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TLOU2 Haters and Detractors are review-bombing Metacritic. The Salt rises!

Doesn't every game get review bombed these days? Either way, people are dumb. I'm upset about this game but I'm not going to review it because I'm not going to play it.

I gave a fake review once in my life, it was the karate kid remake, I love the original and was so pissed off at the idea of a remake that I was like fuck that, give this a 1 on imdb, few days later I realized how dumb that was and removed it. I've since seen the movie and thought it was decent enough, garbage compared to the original but definitely not a 1/10.


You're saying TLOU failed because the main character is openly gay and I'm not being reasonable?
Nope because the game didn't "fail". It has a pro user rating of 95, and everything is pointing towards it being Sony's best selling game this gen. I'm saying why it's getting review bombed. That "agenda" mentioned in the pic in the OP & a lot of the fake reviews is referring to the fact it has gay characters in it.

Doesn't every game get review bombed these days?
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Actually after spending some time reading some reviews, there are quite a few reviews that seem fair, as in they have problems not linked to the SJW shite, or platform fanboyism. Quite a few talk about the gameplay feeling a little clunky and dated, kind of like what happened with RDR2, a similar 10/10 rated game.


Can someone explain to me why people are hating TLOU2 without spoiling it?

Without spoiling? Impossible. That's why many people will hate what Druckmann did with the franchise - all the trailers, dev diaries, marketing campaign etc. didn't even gave a hint of that's coming. I mean, Halo 5 triggered people with its false marketing, but that was nothing compared to TLoU2, it's just on a whole new level (in the negative way). You can pay the journalists to get 10/10, but you can't buy your actual customers. Maybe Sony will take notice, that Druckmann's personal beliefs and agenda are not what people are buying their games for.


Lmao this was so fucking predictable. The game JUST came out several hours ago, and majority of people haven't played it let alone completed it. The people that had zero intentions of playing the game for themselves are ones review bombing it. These dorks are no better than the woke SJW ones, two extreme halves of the same coin.

It would be one thing to play the game and not enjoy it, that's perfectly valid, but these people don't really care about playing video games they just need another battlefield to wage their culture war on.


The Last Jedi also allegedly had a brigade, and ended up with a 4.3 user score. From my perspective, that's actually about right for that movie - it killed my 35 years of interest in Star Wars. In reviewing the figures after the dust settled, the negative reviews and positive reviews actually aren't all that removed from one another in terms of numbers, especially when you consider the number of mixed reviews in the middle. It's not like 100,000 negative reviews drove it into the dirt in a landslide - it actually looks fairly responsible (3.1k positive vs 4.5k negative). Meta-critic likely has the ability to identify this type of thing and remove the offending reviews - so I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the user score once it settles down. Given the content of the leaks - especially those from the last 24 hours - the backlash against this game is going to be pretty extreme anyway.

With all that said, 3.5k negative reviews less than a few hours after the game unlocked? Fucking LOL - those wankers were fucking ready to slam a game they couldn't possibly have fucking finished. Good lord, grow a sense of fucking dignity and don't play it and shut up if it offends you so much..
I thought GAF would be happy about that though? Pretty much every thread I read people here are happy about "sticking it to those SJW leftists." What's happening here?

You must have been actively avoiding the frequent and abundant comments by staunch TLoU2 defenders, who have been fawning for months now.

Let me be clear: if someone rates the game a 10/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they've been paid, are a shill and determined to artificially inflate the game's overall score. My default assumption will be that they genuinely love the game. They adore TLoU2 and that's enough.

But the reverse is also true.

if someone rates the game a 0, 1 or 2/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they're anti-woke warriors trying to burn down the game for political purposes. I will assume they simply don't like the game and are expressing themselves, perhaps clumsily, perhaps hyperbolically.

What's fascinating to watch is the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote suggesting all praise is genuine, all criticism is ill-motivated. By definition, 10/10s are authentic, 0/0s are part of an evil alt-right orchestrated campaign. "Woke culture" doesn't exist, his words, yet I can recall at least one prominent reviewer partly basing her high score on how well TLoU2 handled Representation.

The lack of self-awareness in the ardent anti-anti-woke camp is notorious.
I say show me the evidence. Show me the evidence for all the transcendent claims you're making.
You must have been actively avoiding the frequent and abundant comments by staunch TLoU2 defenders, who have been fawning for months now.

Let me be clear: if someone rates the game a 10/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they've been paid, are a shill and determined to artificially inflate the game's overall score. My default assumption will be that they genuinely love the game. They adore TLoU2 and that's enough.

But the reverse is also true.

if someone rates the game a 0, 1 or 2/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they're anti-woke warriors trying to burn down the game for political purposes. I will assume they simply don't like the game and are expressing themselves, perhaps clumsily, perhaps hyperbolically.

What's fascinating to watch is the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote suggesting all praise is genuine, all criticism is ill-motivated. By definition, 10/10s are authentic, 0/0s are part of an evil alt-right orchestrated campaign. "Woke culture" doesn't exist, his words, yet I can recall at least one prominent reviewer partly basing her high score on how well TLoU2 handled Representation.

The lack of self-awareness in the ardent anti-anti-woke camp is notorious.
I say show me the evidence. Show me the evidence for all the transcendent claims you're making.

Why would any score be legit for a 25+ hour game 5 hours after launch?


