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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Most of you all are getting played in your thirst for information and you don’t even realize it.

First, most “insider” predictions about upcoming games are just genericcomments and everyone gets excited. I mean no shit there will be sci fi and sequels. I could write that now and be right no matter the game.

if you are going to leak, leak the actual information that can be proven right or wrong. If not, you are making generalizations for clout.

Second, can anyone here describe a single game trailer that they have watched once in the level of detail that Osiris just did? Seriously, a “vertical slice” and you picked all that up. Unless they handed you a video and said write everything you see for a descriptive writing paper you would never pick all of that up. That reads like a short story scene that someone just wrote to make a point.

no one would even write all of that stuff down about a current game scene they are watching.

”Insiders” are always seeking clout and the easiest way to do that is make general statements and never have to be proven wrong.

Just saying, you should be putting your sceptic hat on much more than you are because stuff like the above should make you question whats happening.

Then kudos to him for entertaining the people of this thread with believable stories. What else is there to discuss here besides rumors? How many TF might next consoles have or not?
... And it carries a curse that could afflicted you! That sounds like the Order. I was first thinking about Resistance because of the 4 yellow eyes and 4 arms, but with the Quimera you would get infected wasn't it? A curse is more the order kind of thing like the lycans.
The big question, if it is an Order: 1886 sequel, is how did the 4-armed lycan evolve?
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No they can't. This is not accuracy this is step by step with descriptions of every aspect of the scene. Unless you are a savant with photographic memory or have watched a clip over and over and over again taking notes you won't get all of this.

He says he was shown a vertical slice. If true this would not have been a situation where someone who isn't working on an unannounced game goes into a studio and takes detailed notes on a game to regurgitate elsewhere. This person must also see detailed info like this on lots of other games too. At some point, this person must be well known enough that everyone will know who they are if they are leaking accurate info on a lot of stuff. Games industry is small. Its why leaks are usually very narrow. No one really sees everything first hand without being known and then the leak is plugged.

Ok, let's say the above scene never appears publicly. My response, "Game got cancelled, looked awesome but team is pumped for next one." Guess what, you can't prove I'm wrong. Thus the detailed description and the name of the game don't matter because I can claim they were vaporware.

If you want to actually leak, say the name of the game or the character. This is allegedly a sequel with a character we would be familiar with. Thus it shouldn't be a big secret that its being developed, no? The game is far enough along to be grinding out a trailer so it should be releasing in the next 12 months...

I'm assuming Osiris will come back with some snarky comments about how he knows all this stuff. I'm just saying, keep your antenna up.
And if the trailer ends up being shown, he was ok all along.

I'm inclined to believe a trailer description about to be linked with a console reveal won't be cancelled.

Not saying you're talking crazy. When one spouts prophecies and is being vague, it's reasonable to be cautious and sceptic.



Not sure if this was posted or not
Yeah it was. This article used 'God of War' versus saying 'Twisted Metal' as other articles credited his work as under affiliation.

People were saying he was speculating, but you don't start a speculation comment by saying "PS5 reveal is less than 4 weeks away. " Pretty direct if you ask me.
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prediction thread would be cool. Here are my musings:

  • Past != future, as ps2 to ps3, 360 to x1, and wii to wiiu have shown.
  • 2012 did not have a well managed, cash rich xbox; laser focused Nintendo with appealing hardware; or upstart Stadia. 2012 was a time of pessimism and retrenchment.
  • Nintendo and xbox have stable, smart leadership. Sony is a ? , because of the internal shakeups. Maybe Ryan and team are visionary masters, maybe not.
  • Sony fan engagement, PR, and brand management is currently dreadful.

so, if i had to bet on console market share in 2027, i can see it being Nintendo at 40%, MS at 35%, and Sony at 25%. this is based on:

  • Nintendo has the most valuable ip in gaming and has a hardware strategy that no other company is pursuing.
  • xbox looks to have the best management and is receiving huge support from Microsoft proper in a bid to gain marketahare.
  • Sony has the huge success of the ps4 to help them with the launch of the ps5 as well as some solid studios. Too many unknowns to think they will replicate ps4 success though.

So no one is going to die, but Sony will face real competition. There will be no wii u, no kinnect hobbled X1, no Don Mattrick to help launch PS5.

Great Post
Order's Lycans have yellow eyes.


