get used to a different app store, maybe not being able to use the same apps you use now... and even stuff like messaging apps being a factor. and on your phone that has an influence to your daily life for many.
meanwhile, your average joe buys a console, buys maybe 3 games a year including stuff like CoD, Fifa or Madden... and maybe the occasional blockbuster AAA title. and I don't think the average customer is even remotely as attached to their console compared to their Phone
I wonder what % of the PS4 player-base is 'average Joe' that is amenable to getting an XBox next gen. Remember a substantial amount of X360 people bought a PS4.
Also I'm noticing a trend where perceptions of the companies are solidying into:
Playstation - big world, photorealistic graphics, single-player
Nintendo - Zelda/Mario/Splatoon
XBox - mix of photorealistic single player, best for 4K multiplats & cartoony games like Cuphead, Ori, Sea of Thieves
Interesting to note, Sea of Thieves last reported player-base at 8.4 million after all the catastrophizing that it would flop horribly. Goes to show, GAAS can work if the studio is dedicated to updating the game regularly. People are not so dumb as to not be aware of content updates. They are not morons who only notice brand new AAA titles.