They’re not sending their best.
I think my original post was pretty clear~ but I'll go ahead and address your points:In that case then the company policy and employment contract rulebooks news to be rewritten.
Where do we draw the line here? This year we've had people cancelled and fired for infidelity in their private lives. Do you think that's fair game as well?
Slowly but surely we are devolving into a chaotic world where twitter (and social media at large) is being crowned judge, jury and executioner.
All it takes is someone to make a claim on social media against you and your whole life can be ruined in an instant. That's not ok.
I think my original post was pretty clear~ but I'll go ahead and address your points:
Infidelity can be a shit thing, and it's the company's business if they're offended by that or not, I personally haven't any interest in their private lives. If I were a boss and I learnt that one of my subordinates was cheating on his/her partner, my actions would depend on a whole ton of subjective, situational things, and it might involve insisting that the person in question take steps to solve their own problems in short order, but I don't think I'd fire him instantly.
How that information was brought to the attention of the company would be a matter of import - if it was heresay, I would certainly go to great lengths to get the full story from both the people involved and anyone else I can find, before trying to construct an unbiased understanding of what really happened. Perhaps with the help of professionals who are trained in such deductions. Will other companies do the same? Hard to tell, I'm not defending them here.
The Rashomon Effect deals with the 'notorious unreliability of eye witnesses', I dunno about others but I personally think I figured out that this is not an efficient way to solve a problem when I was, like, 6 years old.
Incidentally, has xBox actually fired anyone over this? Maybe they're just gonna do an internal censure or something?
Can I briefly say this? Please turn on your flame shield because I just wanna say this and leave it here: Adam Jones said he needs to take a bath when people call Tool 'metal'. I need to take a bath when people use the phrase "Cancel Culture" around me. It is so loaded with everything I find lazy and innuendo-fueled about bad arguments that I just can't even.
Wrong pal. The behavior we’re criticizing Resetera for is trying to get someone fired/ruin their life for disagreeing. Do you see us doing that here?
Major Nelson needs to be fired, this is a bunch of fucking bullshit.
Microsoft is a bunch of SJW cucks. Dont know why anyone supports them
Time to cancel Microsoft too.
A little bit, yeah.
I think the Resetera is extremely cult-like and very keen to censor any speech (sometimes even thought) that they have deemed off-limits.
That's lazy thinking and really an admission that your ideas are vulnerable to robust challenge, so challenge cannot be allowed.
That said, condemning Major Nelson and MS in general because of that one inoffensive comment is the same bullshit with a different stink.
What bothers me the most is why the industry professionals participate on RE to begin with? That's the appeal compared to Neogaf?
They will eventually cancel too many people and the pendulum will swing. They have power now. but are they using it responsibly? We will see. Patience and popcorn. Unfortunately there is going to be collateral damage while we wait.
Looks like you're gonna have to assume most all of these fuckers are and actually look for the ones that aren't, instead of the other way around.Microsoft is a bunch of SJW cucks. Dont know why anyone supports them
Let's be fair here though the gamecheat guy sounds like a total tit.
Making posts saying nigga nigga. Cmon now. What does he have to gain by doing that?
He does make decent points later on when he's arguing with the other 2 lads but he's a total troll otherwise.
I think some devs from Sony use it too.>major nelson uses resetera
What? That's awful.
I don't think any important Sony people use it. Just some regular employees.
Jfc that site needs to be put down like a dog.
Let's be fair here though the gamecheat guy sounds like a total tit.
Making posts saying nigga nigga. Cmon now. What does he have to gain by doing that?
He does make decent points later on when he's arguing with the other 2 lads but he's a total troll otherwise.
His Account here is MHKMaybe... Maybe... If we really believe, we can summon Major Nelson too, as a sort magic ritual! Bring together our hearts, let's do this!
All I can say for sure is that, to me, Tool is the second coming of Led Zeppelin!And tool is prog rock.
Even is in with them FFS.If I were still playing Xbox, then I'd fuck off without hesitation.
Fuck major Nelson and fuck Microsoft for sucking their clitty sjw dicks.
You won't get another fucking cent from me. I won't even buy your games on PC.
Infested cucks.
Even is in with them FFS.
Even is in with them FFS.
The mind virus has infected corporations like crazy. They're all terrified of getting labeled by twitter mobs because they know all business partners/sponsors are just as terrified and have to pull out of deals the second the McCarthyism label has been applied to any party.What bothers me the most is why the industry professionals participate on RE to begin with? That's the appeal compared to Neogaf?
Anti Black Lives Matter?Heaven forbid anyone should be anti-BLM.
Anti Black Lives Matter?
Doesn't that, literally, mean you are against black lives mattering?
Black lives matter only exists to make sure that all lives matter. Cops, institutions etc. All are run in a where black people are treated as though they are worthless. That black people can be killed, marginalized, without protection from the justice system. So BLM is a literal response to say to the system that black lives do matter. It honestly doesn't get any simpler.
What? Where? How? Source!?!
Repost because this is the appropriate thread
Resetera Takes 🏳️🌈 on Twitter: "Some might ask "what about devs???…
archived 11 Mar 2020 19:16:13
Told you.
Did George Floyd shoot anyone? Did that woman who was murdered in her own home? Are you serious?I think the cops would shoot black people less if they'd stop firing at the police.
It means you're against the group BLM.Anti Black Lives Matter?
Doesn't that, literally, mean you are against black lives mattering?
Black lives matter only exists to make sure that all lives matter. Cops, institutions etc. All are run in a where black people are treated as though they are worthless. That black people can be killed, marginalized, without protection from the justice system. So BLM is a literal response to say to the system that black lives do matter. It honestly doesn't get any simpler.
And no the suffering of black americans isn't a thing that's up for discussion. You saw a video of a human being being murdered over the span of 8 minutes. If you turn a blind eye to this, you lack empathy and the racism is strong in you.
I think the cops would shoot black people less if they'd stop firing at the police.
BLM is headed by Susan Rosenberg. A convicted terrorist.It means you're against the group BLM.
Firstly, this is the worst time for Microsoft to get involved in this shit. These incidents are like powder kegs and they have all their new console stuff coming out. Even if it is just paying lip service it is absolutely stupid.
This is why that site is the worst bunch of hypocrites in the world. Remember Jessica Price and her friend, at that time you could easily say no-one needs to lose their jobs for stupid shit said on twitter. Equally true is you are stupid enough to post stupid shit on public twitter, you have no-one to blame but yourself. It's also true that people can use stupid derogatory and racist language and not be actual racists, just do it for the lulz and reactions. Which are so easy to fish for these days.
Trust me, the pressure of all these sponsors and companies, the dangling of facebook and the constant bullshit on twitter, regulation is coming. Self governance won't be enough and when you have very strange relationships between corporations and 'independent' platforms - then it's a recipe for corruption and disaster. We will have an 'independent' regulation committee that reviews and decides what to publish and censor while shit like this goes on:
This is already happening at a macro level on the internet at places like Reddit, SA etc. if you look holistically, where no decision making or authority resides but social power exists.
People who discuss these issues either fall onto the side of 'wanting the win' for their side, or want to discuss the broader topic beyond the individual. However, if yuo try to do the latter, you get called racist and al the other shit because you're not supporting cancelling assholes. Which is a very naive and stunted way to look at this.
It means you're against the group BLM.