Suffers from extreme PDS
Same thing happened when Breath of the Wild and Horizon came out. Fanboy warriors from both sides went on the others metacritic and gave it 0’s. It’s so stupid, no one cares outside of the console warriors what a metacritic user score is and it’s not going to influence anyone.
Why would any score be legit for a 25+ hour game 5 hours after launch?

How odd, because I swear I watched multiple, numerous, TLoU2 streams more than 24-hours ago.

Regardless. my point is about how highly selective the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote complaints are:

10/10 ----> Evidence the game is a masterpiece. Scores are genuine.
O or 1 or 2/10 ----> Evidence there's an evil alt-right plot against Naughty Dog. Scores are fake.
That "agenda" mentioned in the pic in the OP & a lot of the fake reviews is referring to the fact it has gay characters in it.

That's disingenuous to say the least. It's nearly impossible to discuss the real reasons this game is being shitted on by fans. At least for now.

Just a warning to anyone who doesn't know, you'll catch a perma ban if you mention TLOU2 spoilers.


Do you really think the metacritic review bombers played it at all? Like legit, I really want to know.
A lot of the '0' reviws, certainly not, but that will be the same for a lot of the '10' reviews. Like i said earlier in the thread, spend a bit time reading through some of the reviews and there are a lot that are having problems with the gameplay itself, 'feels a bit clunky to play', 'feels dated', 'very slow and boring at times' etc. Same happened with RDR2, another 10/10 rated game.
A lot of the '0' reviws, certainly not, but that will be the same for a lot of the '10' reviews. Like i said earlier in the thread, spend a bit time reading through some of the reviews and there are a lot that are having problems with the gameplay itself, 'feels a bit clunky to play', 'feels dated', 'very slow and boring at times' etc. Same happened with RDR2, another 10/10 rated game.

Skill Up review mentioned those same issues, and his review sounded the most legitimate out of all the other 10/10 reviews out there that had nothing but praise.
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It is just pathetic to know people is upset because their little brains can’t stand diversity. Sad sad people. Their lives must be boring and sad. If they do not care for the agenda skip the agenda and move on. They just want everyone else to miss the fun. Those people and salty Xbox fanboys are probably review bombing the game and having their “revenge”.

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REE Machine

To the haters

cant wait until this game breaks records
You must have been actively avoiding the frequent and abundant comments by staunch TLoU2 defenders, who have been fawning for months now.

Let me be clear: if someone rates the game a 10/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they've been paid, are a shill and determined to artificially inflate the game's overall score. My default assumption will be that they genuinely love the game. They adore TLoU2 and that's enough.

But the reverse is also true.

if someone rates the game a 0, 1 or 2/10, until there's evidence for it, I won't jump to the conclusion they're anti-woke warriors trying to burn down the game for political purposes. I will assume they simply don't like the game and are expressing themselves, perhaps clumsily, perhaps hyperbolically.

What's fascinating to watch is the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote suggesting all praise is genuine, all criticism is ill-motivated. By definition, 10/10s are authentic, 0/0s are part of an evil alt-right orchestrated campaign. "Woke culture" doesn't exist, his words, yet I can recall at least one prominent reviewer partly basing her high score on how well TLoU2 handled Representation.

The lack of self-awareness in the ardent anti-anti-woke camp is notorious.
I say show me the evidence. Show me the evidence for all the transcendent claims you're making.
Agreed but to be honest, 1 or 2 are extremely uncommon scores reserved for unusually bad games. 10's are far more common and it's not rare to see games with a 70 average get a bunch of 10's.

Your point still stands though.
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Happens with every exclusive... rival console fanboys like to bomb exclusives from other platforms, just like fanboys from that platform like to give perfect scores to their exclusives even if they don't deserve it. Fanboys are fanboys... and that's that.

... but, the amount of negative user reviews surprises me (it's more then normal). The big question here is, does this game deserve all the perfect scores and praise from reviewers? Were they influenced by the name Naughty Dog or Sony?
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Skill Up review mentioned those same issues, and his review sounded the most legitimate out of all the other 10/10 reviews out there that just had nothing but praise.
I mean CohhCarnage was pointing ot a lot of changes from the first game he didnt like on his stream yesterday, for example he loved the whole shiv mechanic from the first game, having to build them to use, having to manage when or where to use them, but the new game she just has a permanent knife which takes away that whole mechanic. He also did plenty of 'Er...yeah the game is good, its good,......its good' replies to peole asking him how the game is, well in between him thanking Sony for the free key every 5mins lol. He didnt seem 100% into it.
How odd, because I swear I watched multiple, numerous, TLoU2 streams more than 24-hours ago.

Regardless. my point is about how highly selective the anti-anti-woke D. Quixote complaints are:

10/10 ----> Evidence the game is a masterpiece. Scores are genuine.
O or 1 or 2/10 ----> Evidence there's an evil alt-right plot against Naughty Dog. Scores are fake.

You seem to be equating the critics to users? I haven't seen the people you mentioned celebrating 10/10s from anyone besides the media, who have had plenty of time to evaluate the game.
Review bombing isnt a opinion, its just over the line of retardation

There is no disconnect lol there is a planned, strategic plan in place by snowflakes to ruin the score due to its stance on several things. Let's not be naive we knew this was coming

That I don't disagree. But amongst those review bombs, there are probably some genuine feelings of disappointment with the game (looking at comments on Reddit). It's bound to happen with games as highly rated as TLOU 2, getting 10s and nothing but praise across the board by professional reviewers. Sort of setting yourself up for disappointment.
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