After being called out on it fanning console wars, he walked back on it saying it was in a PS5Vdev kit. Keep im mind.. Cerny has stated numerous times that the Pro is NOT a new console, because it still has Jaguar CPUs and there has never been rumors suggesting PS5 dev kits ever had jaguar CPUs. To say this a year after the early "slow" PS5 dev kits had Ryzen CPUs in it is stupid.
Next-gen PS5 and next Xbox speculation |OT10| - We aim to transition those from OT9 at a pace never seen before. [SEE THREADMARKS FOR CHANCE AT GLORY] OT
That was not flaming at all. Rather I am pointing out what I think happened. I think the PS5 was redesigned from its 2019 release for various reasons, and one of the dev kits from that now defunct 2019 release model was one with the Jag inside it. The reason why I want to point that out is
Does anyone remember Rich in a video saying once something about a certain nextgen console maybe utilising Jaguar still? How that rumour was terrifying?
It makes you wonder
He didn't even got a warn for this ? he has a Digital Foundry tag under his avator. He shouldn't insinuate things like that. That's a console warring inflammatory post as he 100% knows that PS5 will use Zen 2. He is just spreading FUD as any typical console warrior.
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