+ Shoulder mounted communication device

4 yellow eyes

Shoulder mounted communication device:

Mod of War

Staff Member
Man walks into room. Sees Xbox more powerful than ps5z. Walks out crying

Knock off the shitposting. You have been warned several times, as well as other's in this thread and I am personally growing very tired of it.

This thread should remain civil for the most part. We have plenty of "doom & gloom" and "FUD" to choose from, unfortunately, but that goes with the territory every new gen.

You will have nobody to blame but yourself if or when actioned.


4 yellow eyes

Shoulder mounted communication device:

I missed the insect quote from Osiris so it's making me question it's the Order, but then again Resistance is an FPS and Osiris detailed a gameplay scene in third person. Plus Resistance characters look super generic. xD

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
And how mods want to verify anything he knows? People can fake everything these days, and not to mention real insider will not share certain details that would compromise his source.

IMO only time can verify Tommy Fisher (and other insiders as well).

Compromise his source? You don’t have to be an insider to be right about:

“next afew days” “later this month”

What kind of source would not even tell a specific date?


No they can't. This is not accuracy this is step by step with descriptions of every aspect of the scene. Unless you are a savant with photographic memory or have watched a clip over and over and over again taking notes you won't get all of this.

He says he was shown a vertical slice. If true this would not have been a situation where someone who isn't working on an unannounced game goes into a studio and takes detailed notes on a game to regurgitate elsewhere. This person must also see detailed info like this on lots of other games too. At some point, this person must be well known enough that everyone will know who they are if they are leaking accurate info on a lot of stuff. Games industry is small. Its why leaks are usually very narrow. No one really sees everything first hand without being known and then the leak is plugged.

Ok, let's say the above scene never appears publicly. My response, "Game got cancelled, looked awesome but team is pumped for next one." Guess what, you can't prove I'm wrong. Thus the detailed description and the name of the game don't matter because I can claim they were vaporware.

If you want to actually leak, say the name of the game or the character. This is allegedly a sequel with a character we would be familiar with. Thus it shouldn't be a big secret that its being developed, no? The game is far enough along to be grinding out a trailer so it should be releasing in the next 12 months...

I'm assuming Osiris will come back with some snarky comments about how he knows all this stuff. I'm just saying, keep your antenna up.
Nothing in the text is too difficult to remember. He is mostly describing the gist of it. However...
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Man walks into a dimly lit room, light bleeds across the room from a shoulder mounted communication device. It is the most light in the scene. There is a light mist and sparks spew from a torn electrical wire tossing light and particles around as the man cautiously makes his way across the room. His boots leave prints as he walks across the polished floors the dim light showing his reflection in the floor. The wire behind him cracks and slows as it comes to a stop along with all of the other lights in the room shutting off at the same time. The man covers the device on his shoulder but the light bleeds through his hand. The man pulls a firearm and continues making his way through this large sterile room. A noise behind him and he turns around removing his hand from the device at his shoulder and revealing himself to everyone. The light illuminates the room and a table he had walked past has been knocked over. The table cloth is still slowly settling on the floor along with all of the other things from the table that have been strewn about. Off in the distance a pair of yellow eyes open and fix on the man. (You will know who he is but I cannot say) he raises his fire arm and fires off several shots. The flash from the gun illuminating the darkness as the creature reels then attacks. Another set of eyes opens as it runs across the room at him. You can see the impact of the weapon punching holes in this thing as it makes its way across the room. The man backpedals and falls down (Monster is right on top of him at this point) over something as he is trying to get away. He fires off a few more shots while on his back and scampers to his feet. The monster still chasing he makes his way into the next room and slams the door behind him. You hear a series of clicks and other weird noises coming through the door. The man leans up against it and you hear a deep inhalation come from the other side of the door like the creature is sniffing around for his scent. The man is breathing heavily and removes one hand from the door and clutches his side, blood is running down his side and his pant leg and pooling under the door. Last shot is the creature kneeling on the other side of the door putting one hand to the blood (creature has four arms) then smelling it. "I have found you." He almost sings the words then the title screen shows and that's it.

Lets see if anyone else can get this detailed. It is the best looking anything that I have ever seen and the character models lighting and physics are on another level. The main character is impossible to confuse with anyone else and this game has not been revealed but I have hinted at it several times. This is not a cut scene or a render target it is actual game play and it is very impressive. Well the end is a cut scene but man ..... You literally cannot tell the difference and Yes

This was definitely all one shot.

