dicator likes to be in lateral safety position

this is not the first time.
Pixel fillrate is determined by the number of ROPs and the frequency. The PS5 has the same number of ROPs as the Series X, but a much much higher frequency.Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
T-shirt is perfect.
Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
Oh my God please that is guy is not a engineer or something which requires the use of math or even logicIts kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
This Tuesday is the day we all have been waiting for! I promise Sony’s gonna announces the June event officially. If nothing happened you can sacrifice me! You’ve my words!![]()
joke of the day. LMAO!!!Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
I guess it's a Titanic-Game.
You're here
There's nothing I fear!
Where did MS or Sony list the ROP count? I don't recall seeing this officially.Pixel fillrate is determined by the number of ROPs and the frequency. The PS5 has the same number of ROPs as the Series X, but a much much higher frequency.
So you're not quite right here.
So why did you take away 1.2 TFs from the system?
Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Mod of War , he's all yours.
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Its kinda strange people only talke only about the teraflop difference .. which is by itself is significant '' i still belevie the PS5 is a 9 TF mechine''
while ignoring other XSX hardware advantages like :
- 112GB/s higher mem bandwidth
- 3.1GPixels higher fillrate
- 58GTexels higher texture rate
Mark my words .. the XBX will be > 40 % faster
I don’t remember, was Sony talking about that feature in terms of it being a first party games only feature or were they saying every game will be done that way?This is something that will require support from developers to make a reality, right? I mean, devs will have to uncouple their code or effectively make their games in chunks so that you can grab one part or another. So unless and until MS supports that kind of ability with their infrastructure, devs won't be able to do it with MS. I don't expect that would be a huge deal though, so if MS decides to support that, I'm sure they can.
AMD bind ROPs to shader arrays. Both the PS5 and XSX are very likely to have 4 shader arrays. Its the only way you can reconcile the CU counts (52 out of 56 for XSX, and 36 out of 40 for the PS5).Where did MS or Sony list the ROP count? I don't recall seeing this officially.
minecraft in 8kJoke will be on you and we will all laugh while you find yourself in tears playing recore 3 at 4k![]()
this dude is so weird to me... why there's crysis in that picture? placed like he's been workshiping this game? why crysis not something recent, like tomb raider? choose something new goddamit.like wtf? i'm starting to doubt his mental health.
Hmm....what do you guys think? Is he....Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
I think anyone calling him a liar is a bit extreme but just reading a ton of posts here it seems like some take him as this visionary of tech and don't see him as a face of company trying to sell an engine.
Sweeny has always talked a big game but I have seen this man talk since the original unreal. Hes extremely good at being vauge and making things sound like they are exponentially mind blowing and only possible with Unreal. Which is flat out false. But he's very good at making people believe Unreal is the only option. Which is his main job.
But Unreal has had some real growing pains especially during the UE3 era when more and more games started to use it. In my opinion it exposed a lot of Sweeny.
I always was skeptical of him and some called him a John Carmack which always made me roll my eyes. Maybe it's because I am Doom fanboy buy I never put those two in the same category in terms of skill and passion.
Long winded way of saying I am floored so many people here are latching onto his words like they aren't being manipulated by a sales pitch.
Maybe he’s reminiscing of the time where a retail game was actually built with the high end PC’s in mind first.![]()
this dude is so weird to me... why there's crysis in that picture? placed like he's been workshiping this game? why crysis not something recent, like tomb raider? choose something new goddamit.like wtf? i'm starting to doubt his mental health.
Posts to wind up Sony fans.Sony incels strike again .. cannot wait until those consoles hit the market and see the DF analysis .. i already know what they will say by then .. ''SoNy eXcluSive GaMes Is The oNly ThinG ThAt MatteRs tO Me'' .. btw my main console this gen is ps4 .. but i am more excited for the XSX next gen ..
Sony incels strike again ..
If you owned a ps4 last generation as your main console why would you be so excited by Microsoft this generation.
Sony delivered one of the greatest generations in terms of games, its the reason they have sold over 100 million units.
