Gavin Stevens
Formerly 'o'dium'
The gif or where it's from is irrelevant, @BGs said it was something to extrapolate.... Keeping in mind a few caveats from BG's
- He said when he presented himself that his avatar picture is generated from certain calculations (can't find his post since his profile is now private)
- Speaking the same native language as him I gather that he is indeed conveying that the information IS in the .gif file (that's where I'd look).
- Somewhere in time when we were discussing RDNA vs GCN flops (and their equivalent 'performance') he kept joking at 13.8 TF (I think he was hinting at GCN perfomance (maybe some dev kit in the past based in Vega VII?) ) and when people said it was about a 20% gain he reacted with a wink face maybe hinting at 13.8 GCN--> 11.2 RDNA (he reacted to someone who said this conversion, I'm not saying that the conversion is accurate).
Now, my guess is based in those two assumptions:
- Others are right. The .GIF file when you open it in a video editor you can see the length is 22,46. Seems intentional and is the reverse process from creating a GIF from a Video.
-Ilith (being the PS5 in this metaphor) touches the ground at second 11,86 TFlops <--- This is one possibility
-The length being 22,46 is weird too, maybe a reference to 2 instructions per cycle? Then it would be 22,46 / 2 = 11,23 TFlops<----- Other possibility.
Anywho, I had fun and that's all that matters.
Im not saying I think anything you said is correct or wrong, but I have to commend you on some damn fine deductions mate.
They may all be nothing to do with anything but I can’t fault you for it. Brilliant read.
Also, TENCHU?! That’s so out of left field it could happen. But to be fair, that would be a massive waste of their talent, and there will be a LOT of souls fans pissed off