Flashless at the Golden Globes
we need to create a wall of shame for every insider that said 13 reputable that he said 13TF for PS5
then trade them to ISIS for hostages.
we need to create a wall of shame for every insider that said 13 reputable that he said 13TF for PS5
I really start to love those custom made PS 5 Designs. Cant wait for some great limited editions
So now studios with 100 people make AAA games? Strange times.
I like these posts. Sony and their studios should keep the momentum going until the next major announcement.
Indeed man and I couldn’t agree more. There are matters of taste and matter of a sort of objective science (if such a case existed for Sony’s choices). I don’t prefer the awesome looking B&W aesthetic for PS5 (earth tones, gunmetal, space or charcoal gray, etc., is my preference) but it is far from some kind of objective “wrong” lol.
The entire analog “symmetrical/asymmetrical“ debate is nothing more than one group saying strawberry tastes “better” to them than chocolate lol. How silly it is when we literally attempt to prove those personal or subjective preferences objectively. It is called ice-skating uphill.
The game says "designed for PS5", which I understood that the game is made to use the PS5 I/O SSD advantages, but like you said will come to PC, but even PC doesn't have a System I/O like PS5, so I have my doubts.
Probably the game will be different, or the PS5 Assests will be higher and heavily. If my interpretation is right I can see some elevators or other loading things.
we need to create a wall of shame for every insider that said 13 tflops.
then trade them to ISIS for hostages.
Stray is the game I'm most intrigued by, always loved the idea of controlling an animal and the different means of traversal that brings about. Some nice RT in there too...
So can anyone help me understand this - given that the transfer of data is so big and fast with the SSD and I/O importing assets straight from zbrush, etc, losslessly means the gpu just only has to display it/render it without LODs but a ton of processing to spare?
It does not look bad at all...
This image comes from the 3D model
I like it overall, but I dislike how far out the edges of the exterior protrude from the main body. Why do they protrude so far out? To direct air flow into and out of the vents of the main body in specific directions?
You got a link to that, I know cerny said they will be doing s teardown but this is first I've heard about inviting DF to do one.Digital Foundry has said that Cerny will invite them to tear down the PlayStation 5. When do you think this will occur? Also, do you think that they'll tear down both versions or just one?
I like it overall, but I dislike how far out the edges of the exterior protrude from the main body. Why do they protrude so far out? To direct air flow into and out of the vents of the main body in specific directions?
Rumor has it that you'll be able to customize the PS5 design?
Maybe I've misrecalled what they said in one of their videos.You got a link to that, I know cerny said they will be doing s teardown but this is first I've heard about inviting DF to do one.
ProbablyMaybe I've misrecalled what they said in one of their videos.
To avoid overloading the GPU, before rendering polygons, a rasterization step is added before calculating the fragments (lighting and textures of each polygon), only the polygons aligned with the pixel are calculated and the others are omitted, the Polygons would be impossible to appreciate if they are smaller than the pixel.
The farther or closer the camera is from the object, the more polygons are rasterized from the object and are represented. This gives the feeling of infinite quality and allows to eliminate the LOD.
I hope the translator is working fine.
Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Feel the need to reiterate that portion:
Now to the crux of whole VRS debacle and PS5's inherent hw efficiency that voids the need to use VRS in the first place
Remember Matt Hargett ex Sony principle software engineer on Playstation when he tweeted this gem:
and also this thread where someone working at MS gets in on the discussion and says MS also have GE (but from GCN μArch, then Matt retorts and says what PS has is specific to their platform and what MS has is generic version - and MS employee deletes his tweets after breaking NDA and making a fool of himself in the meanwhile)
Let me try to explain it to you guys, GE - Geometry Engine is not something one and done, it has versions just like GCN, RDNA 1, RDNA 2, and what MS didn't work on with their consoles were primitive discards right on the primitive shaders, which unsurprisingly what Sony was working on for during last gen, both in PS4 and then later on PS4 Pro consoles. Their efforts were mostly unused because of some reason that are not clear, but it is safe to say they botched that aspect up until now. However on PS5, with their past mistakes, they implemented the correct hw to discard geometry that is
1 - not in the FoV of the screen with some safety margins, (++ perf gain)
2 - in the screen but behind objects thus are unseen (+++++ perf gain)
#2 is important because up until now, the objects behind were still being calculated in the GPU (before GE) but then later on discarded, since they are not drawn on the screen anyway, however as you can see even some calculation for those unseen/behind objects are completely unnecessary. PS4 Pro botched the implementation of this step (did the #1 very well and you can see HZD documentary for it - timestamped for exact visualization and explanation to #1)
Back then it was (trade marked) called as frustum culling which lead to the no loading, no cut open world designs like the ones found in God of War, HZD etc.
Now at this point they could do #2 as well but not on hardware, and not before whole lot of calculations were done on the object that will end up non-drawn anyway. Doing it in software not only loads CPU, but also not all GPU cycles were freed for those occluded objects, only a portion of it (and most likely very small one).
Now GE on PS5 is capable of doing it in hw and freeing up those precious cycles for other things, and on the next gen consoles only PS5 has the new version while MS gone ahead with the old one (but instead they went with VRS way).