Did that disappoint you, why would be so intent on jumping ship to a company that let their games dry up towards the end of the generation. What has got you so interested in Microsoft this generation, is it their advertising of late. Please don't tell me it was those game reveals you saw a week back. Please don't let it be that.
I am sure Microsoft will have a lot to offer when they show their first party exclusives but for the love of God don't just pick Microsoft because its got 12 Tflops. Ps5 have a proven Track record, they delivered the games.
You are a Gamer right, not some crazy fetish person getting of on rubbing yourself up some piece of hardware type.
Posts to wind up Sony fans.
Has meltdown in second and probably final post.
That's quite some going.
tbh i dont care about all sony exclusives .. i don't like uncharted-last of us-horizon-days gone-GT-not even god of war 2018 witch is nothing like the older ''and better'' games .. the only games i care about are the japaness third party exclusives like nioh/bloodborn .. i have faith in the xbox harware team because they delivered a better console with the x1x not only power wise .. but their solution for enhancing the base xbox 1 games is far better then the ps4 pro .. i also believe ps5 will have problems with BC .. i haven't decided yet which console i will buy and i am open to options .. + i think the XSX will be much
faster console + will have fresh new exclusive games
Posts to wind up Sony fans.
Has meltdown in second and probably final post.
That's quite some going.
True, true. As long as we can keep him.Leave him alone, he is entitled to his views, as long as he is not slaming anyone personally, there is no issue.
I quote liked timdog, he gave me a laugh in a way, and was fun to poke.
excessive ellipses, random spelling errors throughout, why does this read like the ramblings of a serial killertbh i dont care about all sony exclusives .. i don't like uncharted-last of us-horizon-days gone-GT-not even god of war 2018 which is nothing like the older ''and better'' games .. the only games i care about are the japaness third party exclusives like nioh/bloodborn .. i have faith in the xbox harware team because they delivered a better console with the x1x not only power wise .. but their solution for enhancing the base xbox 1 games is far better then the ps4 pro .. i also believe ps5 will have problems with BC .. i haven't decided yet which console i will buy and i am open to options .. + i think the XSX will be much faster console + will have fresh new exclusive games
excessive ellipses, random spelling errors throughout, why does this read like the ramblings of a serial killer
tbh i dont care about all sony exclusives .. i don't like uncharted-last of us-horizon-days gone-GT-not even god of war 2018 which is nothing like the older ''and better'' games .. the only games i care about are the japaness third party exclusives like nioh/bloodborn .. i have faith in the xbox harware team because they delivered a better console with the x1x not only power wise .. but their solution for enhancing the base xbox 1 games is far better then the ps4 pro .. i also believe ps5 will have problems with BC .. i haven't decided yet which console i will buy and i am open to options .. + i think the XSX will be much faster console + will have fresh new exclusive games
Yes. That certainly explains the lazy photoshop.wait proelite/DBB was tommy fisher?
Hmm....what do you guys think? Is he....
Spechal Ed?
Fatal Engima?
Maybe Alex Battaglia? (I wouldn’t be surprised).
Hmm....so many Xbox fanboys to choose from.![]()
I really must watch that film again, it's been years.OMG it's the Zodiac Killer!!!
Except that resolution and framerate do not change gameplay. Asset loading can affect the speed a character runs in the game world. In a Series X game, the Flash would need to run slower because the Series X won't be able to load the assets in the same speed the PS5 could. As a result, the devs are forced to limit the Flash's running speed in the PS5 because the Series X won't be able to keep up. You can't have the Flash run through a city in five seconds in the PS5 and fifteen seconds in the Series X. The Series X owners would complain of a lesser experience.
Ergo, the asset loading speeds of the PS5 would not be fully used because the game would need to have equal gameplay mechanics in both versions.
That's what I mean when I say that multiplat games won't be able to fully utilize the PS5's speed.
He's no clown, but I agree that Carmack was on another level.
Yeah I think so.wait proelite/DBB was tommy fisher?
I really must watch that film again, it's been years.