Correct, that's what i said. But you would have to take that up with Microsoft because they've been calling it virtual memory. I never said the data will be worked on from the SSD i said transferred. SSDs are too slow to be used as such.
Ah okay, that clears things up. It's not just the fact the SSDs are too slow for data to be worked on in the same way as RAM, but NAND just has its own quirks that prevent that being the case (granularity of read/write operations being too large, cell integrity degradation with prolonged power/erase cycles, etc.).
However the thing with both systems is that the SSDs are intended moreso for direct read access by the GPU, CPU, and other chips. So the speeds are fast enough for things such as certain types of texture streaming, streaming of audio assets, etc. Other neat little things as well.
I guess MS just chose the term "virtual memory" because they thought it would be the easy way for most gamers to comprehend the concept? It's not a particularly accurate description though.
Many people here UNFORTUNATELY they're trying so hard to downplay the ps5, and they try to spin it so the SSD on SX be on bar or closer to the PS5 when Mark Cerny spent half the presentation talking about the SSD and how he desgined the console around that SSD, yet some people trying to be tech experts when they don't understand a thing.
Just accept the fact that the SX is better in Teraflops, you should play around that area, don't play on the SSD part when it comes to SX because the SSD on that thing is slow compared to what the ps5 has. End of the story.
12 channels vs 3 or 4
6 priorities vs 2
5.5gb vs 2.4 (raw)
8/9gb vs 4.8 (compressed)
These numbers are not from my pocket, so plz stop spinning it, because it sounds pity.
Who is downplaying? The truth is we don't have all the critical info on the SSDs for either system so it's hard to discern what the delta on that front will actually be until we get that information. This is a very sane and rationalized way to look at the situation for the time being.
PS5 SSD will still have the raw advantage, but customizations and optimizations on both ends could either keep the delta the same or have it shrink. It has a probability of happening so it's okay to keep that possibility open. Again, we don't know what specific type of NAND the companies are using (not just in terms of QLC, TLC, MLC etc. but even just the manufacturer part numbers because that could help with finding documentation), we don't know the random access times on first page or block, we don't know the random access figures in general, the latency of the chips, page sizes, block sizes etc.
We don't even know everything about the compression and decompression hardware/software for them yet, or full inner-workings of the flash memory controllers. I don't think questioning these things automatically translates to trying to downplay one system or another. People are allowed to question things like GPU CU cache amounts for the systems (usually in question if XSX has made increases to the cache size to scale with the GPU size and offset compromises with the memory setup and slower GPU clockspeed for example), so questioning the SSD setup in both systems should also be allowed on the table.
Meanwhile you are speculating with some of your own numbers (priority levels for XSX SSD have not been mentioned IIRC), which you're fair to do, but don't feel as if you can throw that type of speculation out there and then get away with insisting people merely speculating on aspects of the SSDs that haven't been divulged yet is them trying to downplay the system with an SSD advantage.
It's not that serious