Hey everyone. In the spirit of freedom and openness, and in celebration of the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, let's have some fun and give away some games.
The theme of this Photoshop contest is "Mix It Up," from the controversial ad poster in Cyberpunk 2077. Your mission is to Photoshop the poster itself, or elements and/or inspiration from it into other Cyberpunk images, or elements and/or inspiration of it into other video game screenshots (or vice versa), to achieve an entertaining (and possibly a bit politically incorrect) outcome. Material may be suggestive but should not contain explicit nudity. Must be original work. Example: "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Keanu, "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Zelda, "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Keighley.
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Here's an example of how
strange headache
used the source photo to comedic effect back during the initial controversy (sorry Anita!):
We've giving away a total of seven Cyberpunk 2077 keys, one for each respective winner's preferred platform.
Original work only. Include a NeoGAF logo somewhere in the image (as a watermark or easter egg). No explicit nudity, or gore, or overly weird, or hateful stuff. Keep it fun, funny, and PG-13ish. Winning entries may be influenced by the number of positive reactions (likes etc.) each entry receives in this thread. Void where prohibited. Prizes will be awarded at the sole discretion of the administration, and may be withheld or rescinded at any time for any reason. Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Must be a NeoGAF member in good standing to participate.
You have 48 hours from the time this thread is posted to submit your entry. Entries should be submitted as reply posts to this thread.
Good luck!
The theme of this Photoshop contest is "Mix It Up," from the controversial ad poster in Cyberpunk 2077. Your mission is to Photoshop the poster itself, or elements and/or inspiration from it into other Cyberpunk images, or elements and/or inspiration of it into other video game screenshots (or vice versa), to achieve an entertaining (and possibly a bit politically incorrect) outcome. Material may be suggestive but should not contain explicit nudity. Must be original work. Example: "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Keanu, "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Zelda, "Mix It Up" Cyberpunk Keighley.
Reference Media

Alternate view: link
Here's an example of how

We've giving away a total of seven Cyberpunk 2077 keys, one for each respective winner's preferred platform.
Original work only. Include a NeoGAF logo somewhere in the image (as a watermark or easter egg). No explicit nudity, or gore, or overly weird, or hateful stuff. Keep it fun, funny, and PG-13ish. Winning entries may be influenced by the number of positive reactions (likes etc.) each entry receives in this thread. Void where prohibited. Prizes will be awarded at the sole discretion of the administration, and may be withheld or rescinded at any time for any reason. Rules are subject to change at any time without notice. Must be a NeoGAF member in good standing to participate.
You have 48 hours from the time this thread is posted to submit your entry. Entries should be submitted as reply posts to this thread.
Good luck!
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