This game has the worst story in the history of gaming.
Like anyone's going to take dumbass troll hottakes like this seriously?
This game has the worst story in the history of gaming.
Quartering, Geeks and Gamers etc. are doing it.
All you have to do is go on YouTube. Only reason why I'm not posting videos is because some of it might contain spoilers.
You're telling me the user reviews are more reliable than people who actually played the game. Why should I take people seriously who thinks like this?![]()
Quartering, Geeks and Gamers etc. are doing it. All you have to do is go on YouTube. Only reason why I'm not posting videos is because some of it might contain spoilers.
You're telling me the user reviews are more reliable than people who actually played the game. Why should I take people seriously who thinks like this?![]()
And if all these user reviews done today were the reverse, with tons of 5 stars leading to a user score avg of 9.4/10, not one LoU defender would complain saying the scores are skewed stupid since there's no way all these people should do that when they haven't even played it, never mind finish it.Isn't it just majestic how all the people who didn't play the game but nonetheless reviewed it gave it a 0/10? Isn't it? Life is simple because all the people who rated it a 10/10, including thousands who gave it 5 stars it ahead of official release, have had their purchase certified by DForce.
I don't lean left or right. I know which political affiliation a lot of these YouTubers follow because I enjoyed watching some of their content before until about a year ago.And declaring them "far right" is nothing but you involuntarily betraying what your politics are.
The whole game's story, and even its controversial parts and ending, have been on youtube for awhile now. I don't think people to need guess about anything with the story since the whole story is available for all to see and judge. The game journalists who played it overhyped and overinflated the score. This game will not be remembered well by ordinary gamers, especially with the theme/direction/politics involved. The game itself has probably alienated half the gaming audience, so I don't see it being popular or fondly remembered 1 year from now.
You don’t know that some of them haven’t.If that's true, then they don't they review bomb on PSN?
Is it because they don't actually have the game?
Yes, that's it.
A mob of children have taken their anger and moral purity to Metacritic to make sure TLOU2 is made an example of.
You don’t know that some of them haven’t.
It was also possible to review the game on PSN before it was available to play.
Why do they need the game when we've been able to watch it all week?If they're not review bombing on PSN then it's obvious: They don't have the game.
The triggering continues as TLOU2 releases today. A mob of children have taken their anger and moral purity to Metacritic to make sure TLOU2 is made an example of. As we watch the salt pour from every single keystroke we're reminded of the fragility of their egos. Snowflaking has never been this good. Here is to enjoying the tears when the reviews eventually get taken down.
The prophet has foreseen it.
The meticulous planning.
You don’t know that they’re not review bombing on PSN. There very well may be people giving it 1-3 stars on PSN.If they're not review bombing on PSN then it's obvious: They don't have the game.
Why do they need the game when we've been able to watch it all week?
You don’t know that they’re not review bombing on PSN. There very well may be people giving it 1-3 stars on PSN.
The game received tons of 5 star reviews before release though, so they aren’t as visible.
The problem is you cannot entirely discern who has played it and who hasn’t. At this point, you also do not need to play the game yourself to form an opinion on it as there are a lot of full playthroughs available on Twitch and YouTube to watch.What a bunch of cry babies. A bunch of man-children. I'm so glad I don't personally know anyone this petty and sensitive.
If you've played the game and don't like it, that's completely fine. But hating it before playing it and going out of your way to rain on other peoples good times is just shitty. Like after doing that, do you feel better? Like what kind of satisfaction do you get from doing that? Eww it's so shitty.
these sjws are losing. they know it. they are angry we are winning.
they get so mad.
meanwhile SJWS continue to insert the BULLSHIT AGENDAS in our media.
To be honest it has a low rating on Google and also not liked on the youtube comments, a lot just don't enjoy the story, everyone has a opinion.What a bunch of cry babies. A bunch of man-children. I'm so glad I don't personally know anyone this petty and sensitive.
If you've played the game and don't like it, that's completely fine. But hating it before playing it and going out of your way to rain on other peoples good times is just shitty. Like after doing that, do you feel better? Like what kind of satisfaction do you get from doing that? Eww it's so shitty.
They watched 30 hours? So you admit that it's very likely they didn't play the game? Got it.
You can't discern who has played it or not. At this point, gamers in general get lumped into that group now. To your 2nd point, that's true and a very valid point, but this hate was happening even before the game was released. They've already made up their mind. They went online and read the script and hated it. Let me ask you this, what popular video game script can you read that without playing it is good? I bet if you read most of the video games scripts of some of the most popular games in the past 10-15 years you'd think they were crap. I play games not scripts.The problem is you cannot entirely discern who has played it and who hasn’t. At this point, you also do not need to play the game yourself to form an opinion on it as there are a lot of full playthroughs available on Twitch and YouTube to watch.
it can be completed within 15-20 hours, can't show you the receipts 'cause you know...
