Wow. I'm completely blown away. THAT is how you introduce the next generation. I think I was right about rendering those fancy transitions being quite taxing to do at home in 4k

They looked gorgeous.
There were certainly some odd indy titles that had me scratching my head, but I'm not going to lie, most looked fun. Even BugSnax lol. I know my wife and son will be all over it in addition to Ratchet, Sackboy, Stray, Jett, and Kena . My wife is a huge zelda fan (as am I) and we thought Kena felt very Zelda/Pikmin inspired but it just looked incredible. The line between pre-rendered CG and gameplay has all but vanished.
Ratchet especially was flexing that I/O muscle hard. After the UE5 demo my head immediately imagined portal type teleportation, time manipulation and instant and drastic changes to the world being possible. There really are no limitations restricting design anymore.
Horizon, Spiderman, and Demon's Souls all look insane. I haven't played a racing game in a generation or two but GT7 gave me the itch.
So many other's caught my eye as well such as Athia, Deathloop, Returnal, Ghostwire, and Pragmata. I will need to see more gameplay but I'll be keeping tabs on these.
RE:Village very much looks cross-gen in comparison to most of the other's shown but I'm still intrigued. The world design still had the infamous windy corridors and material design was lacking although some of the characters looked great. I think the last RE game I played was on Gamecube but this got my attention although I'll wait for reviews.
As for the console design, I'm of two minds. On one hand what a console looks like has never been a factor in my purchasing decision. On the other hand I would rather it disappear into the background and not distract from my TV. I actually like the space age design and color scheme but I'm not sure where to put it.
I'm about to wall mount the OLED in my man cave to keep it away from the 8 month old and I was planning on building a shelf a foot or so below the TV to house all my devices but I like how the PS5 looks standing upright more than horizontal. It would be too low to the floor if I have it vertical below the TV. Hmmm I might do something funky and have it on the adjacent wall and do some funky wire/paint work with the HDMI and power cables. Time to scroll instagram for some inspiration.