This is curious coming from the one peddling a secret 2-3x or more bandwidth improvement over the competition with zero evidence of this monstrous performance (and effective memory storage as you said it reduces memory use by textures by almost a factor of four) boost

More than just what she is saying what I have a problem with us how people are attempting to use and twist what she is saying to support their console warrish narrative and it becomes another pseudo proof in a sea of them which have littered this thread. Nothing really concrete, but as a great lawyer once said (paraphrasing): “your honour, a mountain of circumstantial evidence, half truths, and rumours almost makes up a proof, doesn’t it?”.
Also, if you want to do more than excite Xbox fanboys and do proper analysis you would need closer access to the material. What she basically said is the same thing MS said a lot earlier which is that XSX can treat the SSD as virtual memory (MS just clarified it being tied likely to a single 100 GB window). In and of itself it was and is impressive and the reason why both could skimp on RAM this generation (Xbox One X to XSX went up by only 4 GB, so it was important for MA to stress this point out).
Her comments about PS5 and more about XSX would be better informed with direct access to the devkit and docs and PS4 experience would help too as PS5 will likely e solve a lot of the system libraries and general OS approach from. No offence, she is a 2D focused indie developer who happens to have a platform preference and ties herself to some very toxic Xbox fanboys.
Both consoles have chose a very similar approach to deal with memory and particularly the SSD as extended memory resource (SSD as virtual RAM) and likely both make it clear which is which in the code as the last thing you want in a console game is a basic page file/PC style virtual memory where the code hits a performance cliffs when you have a memory page fault, but that is more to an earlier comment not what we were taking about last.
Also, since we are talking about annoying, it is also quite annoying seeing this dance between “PS5 SSD advantage does not matter” and “<insert unsupported / sometimes borderline delusional reason> why actually there is no gap and XSX is more awesome actually”. I feel like I am trying to rain on your parade mate and no, not my intention. We both agree actually that yes XSX packs a wallop, it is not a badly designed console. It gets annoying when the narrative seems to only allow two scenarios: either PS5 has an advantage that makes no difference / is wasteful or actually a secret trump card emerges that makes the difference disappear.
What follows that is fawning over tech specs, interviews, etc... just to seemingly pat oneself in the back for their console choice and to get more and more hyped, but somehow gets put forward as proof of the argument being discussed.