There's a patent deep dive in a post if you want to read further
Primitive Shader: AMD's Patent Deep Dive
Primitive shader was mentioned in The Road to PS5 video, many suspected it was just another term for Mesh Shader, some said they are different concepts and thus PS5 would not support mesh shader. AMD's own marketing did not help clear the confusion, so I decided to take a look at their
Bonus points for Death Stranding
EDIT: You know what watch the whole thing
You are a good person but your taste in some games are... oh my god so different from my for said in some way hahahaLife is Strange is a masterpiece though, and has one of the best soundtracks.![]()
I like rap also I like the gameplay of Godfall but that trailer almost kill the few hype I had for that game.I am in two minds about Godfall, that last trailer did more damage than good to me, I think its that's shitty gangster music/rap or what ever they call it, they keep using in the videos.
I know i am old but come one, Beautiful looking games about knights and swords needs more orchestral tracks or classical music in their surroundings.
Every time i hear vocals of i wanna flip flop, canon top wanna make you my pop kinda throws me off the games.
Its probably why i am not a fan of GTA5.
I remember this. The PlayStation 2 also demo'ed it in real time on the vector units. Vectors are very good for processing high speed math needed for RT.
Ps2 was capable of realtime raytracing.
So apparently the ps2 was capable of realtime raytracing and even more imprssive it could do that without using its
Article that sourced Gaf:
The Playstation 2 could apparently handle real-time ray-tracing
A video from 2002 recently surfaced, showing the 19-year-old Playstation 2 apparently running a ray-tracing tech demo in real-time. With the ninth-gen consoles touting ray-tracing as a premium feature, it’s interesting to look at an almost-forgotten implementation of the technology from
Stray when it was know as HK_Project back in 2016
You are a good person but your taste in some games are... oh my god so different from my for said in some way hahaha,
I mean I don't think is a bad game and yes the soundtrack is good but not in that level to be a masterpiece.
Same.... but that game with a cat as protagonist will be GoTYI play a varied selection of games/genres, and appreciate them as wellThat's why it's pretty hard to say which game is my best game.
People are really going too far with the lies and delusion! The PC version looks like PS4 and has severe framedrops at 1080p!
Godfall looks rather stunning on PC
Godfall's got a brand new PC gameplay trailer, and judging by that, it's going to be quite the visual
It takes a hard drug to think that's better, just look at the dislikes and the jokes about the severe frame drops.![]()
Day 1 bitches! Even though it failed it had some classics like road rash, return fire, the horde ect.Boy wasn't this expensive.
The game could have problems of optimization but the game is part of the first wave of this new gen, from a small (Counterplay Games)
and the release date is close so in my opinion this combination of factors doesn't make possible the game looks better in PS5 than ultra in PC.
I can assure you a high end pc and ps5 will run this game 4k 60 fps with RT, yes I know you see issues in the videos but I think this caused for other reasonDidn't understand you well, my friend. The PS5 version looks smoother, better lighting, and stable 60fps. That PC version looks like PS4 with 15fps on some occasions. The people are laughing at the PC version and throwing dislikes:
Well, tomorrow is a random Tuesday...Digital Foundry has said that Cerny will invite them to tear down the PlayStation 5. When do you think this will occur? Also, do you think that they'll tear down both versions or just one?
They could always pull a Microsoft and have DF tear it down while having MKBHD demo the new interfaceWell, tomorrow is a random Tuesday...![]()
There's no place to plug anything in on the back? Including no power cord? Damn Sony had some huge oversights or just had to save every pennyIt does not look bad at all...
This image comes from the 3D model
Sony will be aggressively pushing for all digital, we can expect a $100 difference. I’d say 400 all digital, 500 regular. MS may price their series x $500, and series s $350. Sony has incentive to keep the all digital at 400 both for the profit margins and to offer a much better price value in comparison to the Series SSo what do we think? $499 disc version, $449 digital? Saw some rumors today of them pushing digital down to $399 figuring on no used games, higher percentage of online subs, and higher profit margin on games bought digitally as an offset for a larger loss on hardware
Yeah its possible, PC Gamers is already accustomed with Bad Ports and Highly Heavy games so this is a great possibility.I believe the PC ultra version will be the new Crysis if they push for PS5 as mentioned. Just like the PC version of Godfall looks like a PS4 game with insane frame drops and shown only at 1080p.
Omg this guy is so corny and cringy I couldn't keep watching lol![]()
Yeah its possible, PC Gamers is already accustomed with Bad Ports and Highly Heavy games so this is a great possibility.
But the game trailer says "console timed exclusive", so they can launch someday with a PC better hardware and architecture.
Wouldn't most of the money going into R&D have be invested earlier on in the development cycle ? I think Sony have been smart about it and spread out the R&D costs over the years from the time time PS4 Pro was released. But still they will have to fork out for the manufacturing costs in this fiscal year.The end of this fiscal year will be a huge loss for SIE, probably billions huge. The amount of money they've invested in PS5 R&D and games is staggering. It will return with profit in the following years, though.
i was disappointed as well, it was definitely not a Driveclub moment
I expected the game to look the way photo mode looks on current gen racing games