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Ghost of Tsushima |OT| - Summer blade cuts through, the PlayStation shall go on, this is its swan song


It’s a bit unfortunate how the English subs for Japanese feel a tad half-assed. I’m finding it far more engrossing in Japanese, but they exclude a notable amount of dialogue....stuff like Jin speaking to his mount, and also reminiscing about the world. I just entered Komodo town and in English he says something about how run down it was, he still says something as he enters the town but no subs.

The exclusion of NPCs I can understand better as oftentimes they talk over one another and it’d be hard to get all of the chatter, but Jin should always be subbed.


Reading some rough translated Japanese comments on various social media platforms about the game has been interesting and entertaining.

It ranges from confusion about it "really?" being a western developed game, frustration that it was foreigners who reminded them of how beautiful their own country can be, to dissatisfaction and disappointment in their own internal studios for not having provided/being incapable of producing an equivalent historical period drama, with a serious/semi-realistic tone, without compromising it some way (pretty boy leads or being wacky). One user went after Koei and how unserious their historical and musou games are. Another user even went so far as to say that its a game only a western studio would be able to make because they can see Japan from a objective angle.

Some folks are expressing a sincere and deep gratitude towards Sucker punch for making such a game. Some are already saying its a certified GOTY (Its funny they use the expression "God game"/"godly game" to denote a really good game). They generally seem to be postive and/or in awe.

Suggestions for new places in a sequel have already been thrown around with locations like Sekigahara, fukuoka, and, Hakata. I guess, Sucker punch managed to create something that resonates very well with the Japanese gaming community and couple with that with the priaise from Nagoshi it looks like they outdid themselves. Looking forward to giving it a shot some time.
the problem is not many people game on consoles in japan like they do in the west, i think it’s the over reliance on trains and the work you to death business culture doesn’t allow for much free time or if they do play it’s on mobile, unlike the US where most jobs hours are reasonable and everyone drives. so it’s a big risk to make a AAA title and why they only seem to make musou, final fantasy, tales, or yakuza games, games they know will sell


I'm still working on the game, still in the middle of act 2. There are just so many side quests. I keep wanting to put it aside so I can not breeze through all of it too quickly, but every time I think about playing something else for a bit, I just wanna come back to this constantly.

Also, this gave me a good laugh lol



I'm still working on the game, still in the middle of act 2. There are just so many side quests. I keep wanting to put it aside so I can not breeze through all of it too quickly, but every time I think about playing something else for a bit, I just wanna come back to this constantly.

Also, this gave me a good laugh lol

ELO are great...


Finished the story today, was okay. I‘ll probably get the platinum for this even though I hate collectible grinding in games... at least the fast travel should make this one quick.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
So just started Act III

Not a fan of the game locking you out of the other areas... just hate when games do this in general.


So just started Act III

Not a fan of the game locking you out of the other areas... just hate when games do this in general.
I wasn't happy too because I just went there to pickup a charm and couldn't go back to what I was doing, but
I did the story missions until it unlocked and it didn't take too much time (basically finishing the main story)


Gold Member
I noticed stealth got a lot more difficult towards end of act ii especially as some areas are large in the forts. Is it worth levelling the ronin outift or just power through?


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I wasn't happy too because I just went there to pickup a charm and couldn't go back to what I was doing, but
I did the story missions until it unlocked and it didn't take too much time (basically finishing the main story)
Yes I assume the answer to my problem is "play the game the exact opposite of how you want to to get out of that" lol

Just not something an open world game should ever do IMO.


Gold Member
I noticed stealth got a lot more difficult towards end of act ii especially as some areas are large in the forts. Is it worth levelling the ronin outift or just power through?

Personally that was the first one I maxed out, but there are better outfits so if you're tight on resources I'd say power through
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So...the cold mechanic? is that just there for shit and giggles and one side quest? I really want a sequel since in a DLC we won't get new features and there are clearly things cut like the organic couple of side quests that made it in, the pillars of white smoke that somehow became redundant once you are introduced to the map markers and the cold mechanic now that doesn't make much sense right now. Also after finishing it...this sure as hell had some karmic mechanic that was cut, the dialogue choices are a sign of it too i think.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm wondering if Sucker Punch originally planned to have no map. It feels like the game is close to not needing one.

