It's hard to disprove VFXVeteran because certain games like GTA5 for example launched first on PS3 and X360, therefore we can assume GTA5 was made with x360/PS3 hardware in mind. But then look how much better PC port looked two years later. Rockstar must have created higher quality assets in the first place and then scaled everything down for the PS3 / x360 hardware.Reality: Visual fidelity is largely dictated by console generations.
VFX Veteran:![]()
However I also dont think things are so simple as VFXVeteran suggest, because at the same time there are many PC ports (the vast majority in fact) that looks almost the same as console version (I'm not counting basic stuff like like 4K, 60fps), so there must be a reason why developers dont use higher quality assets even on PC. Most of the time we have to wait until new generation of consoles will launch and then we can finally see some real changes (much better assets, better lighting etc.).
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