Edited to add: I was just given the go ahead to post this and it is from an early vertical slice that I did get to see.
And before anyone asks No I cannot describe what the man is wearing because it would be a dead giveaway.



I understand what you're trying to say but it won't and it can't. Had a very long discussion before typing this up as to not make a complete ass of myself but the assets made for the first game even though they were made on PC would not have reached the level of fidelity of the assets created for the new game targeting a more powerful spec. They would add features that would have not even made the previous game despite it being made on PC due to the impossibility of them being added to the target machine. This is also why Beyond Human while achieving better fps and resolutions on PC is largely visually the same as PS4 pro. This is what I was told and I just about copied and pasted that from a text.

I never said HZD2 on PS5 won't look better than HZD1 on PC. I said it is "very possible" it may not. The intent was to keep gamers mindful of how much they don't see or hear about during the development cycle. We can't gauge what assets are made and how far they took them on any iteration of an exclusive game but we can assume that they assets are very high and that a PC version would be the best iteration of said game.

Detroit has higher rez textures and some more lighting features not found on the PS4. To me, those differences may be subtle to some but not to others.

Some facts:

1) The final game assets aren't the ones released on target hardware. That seems to be hard to swallow for console fans but yet is a fact.

2) Whatever game is made on a console, it's PC version will be superior even if it's subtle. That's also something that is a fact that fans tend to get defensive over.

I'm not trying to play the master race card, but let's call a cow a cow and a goat a goat.

Not that Dramatic.

Dramatic is subjective. We could include 3d features that, to me, would be dramatic but for the average joe could be subtle (i.e. like RT reflections or RT features that people claim as "gimmick"). Halo Reach on the PC looks dramatically better than it's Xbox counterpart because of it's higher resolution textures and normal maps, for example.

I know you really don't believe that Sony while trying to sell a $500 console is going to release their exclusives at the same time on PC as they do on their own platform.

I never said that. I mentioned a much shorter timeframe less than 3yrs. I'm predicting 6 month to a year at most. On the developing assets theory -- it wouldn't be far fetched to assume that if they are going to make HZD2 for the PS5, for example, and have plans to release to the PC at a later date, that the best assets and rendering features would be developed to run on the PC and NOT the PS5.

I think the disconnect here is that some people think the consoles have some kind of advantage over all platforms due to their exclusivity. People are hiding behind this fact to justify their platform of choice. In the PS case, this is no longer something they can hide behind.

For the record, I do know of a main 1st party company that's making a game for the PS platform in tandem with making it for the PC, so again, it goes back to the barriers being pushed back or completely broken for the PC version of the game regardless of the console generation hardware (i.e. PS4/PS5, etc..).
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it is “operating system market share”, not unqualified market share. It is a statement of percentage of people using which console operating system, like windows vs linux vs macOS. It says nothing about revenue. Like, how many people use windows vs linux etc.

So if the information I am providing is not good enough, where is the data to back up what you believe is the true market share? Even if this was just referencing who uses the operating system, the actual market share won't be off by much. I own both PS4 and Switch and I can tell you I own a LOT more PS4 games than I do with the Switch, the only thing people buy on Nintendo's consoles are games they can't get on XB or PS, so unless Nintendo plans to create a system that is going blow both Microsoft and Sony out of the water I don't see them ever getting to 40% market share, it is just not happening, not even going to be close...yes this next gen both MS and Sony's market share will get closer to one another, but Sony dropping to 25% is just laughable. I tell you what, screen shot this thread and if in 2027 Sony is within 5% of your predicted market share I will permaban myself from this forum and any other game forum going forward.
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This. It's like him saying that mortal kombat x at native 4k and 120fps on the pc looks better than mortal kombat 11 on the ps4. It's stupid.

Take a look at Halo Reach for the PC and compare it to the Xbox 360 version. It significantly looks better without changing the entire games assets. That's my point.

Resolution and FPS aren't the only things that change. There are indeed higher res models, textures, and other things like LOD that count towards seeing the "entire" vision of the director of a game.


Yeah it was. This article used 'God of War' versus saying 'Twisted Metal' as other articles credited his work as under affiliation.

People were saying he was speculating, but you don't start a speculation comment by saying "PS5 reveal is less than 4 weeks away. " Pretty direct if you ask me.

Jaffe said here on GAF that he doesn't have inside information and he's just going off leaks/rumors like the rest of us.