Maybe the wind was meant to always guide the player to the next quest location, while the birds & foxes would lead us to side stuff. Total immersion. Maybe as the game world got bigger, with more quest-lines, it just became apparent that a map (& fast travel) would be necessary.

I dunno. Just a thought.


I'm wondering if Sucker Punch originally planned to have no map. It feels like the game is close to not needing one.

Maybe the wind was meant to always guide the player to the next quest location, while the birds & foxes would lead us to side stuff. Total immersion. Maybe as the game world got bigger, with more quest-lines, it just became apparent that a map (& fast travel) would be necessary.

I dunno. Just a thought.
i previously propposed that the white smoke colums are all points of interest, meaning quests or something else and that the only missing link it's the ability to set your wind to them. There would be no need for those markers with quests in the map anymore, the journal mentioning locations and the ability to follow smoke would be enough (even more so since the rest of the collectibles can be found through foxes and birds)


So...the cold mechanic? is that just there for shit and giggles and one side quest? I really want a sequel since in a DLC we won't get new features and there are clearly things cut like the organic couple of side quests that made it in, the pillars of white smoke that somehow became redundant once you are introduced to the map markers and the cold mechanic now that doesn't make much sense right now. Also after finishing it...this sure as hell had some karmic mechanic that was cut, the dialogue choices are a sign of it too i think.
I agree, but one of the things that I like about the game is that it’s cut a lot of the usual fat.
I think the biggest indicator of what you are talking about are the foxes, which guide you to the den but have an indicator for the fox — this mechanic is pretty redundant unless the game was designed like you say.

Having said that the game does have a very ‘play as you want’ style to it. It’s criminally easy if you use the ghost weapons, so it kind of forces you to be disciplined if you want to get the most out of the games combat. I like this very much as it plays into the story — but also kid of hints that you don’t need to use the map if you don’t want to. A lot of Japanese games work like this. They just present difficulty options in game and ask you to chose, through your own play style what difficulty you want. Western games not so much, so its cool to see that sort of thing here. Personally I loved trying to get clean kills and think the game benefits hugely from the new harder difficulty mode.


After beating the game, I think the biggest criticism to the story was that the tension between Jin and his uncle just seemed forced, from a storytelling perspective I can see what they were trying to do, but it just seemed nonsensical that Jin and his uncle couldn't come up with some middle of the road alternative, Jin didn't need to poison the entire mongol army, he could've sneaked in and disabled their artillery or spied on their plans, etc., Jin saved his life and to see his uncle turn on him so quickly especially knowing his battle success and him being essential to his campaign as his top commander and best soldier it seemed forced and only done because the plot demanded it, his uncle even admits he had to work with unsavory types in the past so why all of a sudden is he completely rigid when it comes to Jin especially while they are in the middle of fighting a guerrilla war with the lives of thousands on the line against a known dishonorable enemy that uses artillery for crissakes. I also didn't think Taka's death would move me as much as it did but it definitely got to me that was a scene straight out of mortal kombat and seeing it done to such a friendly character was unnerving even though I suspected he may die at some point in the game. I thought yuna was okay but could've benefited from a younger actress, in fact I thought the person who played yuna would've been good for the role of masako (and I would also get rid of the unneccessary shoehorned in lesbian lover side story) and they should've gone for a younger female for yuna and one that actually looked japanese and not southeast asian

I would say most underrated thing about the story are the side quests a lot of times they are written with as much care as the main storyline or the tales of tsuhima episodes and you can tell the writers were heavily influenced from old japanese cinema and kurosawa movie, the themes were dark but very familiar if you love that genre. I felt these little stories added tension and a sense of loss and desperation, and did a good job of making it feel like you were fighting in the middle of an invasion.



I know gymwolf likes to hate on the combat saying it's too easy etc. But what I appreciate is the amount of options the game gives you, I love thinking up combos in my head and than trying to see if they work in real time and the game allows you that freedom for the most part. I guess I subscribe more to the devil may cry philosophy where I'm more into the combat for the flashiness and combos and I'm not necessarily too hung up on difficulty. That said, I did wish they had better enemy varieties and bosses with more personality and different styles (although I loved dueling the straw hats which was very well done).


Made it to act 2 and went back down south to complete everything. Hopefully get it all wrapped up tonight.

