lets see:
- MS has a back compat program that doesnt require special hardware (requires heavy investment in software engineering)
- do not expect AAA teams to make AAA games with only 120 employees like Bend
- they dont expect their racing studios to survive with only 60 employees (like Evolution)
- they fund games in more genres
- consoles are built better
- more accessories (elite controller + controller for gimps)
- didn't have to wait until 2019 for name changes
- did not eliminate e3 conference + fan expos
- has an arcade racer
- owns more studios
- bought 2.5 billion minecraft
- has a retail presence via microsoft stores
- gives 1st party games away with low priced sub day one
I think they fund = to or > sony.
Which of these points characterizes the fact that xbox is better funded ?
1) Sony will be backward compatible with the ps4. You know perfectly well why they did not have backward compatibility with the ps3(I Hope this is not necessary to explain)
And we still don't specifically know the capabilities of the ps5 (Who knows. Suddenly it will be delivered with all backward compatibility)
2) Absolute stupidity. In each of their new studios,there are 3-4 teams(Theory, Obsidian and other), the number of which may be much less than even 120 people at Bend
You know very well that Bend made the first AAA in 15 years. Now that their game is successful, they will be expanded(Perhaps even to two teams). Also, you should consider large outsourcing, which makes your argument even more ridiculous and fanatical. Also, Sony itself has about 5 support teams(Xdev, ICE-Team, VASG, Sony San-mateo, and another one whose name I forgot). Also, from next year there will be another one in Malaysia
3) Part of the second paragraph. You can hire developers from the outside, for the arcade. I hope you don't need to explain about simulators( Polyphony Digital, which are recognized by the FIA (International Federation))
4) Subjective judgments. Some people like some genres. Other others. Microsoft does this not because they are strongly for the consumer, but because they need to fill in the game pass when there is no influx of huge AAA
Let me remind you that the dominant genres in the AAA environment are first-person shooters and third-person games. Also, Sony has already said that it has created a new initiative "PsLoveIndie". From there, and wait for other genres and stuff. Sony also has several small teams and third-party partners who are able to provide all this
5) Here I will not argue. Playstation makes more noise. If you mean the hardware structure
6) Sony has a lot of partners who are engaged in the production of licensed controllers(elite and not). You can always buy them
7) I Agree. Sony took a long time to change her name
8) This is a personal matter of the company. Their PR is now on a completely different level. If you can't understand it, it's just your problem. From the last "5 million likes on instagram in 24 hours). Again. This has nothing to do with funding, but rather part of a marketing strategy. Again, we all understand that there will be something in February and everyone is waiting. It doesn't matter if you're an xbox fan or a Playstation fan. You can't say the opposite. Sorry if this hurts the feelings of Microsoft fans
9) Item 3
10) They don't own a lot of studios. Sony has two studios(One is not announced. In San Diego(rumored to be making anchored), as well as in Manchester. We are well aware that Sony will buy more. Going back to the post you made this answer to. Yes, they will buy larger studios than Microsoft(Right now)
11) I will not say anything About Minecraft. This is a good buy that pays dividends. That's why Microsoft spent money
12) This point I did not understand, to be honest
13) They distribute games at low prices in the hope of gaining even more subscribers in the Game Pass. I'll tell you how it is. If the Game Pass doesn't take off very much within five years, Microsoft will close the game division. We all understand this perfectly well(the Gaming division is the most unprofitable for them of all the others). This was also said by Matt. Therefore, it is more like a game of chance, with a bet on red or black. Nothing more
You just need to understand one thing. Sony will focus on huge blockbusters(this was already discussed in a wall Street journal article). This is what they are now able to sell and do. If you are not satisfied with this, then you are welcome to the xbox camp. Yes. The Blue box will have more AAA in the next generation. Maybe even 2 times more. Although, there is still time to wait.
These are not just beliefs. This is an analysis that is simple enough to make. And for Sony, this particular division is key now(As long as music and semiconductors don't shoot too hard. Although, this will happen soon. Especially with the music division)
I apologize in advance for my English. Not native language