And how mods want to verify anything he knows? People can fake everything these days, and not to mention real insider will not share certain details that would compromise his source.

IMO only time can verify Tommy Fisher (and other insiders as well).
I don't think mods verify the info itself... they verify if the user works in the industry or have contact with somebody that works.

LED Guy?

And how mods want to verify anything he knows? People can fake everything these days, and not to mention real insider will not share certain details that would compromise his source.

IMO only time can verify Tommy Fisher (and other insiders as well).
I see what you mean, I get it, but is there anyway that a not vetted insider to be vetted through a special protocol maybe some information that can perfectly coincide with the moderator? Or something like that?


Take a look at Halo Reach for the PC and compare it to the Xbox 360 version. It significantly looks better without changing the entire games assets. That's my point.

Except that this is an entirely different argument. You claimed that a PC port of a current gen title (Horizon Zero Dawn) will look better than Horizon 2 on the PS5, which, quite frankly, is bullshit.

Now, had you applied your Reach example to Horizon, you should have said, "Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC will look better than Horizon Zero Dawn on the PS4". Which gets a 'No shit, sherlock' from me, as well as no arguments there.

Rossco EZ

Take a look at Halo Reach for the PC and compare it to the Xbox 360 version. It significantly looks better without changing the entire games assets. That's my point.

Resolution and FPS aren't the only things that change. There are indeed higher res models, textures, and other things like LOD that count towards seeing the "entire" vision of the director of a game.
we understand PC will play most games better, frame rates will be better etc but for the majority of games they don’t look generations apart the way you keep suggesting



I've said this before, but here's just as good a place as any to say it again: The Best Hardware is where I'd prefer to play. However, the relative power difference has to be significant to get me to change ecosystems. I changed from Xbox to PS4 last gen, then came back to Xbox with release of X1X. If PS5 and XSX are close, I'll pick up XSX and maybe do PS5 in year 2.


Gold Member
If it's a sequel to The Order, I hope they go 2.00-2.20:1 AR and not full 2.40:1 AR like before. The cinematic look rally suited the game and of course it frees up resources for them to push it harder, but 2.40:1 is just too tight for a conventional 1P/3P game.


Except that this is an entirely different argument. You claimed that a PC port of a current gen title (Horizon Zero Dawn) will look better than Horizon 2 on the PS5, which, quite frankly, is bullshit.

I said "could". Period. Don't add to my words.

Now, had you applied your Reach example to Horizon, you should have said, "Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC will look better than Horizon Zero Dawn on the PS4". Which gets a 'No shit, sherlock' from me, as well as no arguments there.

Not going to argue this anymore.
I think the core point vfx is making is the simple fact that we have no idea just how powerful that engine truly was, and how good the highest quality assets are for Horizon Zero Dawn. Usually they create much better and then scale down most of the time. This is how artists are able to leak much higher quality work shortly after the game's release on specific enthusiast game art forums and what not, like what took place with Uncharted 2 shortly after release.


So if the information I am providing is not good enough, where is the data to back up what you believe is the true market share? Even if this was just referencing who uses the operating system, the actual market share won't be off by much. I own both PS4 and Switch and I can tell you I own a LOT more PS4 games than I do with the Switch, the only thing people buy on Nintendo's consoles are games they can't get on XB or PS, so unless Nintendo plans to create a system that is going blow both Microsoft and Sony out of the water I don't see them ever getting to 40% market share, it is just not happening, not even going to be close...yes this next gen both MS and Sony's market share will get closer to one another, but Sony dropping to 25% is just laughable. I tell you what, screen shot this thread and if in 2027 Sony is within 5% of your predicted market share I will permaban myself from this forum and any other game forum going forward.

Naw, predictions should be fun.

As far as evidence goes, npd thread has nintendo switch as #1 hardware in 2019 USA/canada/Mexico.

Nintendo released numbers, iirc they are at 44 millions. The most x1 + ps4 have sold is 160 millions i total. 44/200 is not 1.5%.
Knock off the shitposting. You have been warned several times, as well as other's in this thread and I am personally growing very tired of it.

This thread should remain civil for the most part. We have plenty of "doom & gloom" and "FUD" to choose from, unfortunately, but that goes with the territory every new gen.

You will have nobody to blame but yourself if or when actioned.
Our Messiah - thanks man truly. Been waiting for this for everyone
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