So something everyone actually already guessed...

Next up PS5 and XSX are within 1TF from each other
People guessed about it not being the full RDNA 2.0 7nm+, and instead being on standard 7nm...? Before me? I think not sir
But regardless, things are at least being said, and on the day I said they would. So while the info may have been a no brainier, the day they were confirmed wasn’t so much. So that’s good in my book
So that’s not being rdna 7nm+, being a 7nm with the features bolted on for new hardware, and on the exact day I said.
Come on, even if nothing else happens tonight, I’ll take that win, cheers to my contact
edit: also, I mentioned about no delay ever being said to be and people told me it was all on track. Well, that slide clearly says no delay, out this year. But I’ll ignore that one haha.