-The main character is openly gay
-The game leaks suggest it doesn't play out the same as the fanfics people imagined in their heads
-But mainly the first point
What's happened (in my non educated opinion) is Sony has enough fans to support their product regardless of an agenda. So at first non Sony gamers or Sony gamers that hate SJW agendas did not like the direction of the game and spoke up loudest, but the overwhelming majority of Sony fans will support a 1st party game almost irrespective of quality, agenda, length, etc and they now have the louder voices on Gaf and throughout gaming it seems.
This is coming from someone that supports the "SJW" movement for more diversity in games. I just find it interesting that this is the one approach that can be taken in the gaming industry that will allow the SJW agenda to thrive.
Sony fans will back their horse no matter what. To be fair, the same can be said for Xbox fans, they just have a MUCH smaller fanbase.
What a dumbass "gotcha"
He doesn't even like the first game either. His opinions have been as consistent as you can be
For most storytelling issues that irk too much. And considering its solely single-player and story focused that is a deal-breaker for several people (including me). There's a few that criticize other aspects, but that's overblown. Has decent gameplay for what it is, looks and sounds great. Still, I'm not interested in it, because I lose all motivation once I hit something that actively annoys me.
The whole things aggravated by the 10/10 scores, and here we are.
So, you just reviewed the game without playing it
He literally posted a video praising the first game. That's after trashing it, and right before posting his negative review of the second.
So basically, supporting a product out of blind devotion instead of the merit of its genuine quality? Sounds like a good diagnosis to me. I've seen the first 2-3 hours or so and hey, for everyone who ends up enjoying the game, I'm glad they have a game to enjoy.
But as far as my own tastes in terms of gameplay and story, in those few hours (plus I did see the leaks) there's virtually nothing to this game I find appealing. A lot of people are fawning over the graphics but I've always been a sort of gamer where pretty visuals don't mean everything especially when most of it is just scenic eye candy.
More than the story issues some people seem to have contention with, though, I'm more alarmed with the comments on the gameplay. It sounds like ND neglected any significant new takes on the gameplay for the sake of the story and investing everything into that. Some are saying it's literally the same structure as TLOU1 but with even simpler puzzles. I understand the focus was on the story, but they should've kept in mind this is a game first, above all else, and literally repackaging the same game mechanics as the first release from several years ago, makes it sound like this should've simply been another DLC.
All that said, those are just my takes on what I've seen in those first 2-3 hours as well as some of the leaks. I don't have a desire to play the game tbh, but again to the people who do and end up genuinely liking it, I'm not gonna stop them (not like I could xD). I'm glad they have a game to enjoy. But I do think this is going to be a very divisive game among the fanbase and it certainly is for people outside of that.
Where was your thread complaining that there were thousands of 5* reviews in the Playstation Store, weeks before the game even came out? Not crying about those reviews? Oh ok then.
Well, I am about six hours in and I agree on a lot of his points. This story is not what I signed up for and, as someone who also partook in the leaks and spoilers, I can see where this game is going and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.5 hours in and I can categorically tell you you are wrong in all accounts where I bolded. TLOU didn't have puzzles whatsoever, and the amount of detail in figuring things out in this one is really good.
Not going to comment on your personal opinion on graphics, not my place, and I end up agreeing that art style > graphics every day.
And what about the people that have completed the game and give it 95/100 or 100/100?
Nope? I could care less what you think is mature, or if you think I am childish lol.That's very mature.
Do you ever look back on what you wrote and think, "i'm being childish"?
Accepting and understanding other peoples opinions is a form of maturity and growth. Not responding with "waaahh, im not going to talk to you anymore cause you're an extremist feminist, of which i have no proof"
TBF from what I've seen so far and know from descriptions of relatively trustworthy reviewers, if you've played TLOU1 you've basically played TLOU2 aside from the story, as that's the only thing with significant differences.
My fault. "The people", instead of something more obvious like "journalists", was not clear to me.It's clear I was talking about the reviews from gaming sites and publications, sources that many people seem to covet. Which is what sparked off this review score controversy. Although the essence of what I'm arguing doesn't really change.
Obviously anyone giving it a review without actually having played it for themselves is in the wrong, positive or negative.
So I'm not sure what your argument is here?
- Reviews from people who haven’t played the game are bad.
- A piece of art that communicates a political ideology that you disagree with is not objectively bad by virtue of that fact.
People can hate the game all they want, I think this is an issue of so-called “hardcore gamers” pretending that they can give a fair review of a game without actually playing it.
I made very clear distinctions in my posts, so why are you still making that argument. I never said that people giving it 10's are all genuine impressions.Actually no, I consider those 0's fake too, nobody could honestly give this game a 0 based on the technical aspects alone.
Again, you're saying this, but it isn't true. There were 10's being given as soon as the metacritic scores were open, those people did not play the game.
This is why I'm disagreeing with you, because you're saying that the 10's are "genuine opinions" of people who played the game and the 0's are "trolls" who didn't play the game.
Well, I am about six hours in and I agree on a lot of his points. This story is not what I signed up for and, as someone who also partook in the leaks and spoilers, I can see where this game is going and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm all for reserving judgment until I've played it and I think anybody judging should play before they judge but afterwards those opinions still remain valid. This game is not a 10/10 but it is very good. I hate applying scores to games but even 6 hours in I can tell this game does not have the story structure or quality of narrative the first game had. By a long shot.
That saddens me the most. The gameplay is good, the artstyle is stunning and the environments are just intense beyond belief. But they're all wrappings around a greater piece of art - the storyline. The true meat of the first game and the meat of this game. And the quality is not the same.