My second point still stands in part because we had a full 90 minutes leak back in April and small leaks until the most recent big ones. I’ve been following it since the first leak.You can't discern who has played it or not. At this point, gamers in general get lumped into that group now. To your 2nd point, that's true and a very valid point, but this hate was happening even before the game was released. So, that's out of the equation. They've already made up their mind. They went online and read the script and hated it. Let me ask you this, what popular video game script can you read that without playing it is good? I bet if you read most of the video games scripts of some of the most popular games in the past 10-15 years you'd think they were crap. I play games not scripts.
it's presentation of a product. those leaked cutscenes showed exactly what i didn't want in that game, but again, i can't say it without spoiling the game.I know it can, but you actually believe they watched everything outside of the leaked cutscenes. Even before this, not all of the cutscenes were leaked.
Why do they need to watch everything when it's obviously the cutscenes that are pissing them off?I know it can, but you actually believe they watched everything outside of the leaked cutscenes. Even before this, not all of the cutscenes were leaked.
Many people made up their mind with only a few leaked cutscenes. That's totally different than playing the game in full. This means they were upset with a few plot choices.Why do they need to watch everything when it's obviously the cutscenes that are pissing them off?
I actually don't care about the game, it's scores and all that shit. It's the shitty behavior. We can do better, but it's not likely. The shitty ones are always the most vocal and shitty behavior stands out more.My second point still stands in part because we had a full 90 minutes leak back in April and small leaks until the most recent big ones. I’ve been following it since the first leak.
Narratives in video games are generally poor and are there as a vehicle for the gameplay, if they exist at all. I imagine if I sought out video game scripts to read that I would find most of them to be pretty bad. Bayonetta had a story but I couldn’t tell you anything about it because the gamplay was so good and that’s what it focused on.
The inversion, which I believe The Last of Us to be part of, is narrative focus with gameplay to get you between story beats. When your focus is narrative it will be more scrutinized, often by people with a mind for it. I’m a fan of games and story. I go to film and TV for stories and I go to games for gameplay. That’s not to say games like Naughty Dog make should not exist. They absolutely should.
I am tired of the wild mudslinging that‘s been so prominent since the early 2010’s. I’ve taken part at times, so I can’t fault people too much but we can do better.
well when the game destroys sales records ya’ll can go hide in ya’ll man caves where ur homophobia will be accepted..If you ask what are xboys doing right now after NoSmArTDeLiVeRy was debunked.
It's cause they're looking for something to be mad about. If it wasn't this it would have been something else.Why do they need to watch everything when it's obviously the cutscenes that are pissing them off?
And looking at the 10/10 gamers, pretty skewed too.If you ask what are xboys doing right now after NoSmArTDeLiVeRy was debunked.
well when the game destroys sales records ya’ll can go hide in ya’ll man caves where ur homophobia will be accepted..
It’s funny by clinging to this “alt right trolls and bigots hate it” narrative you are actually erasing the trans and queer voices who have genuine criticism about how a white hetero man wrote their representative characters
Like lol the more people talk about the alt right the more they are silencing genuine critical trans and queer voices
Plus you know, regular everyday people. they do exist and play the game and have thoughts of their own.
Movie and tv critics are notoriously dissconected from the general public to be fair. Games critics are def heading in the same direction imo.Reading through all this. It’s interesting what “review bombing” and overall actions are perceived based on the politics of the individual posting. It’s only review bombing and trolling when it doesn’t meet your opinion.
Was it only review bombing for Ion Fury after the devs gave an apology for Fag Bag? How did you scare them to apologize again?
Was this review bombing or can professional shit heads not be labeled as butt hurt trolls?
I have a hard time believing that most want this stuff to end, for everyone to grow up. I think most likely people just want it to stop for the things they like only.
Like anyone's going to take dumbass troll hottakes like this seriously?
Ellie has been known lesbian since the last game, and the preview video from 2 years ago showed her and Dina kissing at a slow dance.I love how all those "defenders of legitimate criticism" blatantly come out in this thread exposing their clear bias.
You may not like it as much as the first one, or not agree with some choices in the story but it is a better story than 99% of games out there. The only difference is that in this one there's a prominent lesbian character and no woman is half naked or sexualised in any way so if you ever find yourself saying things like "it took me out of the experience because a girl can't do that...", "two strong women characters banter is not appealing" then yeah, you're in dire need of reevaluiating your biases. And don't go around saying stupid things like "but what abour real people who hate the story, we need to look at the score seriously"! This is concern trollling of highest caliber. 99% percent of these "revews" have barely scribbled text to justify the score and came out before anyone could finish the game - this minority of botters and incels review-bombing and feeling so satisfied from "shoing it to those SJWs" requires pity (you just know it's true, right? you can see these poor people smiling seeling the score bombed) Pity is also required for those who deflect and pretend to be enlightened because they "are not sawyaed into liking the popular game" and millions of people are just sheep cause they are brainwashed by the media and are forced to play through SJW agenda and a bad story.