Holy crap do I like the ability to be teleported to the beginning of the shrine once completed. All these small little time savers are so nice to see in an open world game. Can actually play in shorts bursts and still get a few things done.
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I did everything on the map but some of the trophies aren't popping like all tales done or all fox/springs/etc found...
Two tales are not on the map and you are probably missing one of the shrines or the hotsprings....

It was a hotsprings for me, they don't look very different when they are found but incomplete, so I had to use the guiding wind to figure out which I had missed.
Made it to act 2 and went back down south to complete everything. Hopefully get it all wrapped up tonight.

Holy crap do I like the ability to be teleported to the beginning of the shrine once completed. All these small little time savers are so nice to see in an open world game. Can actually play in shorts bursts and still get a few things done.
Not enough is said about how player friendly the game is. As you mentioned, not having to back track over shrines, missions where the NPC says "we have to go to such and such..." and instead of making you trapse all the way there, quick cut and you're back in the game. The fast travel, the trophies....it's a very accessible game.


That's it. Solid timewaster filler open-world checklist game,done & forgotten. Now what?! Bring on Cyberpunk/Next gen!



So its a pretty average openworld game, samurai far cry, same mission structures strong holds etc

Its not perfect, but the setting and atmosphere is great

Its a solid 8/10......so far


What an extremely cynical, unappreciative and obligatory mindset to play by. Why do you even game if you think like that?
He's been downplaying it and attacking the game since way before it came out.... dunno why. It's very tiresome. It's like he is afraid it will eclipse TLOU2.

Long and short of it is that he made his mind up about the game long before he played it.
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He's been downplaying it and attacking the game since way before it came out.... dunno why. It's very tiresome. It's like he is afraid it will eclipse TLOU2.

Long and short of it is that he made his mind up about the game long before he played it.
I noticed a few of his comments that seemed a bit snide in nature, not sure why. I can understand valid critique as all games have flaws, Tsushima included, but yeah it does come off as almost personal in his manner.


Yep, incredible. How can game that looks this good load so fast from (slow) HDD?

I love how light and shadows works in this game:



Yellow light bounce from the leafs ^
I agree. I don’t think I’ve seen a game do light and shadow better. Last of Us 2 comes close, but that’s mostly baked in.
When the sun comes through the trees, eclipsed by individual leaves GOT is staggering.


I'm not an open world lover but the setting is good and it makes me want to play, but for sure this game cemented what was a lingering sensation I had in the past... I'm fed up with this games, I was enjoying my time with nioh2 more. This will probably be my last openworld game ever, at least I want to finish this one, spiderman and days gone bored me to death in 10 hours, this is still going but as I said just for the setting (gameplay wise I don't see any real innovation)


All the screenshots posted look real nice. Unfortunately, my copy that was supposed to arrive Friday has yet to be delivered. Amazon is just giving me a vague "it'll arrive in this timeframe, if not we'll give you a refund" message. Worse comes to worse, I'll get it digitally like I had to with ff7r.


Finished it last night. It's an okay game, but not even close to being great. It has missed it's time with it's dull open-world and activities in it as I think most of us are exhausted by it in all the other similar games. 7/10 is a fair score to me.
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I know gymwolf likes to hate on the combat saying it's too easy etc. But what I appreciate is the amount of options the game gives you, I love thinking up combos in my head and than trying to see if they work in real time and the game allows you that freedom for the most part. I guess I subscribe more to the devil may cry philosophy where I'm more into the combat for the flashiness and combos and I'm not necessarily too hung up on difficulty. That said, I did wish they had better enemy varieties and bosses with more personality and different styles (although I loved dueling the straw hats which was very well done).
i don't like to hate on the combat, it's just an opinion, we are not children cmon.

and i never said that the game is not varied, between stealth, ninja tools and melee combat is varied enough, it's just too easy, i know that it looks mighty fine when you are good at it, never said otherwise.


That 5 standoff kill trophy is annoying as heck. Whenever I run into a group it‘s 4 or less and all of the enemy camps suddenly stopped offering standoff to me when approaching them on horse or on foot...


That 5 standoff kill trophy is annoying as heck. Whenever I run into a group it‘s 4 or less and all of the enemy camps suddenly stopped offering standoff to me when approaching them on horse or on foot...
Travel back to the 1st area and just ride your horse through a road, you will eventually find a group of enemies with a hostage. Doing it in the 1st area is much easier.
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