Again, I'm about six hours in at this point so time will tell but the narrative alone has fallen flat on its face in at least two places so far.
No worries, I should've been more clear I suppose.My fault. "The people", instead of something more obvious like "journalists", was not clear to me.
I would disagree with this. Gamers have known ellie is gay for years now since the expansion for the first game. I think it's more to do with the spoilery stuff.-The main character is openly gay
-The game leaks suggest it doesn't play out the same as the fanfics people imagined in their heads
-But mainly the first point
Lmao praising? He said the story, characters and worldbuilding are great but everything else is crap.
Fair enough.I was commenting on the gameplay details. The game is much more fleshed out and pleasant to play.
I don't know the story, nor have read spoilers apart from one, so I shall reserve my final judgement until after completing the game, as it should be.
I'm 5.5h in and didn't see that, but I trust we perhaps are in different sections. I spent 3h in a specific location.
Yeah, he specifically singles out the gameplay as something he didn't like about the original, and its very evident that because there is more and lengthier stretches of gameplay between story beats he basically was forcing himself to play through after the first 5 hours.
Its good of him to be upfront about that, but truthfully it does make it easier to discard his viewpoint. Especially when he soft-pedals the extensive list of mechanical changes and improvements to the stealth/combat loop in the sequel as showing no real advance on the first game. Its a strikingly contradictory statement that serves to show a disconnect between him and the overall gameplay style and approach of the game.
And when its so obvious that there's no meeting of the minds on such a fundamental aspect... Its kinda obvious its a proper "not my cup of tea" deal.
Yeah, I actually like that Ellie is LGBTQ. I have no issues with the love story in the game (even if it is poorly written). I have issue with how badly written the game is as a whole, and how hacked together the plot is. Druckman basically tried to make the edgiest game possible with no regard to whether it made since for the narrative.There's nothing wrong with point one... to be frank, who gives a flying shit what the sexuality of the protagonist is or isn't?
Point two however... the leaks have been proven to be correct, but worse, they are COMPOUNDED when placed in narrative context.
Exactly. I've said this many times before, but I was already a fan of his for awhile. When I saw he was doing a TLOU review, I was excited to know what he thought. His opinion(s) shadowed mine almost down to a T. He praised the writing, characters, and story. But everything else was meh, or below meh. I had the exact same reaction with it when I played it at launch. The gameplay mechanics to me just felt meh or were better elsewhere. Which was mind blowing to me since a lot of people thought the game was flawless. I didn't see it at all.He doesn't even like the first game either. His opinions have been as consistent as you can be
Fair enough.
I will say to anybody who thinks this is about Ellie being gay or about some alt-right invasion, making that point is impossible for people to articulate or counter-argue due to spoilers. But it is HIGHLY not the reason that people are reviewing bombing the game.
Time will tell.
I've never used the site ever. I come here, and read real peoples reviews and opinions and base it off videos.Metacritic user score,its always a joke
In the past few Laymen Gaming videos if it's brought up he mentions how he doesn't even want to talk about it anymore. Cause he's that exhausted and over it. They're apparently livestreaming later today to talk about the review bombing, which I'm looking forward to. Only because I want to hear his potential take on the portion of the game that he and other reviewers were NDA'd on in their original reviews.
Demonstrably not true...
Literally happens with ever single big game.
User reviews = full of 0's and 10's from people who never played.
Give their React to the EA Livestream a watch, they talk about it quite a bit at the start before the EA stream starts.
Even taking Druckmann's personal views and the agenda pushing aside, the story, characters and dialogue of TLOU2 are cringeworthy and a huge step down from its predecessor.
IMO this will be another TR reboot/Bioshock Infinite situation - glowing reviews and universal praise at launch, and then completely forgotten and irrelevant 2 years later.
Because User Score Review bombing will lead to less sales globally, right....right?
*Fast Forward to next week* TLOU2 goes on to break every Playstation Sales record ever.
So much this. And again, I'm not in the bandwagon of shitting on someone that doesn't like the game after playing it. That's fair play. But saying the gameplay shows no real advancement over the first game is asinine. Even the companion AI, which was horrible, has seen great improvements.
This is absolutely not true. We've known for YEARS that Ellie was gay. Where were the review bombs? There was minimum.A lot of it is, but I wouldn't claim all is. There's no game that is universally loved. I didn't enjoy BOTW one bit. Is it a good game? Objectively, yes, but I didn't like it, it doesn't fit my game style. And that's fine.
But let's both be honest, a lot of the foul comments about TLOU2 are related to the supposed "gay" agenda and Ellie being a gay female character. You can read those in this very own forum.
What's happened (in my non educated opinion) is Sony has enough fans to support their product regardless of an agenda
Anybody who saw the leaks knew this was coming. The defenders are the folks who steered clear of the leaks, and still don't know shit.
You think the outrage is hot right now? Wait a while for everyone to finish the game.
You don't need to finish GoT to know if it's a good show or not.
Oh. Wait.
How does it fit that?He claimed he hasn't seen a single intelligent person give out a negative review
I'd say Skill Up fits that
I understand completely. You just need to work on your reading comprehension
This is absolutely not true. We've known for YEARS that Ellie was gay. Where were the review bombs? There was minimum.
You don't want spoilers, I respect that, but there is no way for me to counter that argument without spoiling. I already said that. So for you to bring it up is basically using it as an argument that I just told you I cannot counter without spoilers.
Time will tell.
There is no real advancement. It's just the same core gameplay from the first with refinements.
Core gameplay as in, the stealth, gunplay, and melee.