So if Harold Shipman came over for tea, do I ignore the fact he’s a murderer just because he makes a lovely cup of coffee?
If you got the above from that post you clearly read it wrong. The point is that consoles are made for a set spec, you can’t just keep upgrading them over and over just “because” before they release. A set target is in place, very early, even if not instantly attained, and I would hope I don’t need to explain why that is. But if you set a lower target than the competition, it’s much harder to push past that target, if you hasn’t banked on it. And to me, it looks likely that they had a set target that was better than what they though MS had, but got a bit taken aside with what MS ended up delivering.
It’s nothing to do with bias, more so that sometimes you can plan and plan and plan, and a spanner can be thrown in the works. Last thing that I heard was that the ps5 was still running hot, and because of that something would need to change again. As far as I can see, that’s not biased, and it could even work in favour of what
has said, in that if there is a new revision that cooling may be much improved (and would be with a taller design). But it’s not my fault if the SX is silent...? Silent = not being pushed = chance to push clocks a bit more.
It’s really nothing to do with bias, but working with what info you have?