FYI, it's not that hard to see your shtick: see - you already hate Ellie/Abby/Dina looks and concept and you hate the lesbian story even before the start of the game. Alternatively you read the leaks about lesbian/transgender character and story beats that may or may not be true - oh no, this is too much, SJW agenda which assaults my masculinity! But you think you need to be smarter than that. So you start looking extra hard at every story beat to disagree with from a minor joke to a characterisation which you then interpret it the way that suits you to say that this totally pulled you out of the story and it sucks and therefore the game sucks but you're not a bigoted asshole. Or even less effort just say: wait until you hit unidentified part "sometime later" in the story to see how bad it is? Can't say which part cause spoilers! Saved, you fooled us all and saved us from this disaster which had 95% critic score! Only not really: it's just that transparent and sad.
If you wanna hate the game, this is pretty much judgment free area: just admit you only play as a woman to stare at her ass all the time or have her being saved or romanced in the way you want but woe be if she's slightly manly or capable! Have some balls to admit that this game bothers you because it doesn't allow you to go hetero or have a woman body-type that you prefer and then go back to something like CoD. Or maybe go stare at Chloe's ass in UC:LL while she kills and kicks ass of 100s of soldier-men while complaining about Nadine being too SJW for kicking Nate's ass. Admit that strong women bother you and you can't relate to their problems just like you couldn't in TLJ. (/yeah let's trigger TLJ haters as well, that'll be a nice combo)
Did you click on NeoGaf instead of ResetEra by mistake or something?.I love how all those "defenders of legitimate criticism" blatantly come out in this thread exposing their clear bias.
You may not like it as much as the first one, or not agree with some choices in the story but it is a better story than 99% of games out there. The only difference is that in this one there's a prominent lesbian character and no woman is half naked or sexualised in any way so if you ever find yourself saying things like "it took me out of the experience because a girl can't do that...", "two strong women characters banter is not appealing" then yeah, you're in dire need of reevaluiating your biases. And don't go around saying stupid things like "but what abour real people who hate the story, we need to look at the score seriously"! This is concern trollling of highest caliber. 99% percent of these "revews" have barely scribbled text to justify the score and came out before anyone could finish the game - this minority of botters and incels review-bombing and feeling so satisfied from "shoing it to those SJWs" requires pity (you just know it's true, right? you can see these poor people smiling seeling the score bombed) Pity is also required for those who deflect and pretend to be enlightened because they "are not sawyaed into liking the popular game" and millions of people are just sheep cause they are brainwashed by the media and are forced to play through SJW agenda and a bad story.
FYI, it's not that hard to see your shtick: see - you already hate Ellie/Abby/Dina looks and concept and you hate the lesbian story even before the start of the game. Alternatively you read the leaks about lesbian/transgender character and story beats that may or may not be true - oh no, this is too much, SJW agenda which assaults my masculinity! But you think you need to be smarter than that. So you start looking extra hard at every story beat to disagree with from a minor joke to a characterisation which you then interpret it the way that suits you to say that this totally pulled you out of the story and it sucks and therefore the game sucks but you're not a bigoted asshole. Or even less effort just say: wait until you hit unidentified part "sometime later" in the story to see how bad it is? Can't say which part cause spoilers! Saved, you fooled us all and saved us from this disaster which had 95% critic score! Only not really: it's just that transparent and sad.
If you wanna hate the game, this is pretty much judgment free area: just admit you only play as a woman to stare at her ass all the time or have her being saved or romanced in the way you want but woe be if she's slightly manly or capable! Have some balls to admit that this game bothers you because it doesn't allow you to go hetero or have a woman body-type that you prefer and then go back to something like CoD. Or maybe go stare at Chloe's ass in UC:LL while she kills and kicks ass of 100s of soldier-men while complaining about Nadine being too SJW for kicking Nate's ass. Admit that strong women bother you and you can't relate to their problems just like you couldn't in TLJ. (/yeah let's trigger TLJ haters as well, that'll be a nice combo)
With friends like you who needs the irs?Rating a game a 0 when they've never played it before is like a virgin saying he hates sex cuz it looks disgusting .
One of my friend who is just constantly bashing it and openly sharing spoilers on Facebook to ruin everyone's fun is a virgin at 40.
If they're not review bombing on PSN then it's obvious: They don't have the game.